Guide to the Collection
This collection consists of autographs collected by Grenville Howland Norcross, including autographs of United States presidents, politicians, and military officers; royal figures, military officers, and politicians from Great Britain and France; novelists and poets; performers; artists; musicians and composers; scientists; judges; social reformers; clergy; and many others.
Biographical Sketch
Grenville Howland Norcross (1854-1937) was born on 2 February 1854 to Otis and Lucy Ann (Lane) Norcross. Norcross attended the Public Latin School in Boston, Harvard College (Class of 1875), and Harvard Law School (Class of 1877). He practiced as an attorney in Boston and shared a law practice with his brother, Otis III (1848-1923). Norcross was active in historical and literary organizations, including the Massachusetts Historical Society, the American Antiquarian Society, the Bostonian Society, the Club of Odd Volumes, the St. Botolph Club, and the Harvard Club.
Norcross's father, Otis II, served as mayor of Boston from 1867-1868. The family lived at 9 Commonwealth Avenue, where Norcross continued to live until his death. In addition to Otis III, Norcross had two siblings who lived into adulthood: Laura Norcross Marrs (1845-1926) and Addison Norcross (1850-1873).
Norcross never married. He died at the age of 83 on 12 February 1937 and is buried at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Collection Description
This collection consists of autographs collected by Grenville Howland Norcross, as well as Otis Norcross II, Otis Norcross III, and Laura Norcross Marrs. Autographs include those of United States presidents, politicians, and military officers; royal figures, military officers, and politicians from Great Britain and France; novelists and poets; performers; artists; musicians and composers; scientists; judges; social reformers; clergy; and many others. Among those represented are Abigail Adams, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Chester A. Arthur, James Buchanan, Grover Cleveland, (Buffalo) Bill Cody, Calvin Coolidge, Edward Everett, Millard Fillmore, Benjamin Franklin, James A. Garfield, William Lloyd Garrison, Ulysses S. Grant, Edward Everett Hale, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, Warren G. Harding, Benjamin Harrison, Rutherford B. Hayes, Harry Houdini, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Winslow Homer, Herbert Hoover, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Johnson, Abraham Lincoln, James Madison, James Monroe, Leopold Morse, Robert Russo Moten, Lucretia Mott, Florence Nightingale, Thomas Paine, Franklin Pierce, James K. Polk, Josiah Quincy, Paul Revere, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, George Bernard Shaw, Charles Sumner, William Howard Taft, Zachary Taylor, John Tyler, Martin Van Buren, George Washington, and Daniel Webster.
Many of the items in the collection are letters written to Otis Norcross II, Laura Norcross Marrs, Otis Norcross III, and Kingsmill Marrs. There is some question as to whether all the items in this collection were meant to be collected as autographs; some items appear to be correspondence to Grenville Norcross as part of his day-to-day activities, particularly letters about club activities and donations. Autographs that were purchased from a dealer often have notes and related materials, such as newspaper clippings, engraved illustrations, or biographical histories included with the item. Additional materials are noted in the Detailed Description.
Some items are individually described in the MHS manuscript catalog.
The collection is separated into five series: (I) includes autographs collected in an autograph book; (II) includes alphabetically arranged autographs; (III) contains autographs of groups, arranged alphabetically; (IV) contains autographs that cannot be identified, arranged chronologically; and (V) contains autographs in three oversize boxes, alphabetically arranged.
Processing Note
This collection has been re-processed to create this collection guide. All efforts have been made to identify previously unidentified autographs in the collection, but a number of autographs remain unidentified. This guide may be updated in the future if any of those autographs are identified and placed in the collection accordingly.
Acquisition Information
Gift of the Grenville H. Norcross estate, 1937.
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand allI. Bound volume of autographs
William Claflin (1818-1905)
Joseph Tucker (1832-1907)
Thomas Talbot (1818-1885)
Charles Adams, Jr. (1835-1915)
Charles Endicott (1822-1899)
Roland Usher (1823-1895)
M. S. Underwood
Horatio G[ates] Knight (1818-1895)
Thomas Rice, Jr.
Otis Norcross II (1811-1882)
Oliver Warner (1818-1885)
Jacob H[ersey] Loud (1802-1880)
Charles H[enry] Taylor (1846-1921)
John Morissey
W. H. D. Eaton
D[aniel] Webster Norcross (1826-1903)
Francis Gardner
A. M. Gay
Moses Merrill
C. J. Capen
J[ohn] W. Chadwick (1840-1904)
Franc A. Harris
W. C. Simmons
P. W. Orlando
John S. White, Jr.
W. T. Perrin
A. H. Buck
J. G. Dearborn
W. T. Reid
Geo[rge] W. Minns
George W. Pierce
II. Alphabetical autographs, 1489-1937
This series contains the autographs of individuals, organized alphabetically. Multiple autographs by the same individual are then filed chronologically. Autographed items include correspondence, cutslips, certificates, and legal documents, which are often identified. When possible, the recipient of the letter is noted in the description of the item. Although the majority of the collection is in English, some documents are in French, Spanish, German, and Latin. Autographs purchased by Norcross contain additional materials, included biographical histories, newspaper clippings, and engraved illustrations.
Abbot, Charles (1763-1817)
J[ames] Lackington, 26 October 1789
Abbot, Francis E[llingwood] (1836-1903)
Mr. Davis, 4 December 1875
Abbott, Charles, 1st Baron Tenterden (1762-1832)
Mr. Clift, undated
Abbott, J[acob] (1803-1879)
Miss Grant, [April 1832]
Abbott, John S[tevens] C[abot] (1805-1877)
T[heseus] Apoleon Cheney, 28 May 1862
Abbott, Henry Larcom (1831-1927)
Col. J. S. Nicholson, 26 December 1879
Abbott, Holker (1858-1930)
Nellie L. Thompson, 16 April 1929
Abbott, Lyman (1835-1922)
Professor [William] Sedgwick, 15 December 1900
Abdy, Maria (Mira) [Smith] (1797-1867)
26 December 1858
Abernethy, John (1764-1831)
Mr. Clift, undated
About, Edm[ond Francois Valentin] (1828-1885)
18 January 1879
Aboville, F[rancois] M[arie] 1730-1817
27 August 1795
Acton, [Lord John Emerich Edward Charles Dalberg] (1834-1902)
21 February 1896
Adams, Abigail (1744-1818)
23 July 1797
Adams, Brooks (1848-1927)
12 August 1877
10 February 1904
21 February 1904
Rollo Ogden, 7 October 1907
Adams, Charles Follen (1842-1918)
Mr. Steele, 12 September 1911
Adams, Charles Francis (1807-1886)
E. A. Stansbury, 24 August 1852
Otis Norcross, 18 April 1867
Thomas C. Powell, 30 July 1876
Joseph Healy, 18 October 1877
Otis Norcross, 25 October 1880
Adams, Charles F[rancis], Jr. (1835-1915)
Otis Norcross, 9 November 1869
22 May 1872
Harriet Taylor Upton, 8 February 1887
Henry Jenks, 4 June 1901
Samuel S. Shaw, 18 May 1908
Adams, C[harles] F[rancis] III (1866-1954)
James M. Olmstead, 20 July 1935
Adams, Hannah (1755-1831)
Eliza, 30 May 1812
Adams, Henry (1838-1918)
Grenville Norcross, 28 February 1876
16 March 1914
Adams, Herbert [Samuel] (1858-1945)
Nellie Louis Thompson, 12 December 1926
Adams, John (1735-1826)
Cutslip; also includes Timothy Pickering, [1797-1801]
Cutslip, 29 March 1803
William Temple, 5 May 1817
Adams, John Quincy (1767-1848)
Thomas Boylston Adams, 12 October 1803
Louis Tappan, 27 February 1837
James H. Hackett, 19 February 1839
3 July 1843
Adams, J[ohn] Q[uincy] (1833-1894)
18 September 1879
Adams, Nehemiah (1806-1878)
Reverend James, 27 December 1858
Adams, Oscar Fay
Poem, 2 March 1895
Adams, Sam[ue]l (1722-1803)
Samuel Hodgdon, 27 January 1795
Adams, Samuel Hopkins (1871-1958)
26 December 1920
9 January 1921
Adams, William T[aylor] (1822-1897)
Reverend Henry Jenks, 28 June 1882
Addington, Henry [1st Viscount Sidmouth] (1757-1844)
14 October 1793
Addison, J[oseph] (1672-1719)
24 October 1709
Ade, George (1866-1944)
H. L. Mencken, 18 February 1933
Adge, John
12 November 1878
Agassiz, Alexander (1835-1910)
26 December 1865
Agassiz, J[ean] Louis [Rodolphe] (1807-1873)
20 July 1855
Captain John Bertram, 18 October 1861
23 February 1865
Otis Norcross, 24 June 1867
Aide, [Charles] Hamilton (1826-1906)
20 January 1886
Aiken, Arthur (1773-1854)
Aiken, John A[dams] (1850-1927)
Grenville Norcross, 2 August 1914
C. J. H. Woodbury, 9 August 1914
Ainsworth, W[illiam] Harrison (1805-1882)
20 February 1846
[Albert Edward, (Edward VII) Prince Consort of Wales] (1819-1861)
Benjamin Pierce (B. P.) Johnson, 31 October 1851
Alcott, A[mos] Bronson (1799-1888)
Ednah Dow Littlehale Cheney, 29 August 1850
Alcott, Louisa May (1832-1888)
Ellen Fuller Channing (copy only), 4 April 1883
Aldrich, T[homas] B[ailey] (1836-1907)
"A Arab Welcome" (poem), 1863
7 May 1883
15 March 1888
1 December 1897
7 August 1898
Aldrich, Nelson W[ilmarth] (1841-1915)
Jerome Jones, 14 April 1896
Alexander, William, Lord Stirling (1726-1783)
Evert Bancker, 2 September 1765
Alexandra, [Queen] (1844-1925)
7 January 1866
Alger, R[ussell] A[lexander] (1836-1907)
George Lockwood, 2 March 1900
3 October 1900
Alger, W[illia]m R[ounceville] (1822-1905)
Ephraim Peabody, 9 June 1856
Alison, [Sir] A[rchibald] (1792-1867)
7 February 1846
Allemand, Zacharie [Jacques Theodore] (1792-1867)
24 July 1818
Allen, Frank G[ilman] (1874-1950)
Dr. Payton Smith, 16 May 1929
Allen, Fred[rick] B[ayles] (1840-1925)
Otis Norcross, 9 June 1875
Grenville Norcross, 28 November 1928
Allen, Gardner W[eld] (1856-1944)
Grenville Norcross, 10 December 1910
Allen, [Charles] Grant [Blairfindie] (1848-1899)
9 November 1878
Allen, James Lane (1849-1925)
2 August 1897
Allen, John (1810-1892)
5 May 1841
Allen, Thomas, Jr. (1849-1924)
Grenville Norcross, 8 August 1912
Grenville Norcross, 1 February 1913
Allenby, [Edmund Henry Hynman, 1st Viscount] (1861-1936)
22 July 1935
Alley, John B[assett] (1817-1896)
12 September 1863
Allibone, Sam[ue]l A[ustin] (1816-1889)
18 October 1882
Allingham, W[illiam] (1824-1889)
James T. Feld, 28 March 1861
Allison, W[illiam] B[oyd] (1829-1908)
24 October 1869
Allston, Washington (1779-1843)
Thomas Willis White, 1 July 1842
John Tomlin, 3 February 1843
Alma-Tadema, Sir L[awrence] (1836-1912)
Mr. Shelton, 12 April 1898
Alvord, Benj[amin] (1813-1884)
James Henry Hammond, 2 March 1860
Ames, A[delbert] (1835-1933)
Mr. McDonald, 26 January 1873
Ames, Fisher (1758-1808)
John Worthington, 3 February 1798
John Worthington, 13 April 1799
Ames, James Barr (1846-1910)
Otis Norcross, 9 November 1880
Ames, Joseph [Alexander] (1816-1872)
6 January 1864
Amherst, Lord Jeffrey (1717-1797)
Thomas Hancock, 4 May 1761
Ammen, Daniel (1819-1898)
18 September 1889
Amory, Nancy
7 December 1881
Anagnos, M[ichael] (1837-1906)
Mrs. William Appleton, 2 March 1892
Grenville Norcross, 1 May 1905
Anderson, Mary (1859-1940)
Mrs. Hill, undated
Anderson, Robert (1805-1871)
Oliver Perry Morton, September 1861
William "Bull" Nelson, 4 September 1861
Andreossy, [Antoine-Francois Comte d'] (1761-1828)
30 September 1825
Andrew, John A[lbion] (1818-1867)
10 February 1854
4 April 1862
8 July 1863
J. R. Doolittle, 4 April 1866
Otis Norcross, 27 April 1867
Andrew, John F[orrester] (1850-1895)
Grenville Norcross, 10 March 1891
Andrews, James
Accounting of goods, 1855-1856
Andrieux, Francois G[uillaume] J[ean] S[tanislaus] (1759-1833)
24 November 1820
Anne, Queen of Great Britain (1665-1714)
8 November 1703
Anthon, Charles (1797-1867)
23 September 1854
Anthony, H[enry] B[owen] (1815-1884)
June 1864
Anthony, John G[ould] (1804-1877)
6 November 1860
Appleton, John (1804-1891)
6 March 1883
Appleton, T[homas] G[old] (1812-1884)
Appleton, William Sumner (1874-1947)
Grenville Norcross, 14 July 1906
Arago, Dominique Francois J[ean] (1786-1853)
12 October 1832
Arch, Joseph (1826-1919)
4 March 1898
Arliss, George (1868-1946)
[July 1931?]
17 May 1925
Armstrong, John (1755-1843)
3 May 1805
Armstrong, S[amuel] C[hapman] (1839-1893)
11 November 1870
Armstrong, Samuel T[urell] (1784-1893)
24 September 1813
1 July 1833
Deed, 21 July 1836
Arnold, Benedict (1741-1801)
List of prisoners, 4 June 1776
18 July 1800
Arnold, Edwin (1832-1904)
Miss Goddard, 15 February 1866
Arnold, Matthew (1822-1888)
16 January 1866
Arnold, [Dr.] T[homas] (1795-1842)
15 January 1840
Arrighi de Casanova, Jean-Toussaint (1778-1853)
14 July 1807
Arthur, Chester A[lan] (1829-1886)
General Thomas Hillhouse, 15 August 1862
13 July 1869
12 May 1885
Ashmun, Eli Porter (1770-1819)
28 May 1816
Asquith, H[erbert] H[enry, 1st Earl of Oxford & Asquith] (1852-1928)
2 June 1893
21 December 1917
Astor, J[ohn] J[acob] (1763-1848)
19 December 1829
Astor, W[illiam] W[aldorf, 1st Viscount Astor] (1848-1919)
Adam Badeau, 8 August 1882
Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn (1857-1948)
27 May 1908
Atkinson, Edward (1827-1905)
Mrs. Townsend, 12 December 1890
Atkinson, Lucy Sherrad Finley (1817-1893)
Reverend Charles Kingsley, 29 May 1863
Atkinson, Thomas Witlam (1799-1861)
30 October 1834
Atterbury, Francis (1663-1732)
3 October 1702
Auber, Daniel-Francois-Esprit (1782-1871)
Audubon, John James (1785-1851)
7 June 1842
Audubon, M[aria] R[ebecca] (1843-1925)
26 February 1902
Auerbach, Berthold (1812-1857)
2 August 1857
Augur, C[hristopher] C[olumbus] (1821-1898)
5 September 1864
Augur, C[hristopher] C[olumbus] (1821-1898)
Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (1811-1890)
8 August 1828
Austin, Alfred (1814-1881)
15 February 1902
Austin, Ed[ward]
Austin, J. W.
7 March 1862
Austin, Jane G[oodwin] (1831-1894)
Mrs. Garrison, 15 January 1894
Avery, John (1739-1806)
Treasury directive for Massachusetts Bay (includes transcript), 5 November 1777
Aytoun, William Edmondstoune (1813-1865)
24 February 1865
Babbage, Charles (1791-1871)
18 December 1845
Babcock, O[rville] E. (1835-1884)
Thomas Caute Reynolds, 12 June 1869
Bacciochi, Elisa (1777-1820)
Bachasson, Jean-P[ierre], comte de Montalvet (1766-1823)
2 March 1810
Bachasson, Marte C[amille], comte de Montalvet (1801-1880)
26 September 1831
Bache, Alexander D[allas] (1806-1867)
7 November 1845
Bacon, Edwin M[unroe] (1844-1916)
George Crocker, 16 May 1882
Grenville Norcross, 1 December 1896
Grenville Norcross, 24 March 1911
Bacon, Robert (1860-1919)
17 May [no year]
Badeau, Adam (1831-1895)
18 March 1868
Baden-Powell, George (1847-1898)
Mr. Hill, 2 May 1884
Baden-Powell, [Sir Robert Stephenson Smyth, 1st Baron Baden-Powell] (1857-1941)
Lord Blythe, 24 November 1909
Badger, George E[dmund] (1795-1866)
4 May 1841
Bagot, Sir Charles (1795-1866)
Bailey, Ebenezer (1795-1839)
Dr. James Percival, 16 May 1831
Benjamin Poor, 5 May 1853
Baillie, Joanna (1762-1851)
Henry Moyers, 23 May 1827
Bainbridge, W[illia]m (1774-1833)
Captain Partridge, 29 July 1824
Baker, Geo[rge] P[ierce] (1866-1935)
Miss Pierce, 27 August 1921
Baker, Newton D[iehl] (1871-1937)
H. A. Bridgman, 25 May 1916
Seymour Halpern, 6 April 1929
Baker, Samuel White (1821-1893)
23 January 1887
Balch, Fr[ancis Vergnies] (1839-1898)
Otis Norcross, 18 May 1885
Baldwin, Stanley [1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley] (1867-1947)
Balfour, Arthur J[ames, 1st Earl of Balfour] (1848-1930)
Sir Edwin Arnold, 23 May 1889
Thomas Anderton, 17 November 1891
Ball, Robert S[tawell] (1840-1913)
12 June 1904
Ball, Thomas (1819-1911)
Otis Norcross, 19 January 1879
Otis Norcross, 26 January 1879
Miss Norcross, 24 September 1882
Miss Norcross, 8 September 1883
Ballantine, John
Connecticut colony court order, 20 July 1720
Ballantyne, R[obert] M[ichael] (1825-1894)
12 January 1866
Ballen, M. M.
31 January 1890
Bancroft, George (1800-1891)
Henry Sewall, 14 June 1824
Professor Griscom, 28 March 1829
William Seward, 15 March 1861
Bancroft, Sir S[quire] (Squire White Butterfield) (1841-1926)
Mrs. Hill, 3 July 1898
Bang, W. T.
2 May 1829
Bangs, John Kendrick (1862-1922)
8 November 1898
4 January 1898
Banks, Charles Edward (1854-1931)
Mr. Norcross, 24 February [no year]
Grenville Norcross, 10 January 1925
Banks, Nathaniel P[rentiss] (1816-1894)
Otis Norcross, 1 November 1867
12 April 1873
Banner, H. C.
17 April 1886
Bannerman, [Sir] H[enry] Campbell (1836-1908)
Mr. Morley, 5 July 1907
Barbauld, A[nna] L[etitia nee Aikin] (1743-1825)
Barbour, Ralph Henry (1870-1944)
Grenville Norcross, 31 May 1900
Baring, Alexander, 1st Baron Ashburton (1774-1848)
2 July 1840
10 May 1841
Barker, Wharton (1846-1921)
7 August 1901
Barlow, Francis C[hanning] (1834-1896)
Harry Symthe, 23 April 1866
Barlow, S[amuel] L[atham] M[itchell] (1826-1889)
1 May 1885
Barnard, John
7 July 1913
Barnes, Albert M.
20 March 1893
Barnes, Isaac O.
Court document; Daniel Webster v. Mary White, 14 October 1849
Barnes, J[oseph] K. (1817-1883)
30 March 1864
Barnum, J.
9 March 1792
Barnum, P[hineas] T[aylor] (1810-1891)
12 May 1881
Barr, Amelia E[dith Huddleston] (1831-1919)
Mr. Riding, 17 September 1892
Mr. Riding, 31 March 1904
Barrett, Samuel and Family
Mary Norcross, 13 June 1855
Barrett, Lawrence (1838-1891)
4 November 1885
Barrett, Wilson (1846-1904)
15 August 1885
Barrett, Nathan
Colonel Brooks, 4 July 1778
Barrington, [William Shute, Viscount] (1717-1793)
3 January 1759
Barron, S[amuel] (1809-1888)
10 May 1861
Barrow, Sir John (1754-1848)
26 October [no year]
Barry, Charles (1795-1860)
Includes illustration of Manchester Athenaeum, 25 May 1825
Barry, William F[arquhar] (1818-1879)
5 November 1863
Bartol, C[yrus] A[ugustus] (1813-1900)
29 November 1869
24 June 1872
27 May 1875
Grenville Norcross, 3 June 1875
Mr. Norcross, 9 September 1876
Mr. Norcross, 13 June 1879
2 October 1881
Mrs. Norcross, 11 September 1882
Otis and Grenville Norcross, 5 August 1885
Grenville Norcross, 10 March 1888
Grenville Norcross, 2 April 1888
Mrs. Norcross, 5 July 1888
30 April 1893
Barthelemy, [Auguste Marseille] (1796-1867)
16 October 1843
Barthelemy, [Francois, Marquis de] (1747-1830)
31 December 1798
Bartholier, J.
23 December 1886
Bartlett, John (1820-1905)
Mr. Underwood, 22 September 1891
Bartlett, L. C.
30 October 1877
Bartlett, Robert A[bram] (1875-1946)
26 January 1910
Bartlett, William (1804-1893)
Otis Norcross, 14 October 1872
Bartol, Mary
Miss Norcross, 29 November [no year]
Bartolozzi, Francesco (1727-1815)
30 January 1786
Barton, Clara (1821-1912)
Myles Myers, [1869?]
Bassett, John S[pencer] (1867-1928)
Grenville Norcross, undated
Bastien-LePage, Jules (1848-1884)
May 1881
Bates, Arlo (1850-1918)
18 April 1891
Bates, Edw[ard] (1793-1869)
20 October 1864
Bates, Isaac C[hapman] (1779-1845)
8 August 1840
Bates, J[ohn] C[oulter] (1842-1919)
11 October 1911
Bates, John L[ewis]
31 December 1904
B. S. Ladd, 6 January 1913
Bates, Joshua (1788-1864)
Thomas Aspinwall, 21 February 1819
Baume-Le-Blanc, Louis Cesar, de la, Due de La Valliere (1708-1780)
Baxter, Sylvester
1 October 1915
Bayard, John [Bubenheim] (1738-1807)
24 March 1785
Bayard, Thomas F[rancis] (1828-1898)
Major McDonald, 22 July 1870
12 October 1883
9 April 1883
Beach, Amy M[arcy Cheney] (1867-1944)
Miss Norcross, 19 April 1895
Beach, Michael Edward Hicks, 1st Earl St Aldwyn (1837-1916)
11 March 1887
Beattie, James (1735-1803)
Lord Adam Gordon, 17 April 1761
[Beauharnois, Eugene de, Viceroy of Italy] (1781-1824)
de Beaumont, Charles Marie d'Autichamp (1770-1859)
Beaumont, Sir George H[owland] (1753-1827)
Beauregard, [Pierre] G[ustave] T[outant] (1818-1893)
30 July 1880
Hallie Early, 18 April 1889
Beck, James (1822-1890)
Tally of requested copies of speech, 20 December 1869
Bee, Thomas (1739-1812)
20 April 1768
Beecher, Henry Ward (1813-1887)
29 October 1880
Belcher, J.
Transcript only, 1 December 1730
Belknap, Jeremy (1744-1798)
3 April 1793
Belknap, W[illiam] W[orth] (1829-1890)
9 January 1884
Bell, Alexander Graham (1847-1922)
Charles Swan, 15 January 1902
Charles Swan, 18 March 1904
Bell, John (1797-1869)
J. M. Cabot, 16 August 1854
Bell, S.
18 August 1813
Belloc, H[ilaire] (1870-1953)
28 August 1929
Frothingham, 26 December 1932
Mrs. Frothingham, 26 July 1935
Bellows, Henry W[hitney] (1814-1882)
10 December 1862
Mr. Leonard, Reverend J. B. Forbush, 18 March 1878
Bellows, Russell N[evins] (1842-1914)
Crocker, 25 July 1887
Belmont, August (1816-1890)
John Cunningham, 24 January 1876
British bank note, 18 December 1884
Belmont, Eleanor Elise Robson (Mrs. August Belmont)(1879-1979)
January 1917
Benham, H[enry] W[ashington] (1813-1884)
Otis Norcross, 3 June 1867
Benjamin, J[udah] P[hillip] (1811-1884)
20 February 1855
Benjamin, Park (1809-1864)
19 June 1855
Bennett, James G[ordon] (1785-1872)
Nicholas Biddle, 20 February 1830
[Bennett, John]
Ed (?) Harper, 23 August 1898
Benson, Robert
17 August 1784
Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832)
5 January 1830
Bentinck, Lord {William} G[eorge Frederick Cavendish-Scott-] (1802-1848)
18 December 1844
Bentinck, William, 1st Earl of Portland (1649-1709)
[22 November 1689]
Bentley, William (1759-1819)
George Varnum, 4 April 1810
Benton, Thomas H[art] (1782-1858)
Mr. Adams, 18 June 1825
Includes engraved illustration, 9 December 1856
Beranger, Pierre J[ean de] (1780-1857)
31 August 1855
Beresford, William, 1st Viscount Beresford (1768-1854)
Major Anderson, 8 June 1839
Beresford, Charles [William de la Poer, 1st Baron] (1846-1919)
18 September 1907
2 January 1916
Beresford, Sir John (1766-1844)
6 July 1829
Bergh, Henry (1813-1888)
Luther Marsh, 11 July 1888
Berlioz, [Hector] (1803-1869)
30 November 1855
Bernadotte, Ebba (1858-1946)
Bernadotte, J[ean Baptiste] (1763-1844)
Colonel Steck, 30 May 1810
Bernard, Francis
9 November 1763
28 June 1766
Bernhardt, Sarah [Henriette Rosine Bernard] (1844-1923)
de Bernis, Francois J[oachim] de Pierre(1715-1794)
31 August 1758
Berrien, John McPherson (1781-1856)
30 April 1806
M. Sherman, 30 November 1854
Berry, M[ary] (1763-1852)
1 October 1810
Berryer, [Pierre] (1757-1841)
Berthier, [Louis-Alexandre] (1753-1815)
4 May 1804
Bertrand, Henri-G[ratien, Comte] (1773-1844)
22 May 1840
Besant, Annie [nee Wood] (1847-1933)
14 April 1891
Besant, Walter (1836-1901)
21 August 1890
Reverend J. Wilcock, 10 November 1898
Bessieres, [Jean Baptiste] (1768-1813)
20 November 1797
Bethmann-Hollweg, Moritz August Von (1795-1877)
Copy only, 6 July 1851
Beveridge, Albert J[eremiah] (1862-1928)
Leighton W. Eckard, 13 January 1908
Bibb, George M[ortimer] (1776-1859)
21 December 1844
Bickersteth, Henry, 1st Baron Langdale (1783-1851)
30 July 1847
Bicknell, W[illiam] H. (1860-1947)
9 May 1911
Biddle, N[icholas] (1786-1844)
Bank note, 9 May 1837
5 January 1841
Bierstadt, Albert (1830-1902)
18 February 1860
Biffe, Arthur
4 December 1899
Bigelow, George T[yler] (1810-1878)
29 January [no year]
15 November [no year]
Otis Norcross, 17 February 1868
Otis Norcross, 10 April 1874
Bigelow, Jacob (1787-1879)
9 June 1847
23 February 1869
Otis Norcross, 25 December 1870
Bigelow, Poultney (1855-1954)
Bigelow, Tyler
Otis Norcross, 27 March 1863
Bignon, Louis P. E.
31 August 1808
Billings, Charles Howland Hammett (1818-1874)
Otis Norcross, 5 February 1871
10 March 1871
Billings, Josh [Henry Wheeler Shaw] (1818-1885)
4 July 1879
Billings, John Shaw (1838-1913)
Mr. Bellows, 28 January 1902
Bird, F[rancis] W[illiams] (1809-1894)
3 February 1876
Bishop, Isabella Bird (1831-1904)
Mr. Balfour, 15 November [no year]
Bishop, Robert R[oberts] (1834-1910)
Grenville Norcross, 13 December 1899
Grenville Norcross, 26 April 1906
Bishop, W[illiam] H[enry]
John Eliot Bowen, 3 October 1887
Bispham, David (1857-1921)
Mr. Lord, 7 January 1902
Bismarck, H[erbert] von (1849-1904)
29 June 1901
Bismarck, [Otto Edward Leopold Von, Prince Bismarck, Duke of Lunenburg] (1815-1898)
15 September 1890
Bixby, William Keeney (1857-1931)
Grenville Norcross, 17 November 1909
Grenville Norcross, 11 March 1911
Bjornson, Bjornsterne (1832-1910)
19 February 1902
Black, Jeremiah [Sullivan] (1810-1883)
Grenville Norcross, 31 October 1871
Black, William (1841-1898)
6 July [no year]
Blackfield, Edwin H.
Harrison Grey Fiske, 15 July 1893
Blackie, J[ohn] S[tuart] (1809-1895)
7 April 1883
31 March 1890
Blackley, William
10 February 1890
9 December 1893
Blackmore, R[ichard] D[oddridge] (1825-1900)
4 June 1879
Blackstone, [Sir William] (1723-1780)
18 December 1751
Blackwell, H[enry] B[rowne]
George Crocker, 16 March 1882
Bladen, Thomas (1698-1780)
26 February 1742
Blagdon, George Washington (1802-1884)
2 August 1884
Blaikie, William (1843-1904)
Mr. Chadwick, 20 April 1869
Blaine, James G[illespie] (1830-1893)
Mr. Bell, 20 June 1879
Blair, H[enry] W[illiams] (1834-1920)
14 January 1879
Blair, M[ontgomery] (1813-1883)
24 July 1869
Blake, Mary Elizabeth [McGrath] (1840-1907)
30 December 1887
Miss Norcross, 28 May 1892
Miss Norcross, 14 February 1895
Blanc, [Jean Joseph] Louis (1811-1882)
Mr. Mill, 8 August 1864
24 December 1879
Blaney, Dwight (1865-1944)
20 February 1920
Blencowe, Sir John (1642-1726)
2 June 1719
Blennerhasset, Harman (1765-1831)
D. Woodbridge, 30 June 1802
Blind, Karl (1826-1907)
25 August 1907
[Blount], Charles [8th Baron] Mountjoy, Earl of Devonshire (1563-1606)
Blouet, Paul Leon (1848-1903) [a.k.a. Max O'Rell]
15 January 1890
Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, Fürst von Wahlstatt (1742-1819)
1 January 1802
Boaz, G. R.
30 April 1864
Bodfish, J[oshua] P[eter] Langley
Grenville Norcross, 1 December 1913
Bok, Edward W[illiam] (1863-1930)
Mr. Bridgman, 4 January 1904
Boker, G[eorge] H[enry] (1823-1890)
Otis Norcross, 23 April 1870
10 April 1883
Bolemann, E.
26 December 1815
Bollan, William (?-1776)
23 December 1729
Bolles, J[ohn] A[ugustus] (1809-1878)
9 April [no year]
[Bonaparte, Caroline] (1782-1839)
3 February 1814
Bonaparte, Charles J[oseph] (1851-1921)
20 June 1879
Eugene Hagar, 24 February 1896
[Bonaparte], Hortense [Eugenie Cecile (de Beauharnais) (1783-1837)
13 March 1850
[Bonaparte], Jerome (1784-1860)
13 March 1850
Bonaparte, Joseph (1768-1844)
Bonaparte, Louis (1778-1846)
12 October 1805
Bonaparte, L[ouis] Napoleon [III] (1808-1873)
Bonaparte, Lucien (1775-1840)
19 October 1805
[Bonaparte, Pauline, Princess Borghese] (1780-1825)
19 June 1810
Booth, Ballinton (1857-1940)
11 March 1896
Booth, Edwin [Thomas] (1833-1893)
5 February 1885
Booth, J[unius] B[rutus] (1796-1852)
7 February 1843
Booth, Maud B[allinton] (1865-1948)
11 March 1896
Boucicault, Dion (1820-1890)
15 July 1870
21 May 1916
Boucher, Ferdinand
Grenville Norcross, 22 August 1872
Boudinot, Elias (1740-1821)
30 January 1807
Boughton, G[eorge] H[enry] (1833-1905)
5 April 1880
Bouguereau, W[illiam Adolphe] (1825-1905)
15 June 1893
Bourbon, Louis Joseph, Duc de Vendôme (1654-1712)
6 September 1705
Bourbon, Louis Jean Marie, Duc de Penthièvre (1725-1793)
1 March 1784
Bourbon, L[ouis] Jose[ph de] (1736-1818)
4 May 1743
18 May 1796
Bourmont, Louis de Ghaishes, conte de (1773-1846)
3 November 1824
Bournenne, Favelet (Louis Antoine Favelet de) (1769-1834)
29 October 1820
Boutwell, George S[ewall] (1818-1905)
3 July 1851
30 April 1869
William Baldwin, 20 May 1873
Percy Bridgham, 17 September 1892
Bowditch, Charles P[ickering] (1842-1921)
Mr. Norcross, 4 December 1907
Mr. Norcross, 15 October 1908
Mr. Norcross, 31 May 1919
Bowditch, Henry I[ngersoll] (1808-1892)
Mr. Norcross, 24 October 1877
Garrison, 24 April 1891
Bowditch, N[athaniel] (1773-1838)
12 December 1831
Bowdoin, James (1752-1811)
Thomas Fitzsimmons, 20 May 1784
Israel Williams (includes transcript), 6 August 1785
Bowen, Francis (1811-1890)
R. E. Thompson, 20 March 1882
Bowen, H[enry] C[handler] (1813-1896)
Stedman, 17 November 1869
Bowen, Herbert W[olcott] (1856-1927)
Mr. Bishop, 16 April 1902
Bowles, Francis T.
Grenville Norcross, 28 September 1925
Grenville Norcross, 18 June 1926
Bowles, Samuel (1826-1878)
Mrs. Booth, 13 November 1808
Boyd, Linn (1800-1859)
J. R. Lambdin, 12 February 1858
Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth (1848-1895)
17 April 1890
Boyle, David, 7th Earl of Glasgow (1833-1915)
Robert Crawford, 24 June 1838
Boyle, H[enry] (1669-1725)
Delivery document, 29 July 1701
Brackett, J[ohn] Q[uincy] A[dams] (1842-1918)
Grenville Norcross, 27 March 1891
Bradbury, James W[are] (1802-1901)
Otis Norcross, 27 January 1880
Braddon, M[ary] E[lizabeth] (1835-1915)
Webster, 9 April 1863
Bradford, Alden (1765-1843)
22 March [no year]
Bradford, Gamaliel (1831-1911)
W. W. Clapp, 17 September 1883
Grenville Norcross, 27 January 1892
Bradford, Gamaliel, Jr. (1863-1932)
Grenville Norcross, 12 November 1911
Grenville Norcross, 3 May 1914
Grenville Norcross, undated
Bradlaugh, Charles (1833-1891)
20 October 1873
2 January 1875
Bradley, Charles Smith (1819-1888)
Mr. Norcross, 12 February [no year]
5 February 1881
Bradley, Edward (1827-1889)
4 November 1875
Bradley, Joseph P[hilo] (1813-1892)
Mr. Norton, 6 November 1879
Mr. Nash, 1 November 1887
Bradstreet, Simon (1603-1697)
Arrest warrant for James Morgan, 11 December 1685
Articles of agreement; includes Thomas Danforth and Walt Winthrop, 18 October 1686
Brady, Cyrus Townsend (1861-1920)
James Sheerin, 9 December 1919
Bragg, Braxton (1817-1876)
14 October 1854
Branch, J[oh]n (1782-1863)
William Barton, 20 January 1831
Brandeis, Louis W. (1856-1941)
H. A. Bridgman, 4 June 1916
James Olmstead (includes transcript), 1 August 1932
Brassey, [Thomas] (1836-1918)
Editor of the North American Review, 14 August 1889
Brattle, Tho[mas] (1658-1713)
Payment received from Samuel Shrimpton; Mr. Newdigate (includes transcript), 29 May 1694
Breck, Samuel (1747-1809)
Elias Hasket Derby, 4 June 1787
Breck, Sam[ue]l (1771-1862)
Henry Hollingsworth, 10 April 1833
Breckinridge, John C[abell] (1821-1875)
Charles Woodbury (includes transcript), 19 June 1852
John Floyd (includes transcript), 28 February 1860
Breckinridge, William (1837-1904)
10 August 1858
Bremer, Fredericka (1801-1865)
Breton, Jules [Adolphe Aime Louis] (1827-1906)
7 October 1854
14 August 1892
Brewer, Gardner (1806-1874)
Mrs. Alexander, 15 February 1863
Brewer, Luther A[lbertus] (1858-1933)
Grenville Norcross (includes newspaper clipping), 15 October 1932
Brewster, Benjamin H. (1816-1888)
Mr. Ward, 2 August 1877
Brewster, [Sir] D[avi]d (1781-1868)
27 September 1840
Bridges, Robert (1806-1882)
Mr. Jas. Whitney, 8 August 1879
Bridport, [Alexander Hood, Lord] (1727-1814)
2 November 1814
Briggs, Geo[rge] N[ixon] (1796-1861)
Temperance recorder, 10 December 1834
Samuel Seal, 17 February 1845
6 October 1846
Massachusetts extradition warrant for David Hinsadale of Michigan, 17 July 1847
Briggs, L[e]B[aron] R[ussell] (1855-1934)
Grenville Norcross, 1 July 1915
Grenville Norcross, 14 August 1927
Grenville Norcross, 23 April 1932
Grenville Norcross, 5 April 1934
Grenville Norcross, 17 April 1934
Brigham, H.
30 March 1862
Brigham, Lincoln F[lagg] (1819-1895)
Percy Bridgman, 14 August 1888
Bright, John (1811-1889)
William Bright, 18 December 1843
W. S. L. Hutchingson, 1 August 1849
Whittier quotation, 9 February 1885
Brimmer, J. M.
Otis Norcross, 17 December 1867
Otis Norcross, 19 April 1873
Brimmer, Martin (1829-1896)
Gift acknowledgement from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 21 July 1892
Brinton, B. H.
3 May 1874
Bristed, C[harles] A[stor] (1820-1874)
J. T. Fields, undated
Broglie, [Achille Léonce Victor Charles], 3rd Duke of Broglie (1785-1870)
Le Comte, February 1836
Le Comte, February 1856
Brooke, [Rajah Sir] J[ames] (1803-1868)
Sir Robert Inglis (contains newspaper clipping), undated
Brooke, Stopford [Augustus] (1832-1916)
Grenville Norcross, 26 December 1889
9 April 1914
Brookfield, W[illiam] H[enry] (1809-1874)
Mr. James, 26 December 1868
Brooks, Arthur
Grenville Norcross, 25 October 1886
Brooks, George M[errick] (1824-1893)
Grenville Norcross, 8 December 1890
Brooks, J[ohn] (1752-1825)
Includes illustration, 31 March 1814
Brooks, Phillips (1835-1893)
John Bryant, 21 November 1879
Mrs. Fields, 19 June 1884
Moses Neville, 8 November 1884
Brooks, Sydney (1872-1937)
Munro, 7 April 1905
Brougham, H[enry, Lord] (1799-1868)
3 April 1838
Brougham, John (1810-1880)
12 November 1851
Broughton, R[hoda] (1840-1920)
12 June [no year]
Brown, Alice (1857-1948)
Laura Norcross Marrs, undated
Brown, H[enry] B[illings] (1836-1913)
Mrs. George W. Childs, 10 February 1899
Brown, Howard N.
Grenville Norcross, 17 January 1916
Grenville Norcross, 1 March 1916
Grenville Norcross, 9 February 1920
Brown, J[ohn] Appleton (1844-1902)
Exhibition program, 1899
Grenville Norcross, 28 September 1901
Grenville Norcross, 8 October 1901
Brown, John
Photocopy only, 12 January 1790
Brown, John (1800-1859)
John Brown, Jr., 23 May 1845
Brown, J[ohn] (1810-1882)
August 1871
Brown, Joseph E. (1821-1894)
Major Henry Whitney, 25 November 1865
Brown, William
Elizabeth B. Brown, 26 July 1910
Brown-Potter, Cora Urquhart (1857-1936)
Mr. Carpenter, undated
Browne, A. Parker
Colonel Clapp, 2 May 1883
4 May 1883
Browne, G.
Grenville Norcross, 7 April 1885
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1806-1861)
Browning, Robert (1812-1889)
19 July 1867
Brown-Sequard, Charles (1817-1894)
George Mendenhall, 18 March 1867
Bruce, Phillip A. (1856-1933)
J. S. Carruth, 20 May 1896
Bruce, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Ailesbury (1655-1741)
Includes transcript, 2 March 1703
Bruce, Thomas, 7th Earl of Elgin (1766-1841)
9 January 1806
13 May 1817
Bruix, [Étienne] Eustache (1759-1805)
31 July 1798
Brush, Christine Chaplin (1842-1892)
Mr. Niles, 8 September 1881
Brydges, Edmund
19 June 1753
Bryan, W[illia]m J[ennings] (1860-1925)
27 May 1910
Bryant, W[illia]m C[ullen] (1794-1878)
27 January 1860
Bryce, James (1838-1922)
Mrs. Moore, 20 January 1866
22 August 1884
Mr. Eliot, 25 November 1901
Garrison, 18 February 1903
5 May 1908
Buchanan, James (1791-1868)
25 January 1825
Robert Tyler (includes transcript and illustration), 25 December 1847
Samuel Robinson (includes transcript), 7 January 1857
Buchanan, Robert (1841-1901)
8 November [no year]
Buckingham, Jos[eph] T[inker] (1779-1861)
Buckle, Henry Thomas (1822-1862)
4 June [no year]
Buckmen, John A.
18 August 1862
Buell, D[on] C[arlos] (1818-1898)
General Crawford, 11 May 1885
Buffon, [Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte] de (1707-1788)
2 December 1785
Buhot, Félix [Hilaire](1847-1898)
Includes exhibition catalog, 12 March 1887
12 March 1888
Bulfinch, Charles (1763-1844)
Colonel [John] Trumbull, 23 March 1824
Bulkeley, B[enjamin] R[eynolds] (1855-1930)
Grenville Norcross, 28 December 1905
Bullock, Alex K.
13 September 1864
Bulow, [Bernhard Heinrich Karl Martin von] (1849-1929)
30 December 1899
Bugbee, James McKeller (1837-1913)
Otis Norcross, 3 December 1870
Bumstead, Horace (1841-1919)
Grenville Norcross, 24 March 1896
Bunn, A[lfred] (1796-1860)
S. D. Davis, 22 November 1857
Bunner, W. C.
Mr. Tyrell, 2 October 1893
Burdett, F.
19 June 1834
Burdette, Robert J. (1844-1914)
Charley, 25 March 1895
Burgoyne, J[ohn] (1722-1792)
Major General Heath, 17 January 1778
Burke, Edm[und] (1730-1797)
Burlingame, A[nson] (1820-1870)
Carpenter, 15 May 1862
Burnaby, Fred[erick G.] (1842-1885)
19 August 1879
Burnand, F[rancis] C[ordey] (1836-1917)
Mr. Whistler, undated
B[urne-]J[ones], [Sir] E[dward] (1833-1898)
Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715)
Francis Thistlethwait, 26 August 1696
Burnett, Francis Hodgson (1849-1924)
Burnham, Clara Louise (1854-1927)
18 August 1895
Burnside, A[mbrose] E[verett] (1824-1881)
15 July 1868
25 April 1870
Burr, A[aron] (1756-1836)
4 January 1804
Includes transcript, 23 March 1805
Burrage, Henry S[weetser] (1837-1926)
Grenville Norcross, 15 September 1922
Burritt, Elihu (1810-1879)
13 December 1849
Burroughes, John (1837-1926)
3 September 1896
Burstadt, Albert (1830-1902)
Photocopy only, 18 February 1860
Burton, Richard (1861-1940)
Mr. Bridgman, 24 December 1900
Butler, Benjamin Franklin (1818-1893)
Philip Phelps, 15 October 1850
Major General Sutton, 21 July 1853
General Ulysses Grant, 13 April 1864
James Fields, 15 September 1866
29 July 1873
Paul Butler, 27 March 1875
Butler, James, 2nd Duke of Ormond (1665-1745)
James Brydges, 22 June 1712
Butler, M. C. (1836-1909)
Frank Thomas, 9 March 1881
Butler, Fanny Kemble (1811-1893)
No signature, undated
Butler, Pierce (1744-1822)
7 June 1808
Butler, W[illiam] O[rlando] (1791-1880)
17 February 1853
Butterfield, [Daniel] (1831-1901)
28 November 1861
E. M. Stanton, 14 November 1862
Bynner, E[dwin] L[assetler]
Grant, 8 January 1889
H. Howe, 1876
Byron, Oliver D[oud] (1842-1920)
Cabanel, Alex[andre] (1823-1889)
10 November 1864
7 December 1882
Cable, George W[ashington] (1844-1925)
Mr. Osgood, 10 November 1883
Cabot, George (1752-1823)
Cashiers note, 12 April 1796
President of the Bank of the United States (David Lennox), 26 October 1810
Cadell, Thomas (1773-1836)
15 November 1828; on verso, 28 January 1829
Cadogan, William, 1st Earl (1675-1726)
August 1715
31 January 1725/6
Cady, Daniel (1773-1859)
21 May 1852
Caesar, Sir Julius (1558-1636)
Illustration included without signature, undated
Cain, John
Shipping receipt, 30 August 1828
Caine, Hale
8 October 1895
Cairns, Hugh [M]c[C]almont [Earl] (1819-1895)
20 August 1855
Calhoun, J[ohn] C[aldwell] (1782-1850)
Thomas L. M. Kenney, 24 December 1817
P. Duval (includes transcript), 22 October 1820
J. P. Healy (includes transcript), 28 May 1844
General Worthington, 7 July 1846
Calonne, [Charles A. de Verdun] (1734-1802)
15 July 1773
11 May 1777
Calthrop, Samuel Robert (1829-1917)
21 May 1873
Calve, Emma (1858-1942)
21 July 1892
Cambaceres, [Jean J. Reais de]
10 June 1889
Campbell, George, 8th Duke of Argyll (1823-1900)
5 August 1852
31 March 1870
8 May 1884
Campbell, John, 2nd Duke of Argyll (1680-1743)
Receipt of Exchequer, 1715
Campbell, John, 9th Duke of Argyll (1680-1743)
2 February 1883
6 April 1903
Cambon, Jules (1845-1935)
17 January [no year]
Cameron, Simon (1799-1899)
22 January 1863
5 August 1872
Mr. Hale, 15 December 1872
General Horace Porter, 16 November 1876
Camp, Walter (1859-1925)
Campan, [Jeanne Louise Henriette] Genet (1752-1822)
December 1811
Campbell, C[harles] (1807-1876)
4 September 1832
Campbell, Sir Colin (1792-1863)
7 October 1854
Campbell, Patrick T.
Resignation of Grenville Norcross from Board of Boston Latin School, undated
Grenville Norcross, 19 November 1925
Grenville Norcross, 11 April 1929
Campbell, T[homas] (1777-1844)
9 January 1829
Campbell-Bannerman, H[enry] (1836-1908)
28 October 1884
Canby, [Edward R. S.] (1817-1873)
Mr. Patrick, 16 November 1841
Canning, Geo[rge] (1770-1827)
Includes transcript, 18 August 1815
3 June 1824
Canning, [Stratford de Redcliffe] (1786-1880)
G. Adlard, 14 February 1846
G. W. Crowe, 9 August 1851
Canova, Antonio (1757-1822)
24 February 1809
Canrobert, [Francois C.] (1809-1895)
2 February 1853
[Capel, William, 3rd Earl of] Essex (1697-1743)
26 November 1732
Capen, E[lmer] H[ewitt] (1838-1905)
Grenville Norcross, 14 April 1885
Capoul, V[ictor]
Caracci, Anibale
Illustration; no signature, undated
Cardigan, James T. B., 7th Earl of (1797-1868)
4 March 1842
Carey, Rosa N.
17 December [no year]
Carleton, Guy, 1st Baron Dorchester (1724-1808)
14 August 1775
Carlisle, J[ohn] G[riffin] (1835-1910)
31 December 1888
Carlyle, T[homas] (1795-1881)
Signed illustration, undated
9 July 1853
Carman, [William] Bliss (1861-1929)
14 November 1908
Carnarvon, [George Edward Stanhope Maynaeux Herbert] (1866-1923)
Mr. Sheridan, 1 May 1882
Carnegie, Andrew (1835-1918)
Lloyd Bryce, 13 May 1893
Lord Blythe, 26 July 1909
Carnot, [Lazare Hippolyte] (1801-1888)
2 February 1862
Carpenter, H. B.
Grenville Norcross, 6 April [no year]
Carpenter, Matt[hew] H[ale] (1824-1881)
Colfax, 12 February 1874
Carter, Howard (1874-1939)
Includes drawing by Carter, 25 October 1908
16 January 1909
23 June 1911
12 June 1914
Cary, Alice (1820-1871)
Cary, Annie Louise (1842-1921)
10 February [no year]
Cass, Lewis (1782-1866)
9 April 1835
Aaron Hobart, 23 April 1846
John Quincy Adams (includes illustration), 20 November 1883
Castle, Egerton [Smith] (1858-1920)
23 December 1914
Castlereagh, [Lord Robert Stewart] (1769-1822)
E. Knatchbull (includes transcript), 10 April 1820
Castelar [y Ripoll], Emilio (1832-1899)
Casteries, [Charles Eugène Gabriel de La Croix Marquis de] (1727-1801)
Loan document, 1 January 1786
Cathcart, [William Schaw], 1st Earl (1755-1843)
Report, 20 March 1811
6 October 1813
Catlin, Geo[rge] (1796-1872)
Colonel Norton, 14 December 1871
[Caughnawaga (Mohawk (Kanien:keha'ka) Nation]
Account of interpreters and expenses in Canada, August 1769
Caulaincourt, [Armand-Augustin-Louis de], duc de Vicence (1772-1827)
4 April 1812
Cavaigne, Louis-Eugene (1802-1857)
Cavendish, C[atherine/Katherine, Duchess of Devonshire] (1700-1777)
19 February 1750
Cavendish, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire (1757-1806)
18 November 1796
30 October 1804
[Cavendish, Spencer Compton, 8th Duke of Cavendish, Marquis of] Hartington (1833-1908)
12 February 1866
1 November 1877
Cavendish, William, 7th Duke of Devonshire (1808-1891)
Davis Gilbert, 7 August 1835
Cavendish-Bentinck, William, 3rd Duke of Portland (1738-1809)
24 August 1799
14 November 1800
Cavour, [Count] C[amillo Bensodi] (1810-1861)
Ministry of War, Turin Division (includes transcript), 8 November 1860
Cazin, J[ean-]Ch[arles] (1841-1901)
15 July 1890
Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury (1563-1612)
15 July 1890
[Cecil,] W[illiam, 1st Baron] Burghley (1520-1598)
8 August 1582
Chace, W[illia]m M.
P. Fessenden, 28 April 1886
Chadbourne, P[aul] A. (1823-1883)
18 February 1867
Joseph Healy, 18 October 1877
Joseph Healy, 22 October 1877
Chadwick, F[rench] E[nsor] (1844-1919)
Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, 26 May 1906
Chadwick, John M.
9 June 1904
Chadwick, John R. (1844-1905)
10 February 1900
Chafee, Adna R. (1842-1914)
Colonel Nicholson, 18 July 1906
Chalmers, Thomas (1780-1847)
10 February 1844
Chamberlain, Allen
Grenville Norcross, 6 February 1929
Chamberlain, Joseph (1836-1914)
2 March 1887
Chamberlain, Joshua L[awrence] (1828-1914)
14 December 1869
Chamberlain, Mary [Crowninshield Endicott] (1864-1957)
John, 27 January 1889
Chamberlain, Mellen (1821-1900)
Grenville Norcross, 1 March 1887
Grenville Norcross, 9 November 1893
Chambers, R[aymond] W[ilson] (1874-1942)
19 July 1904
Champeney, J[ames] Wells (1843-1903)
22 June 1892
Champney, B[enjamin] (1817-1907)
Chandler, W[illiam] E. (1835-1917)
Mr. Lyman, 12 November 1879
Chandler, Zachariah (1813-1879)
Fred Watts, 5 February 1875
Chandordy, Jean-Baptise Alexandre Damase de (1826-1899)
16 March 1878
Chaney, Geo[rge] L[eonard] (1836-1908)
Mr. Brimmer, 9 April 1873
Otis Norcross, 28 April 1873
Otis Norcross, 30 October 1873
Channing, Edward (1856-1931)
1 August 1884
Channing, Walter (1786-1876)
Grenville Norcross, 5 January 1906
Channing, William Ellery (1780-1842)
Photocopies only in folder 68; original moved to Channing collection. Includes letter from Eva Channing to Norcross giving him William Ellery Channing's letter.
Channing, W[illiam] H[enry] (1810-1884)
16 January 1843
Chapin, E[dwin] H. (1814-1880)
Reverend Chapin, 15 August 1867
Chaplin, H[eman] W[hite]
Grenville Norcross, 24 June [no year]
Grenville Norcross, 6 July 1908
Grenville Norcross, 17 May 1918
Chapman, Carleton F.
Grenville Norcross, 13 April 1897
Chapman, John (1775-1847)
Deed to tomb in South Burial Ground, Boston, 8 February 1841
Chapman, John Jay (1862-1933)
4 July 1913
Chapman, Reuben A. (1802-1882)
Otis Norcross, 14 December 1868
Chantrey, Francis (1781-1841)
Mrs. Hatchett, 1 January 1826
Chaptal, Jean-Antoine (1756-1832)
29 July 1801
Charles I of England (1600-1649)
Charles II of England (1630-1685)
Also includes Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington, 20 May 1672
Charleton, Robert M.
Benjamin Rand, 13 November 1837
Chartran, Theobald (1849-1907)
April 1892
Chase, G. B.
23 October 1879
Chase, Geo[rge] C[olby] (1844-1919)
18 April 1899
Chase, George H.
26 February 1910
Chase, S[almon] P[oaland] (1808-1873)
John Lean (includes transcript), 7 December 1844
Includes transcript, 28 February 1852
Appointment of David Kimball as Commissioner for the state of Ohio, 18 March 1858
John A. Cisco, 23 July 1861
Chauncey, I[saac] (1772-1840)
23 January 1838
Chauvelin, F[rançois-Bernard de], marquis de Grosbois (1766-1832)
6 April 1795
Cheever, Ames (1686-1756)
Richard Waldron; also includes Sam Gerrish, 30 March 1730
Cheever, David W[illiams] (1831-1915)
Laura Norcross Marrs, undated
Laura Norcross Marrs, 28 July 1915
Cheney, Ednah D[orr Littlehale] (1824-1904)
Mr. Garrison, 27 June 1849
Miss Norcross, 18 March 1895
Grenville Norcross, 1 December 1897
Laura Norcross Marrs, 14 August 1904
Cheney, John Vance (1848-1922)
Mr. Stedman, 6 April 1886
Cheney, Leonard (1821-1902)
Grenville Norcross, 18 October 1899
Chevalier, Michel (1806-1879)
26 January 1854
Cheverus, John (Jean-Louis Anne Madelain Lefebvre de Cheverus) (1768-1836)
Includes transcript, 29 January 1814
Cheves, L[angdon] (1776-1857)
Thomas Swann, 27 November 1820
William Wallace, 20 January 1851
Child, F[rancis] J[ames] (1825-1896)
Mr. Underwood, 13 June 1875
Grenville Norcross, 4 November 1881
Child, L[ydia] M[arie Francis] (1802-1880)
14 February 1844
Child, Thomas
Earl of Granville, 11 September 1761
Childs, Geo[rge] W[illiam] (1829-1894)
Colonel Clapp (includes newspaper clipping), 7 October 1868
Chittenden, Luciens Eugene (1824-1902)
Treasury Department letterhead, 27 October 1862
Choate, Joseph H[odges] (1832-1917)
Henry Denny, 25 June 1872
Henry Denny, 3 April 1900
Choate, Rufus (1799-1859)
Fessenden (includes newspaper article), 30 July 1832
14 March 1836
H. B. Jones and J. W. Hickok (includes transcript), 17 October 1836
2 November 1840
5 June 1856
17 July 1858
Mr. Harvey, 8 June 1859
Choiseul, [Claude Antoine Gabriel de], Duc de Choiseul (1760-1838)
27 October 1820
de Choiseul-Praslin, Charles Felix (1778-1841)
27 October 1820
Cholmondeley, G[eorge, 2nd Earl of Cholmondeley] (1666-1733)
14 October 1701
[Church, B.]
14 July 1840
Church, Frederick E[dwin] (1826-1900)
19 January 1863
Churchill, John, 1st Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722)
Robethon (includes transcript), 3 July 1714
Churchill, Randolph (1849-1895)
Mr. Hudson, 10 May 1884
Sir Edward Bradford, 9 May 1893
Churchill, Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough (1660-1744)
John Evelyn, 17 January 1729
Churchill, W[illiam] W.
Mr. Norcross, 19 April [no year]
Churchill, Winston (1871-1947)
Stephen Williams, 1 December 1900
Claflin, W[illia]m (1818-1905)
Otis Norcross, 26 November 1868
Otis Norcross, 8 February 1875
Otis Norcross, 16 December 1874
Clapp, Henry A.
Grenville Norcross, 28 June 1902
Clarendon, K.
Mr. Alward, 3 August 1867
Clark, Charles Heber (1847-1915)
21 May 1873
Clark, Lewis Gaylord (1808-1873)
Mr. Randall, 8 April 1852
Clark, Richard
Also includes Thomas Flucker, 7 January 1770
Clark, Thomas (1801-1867)
Joseph Story, 21 January 1837
Clark, W[illia]m
9 June 1817
Clarke, [Henri Jacques Guilliame, Duc de Feltre] (1765-1818)
25 January 1808
Clarke, [Sir] J[ames] (1788-1870)
Clarke, James Freeman (1810-1888)
18 April 1860
Mr. Norcross, 19 March 1878
26 February 1885
7 April 1885
13 April 1886
Clarke, Mary Cowden (1809-1898)
Mrs. Moore, 9 April 1848
Clarke, Tho[mas]
Master of Rolls, 26 July 1762
Clarke, Thomas B[enedict] (1848-1931)
Grenville Norcross, 30 December 1892
Delano Wight, 26 April 1921
Clarke, Willis Taylor
15 February 1832
Clay, Cassius Marcellus (1810-1903)
Schuyler Colfax, 30 September 1868
Clay, H[enry] (1777-1852)
Adam Beatty, 4 September 1832
James Austin, 5 January 1836
Clayton, John M. (1796-1856)
22 October 1835
Clayton, Powell (1833-1914)
Mr. G. Rand, 2 April 1876
Clemens, S[amuel] L[anghorne] {Mark Twain) (1835-1910)
Includes illustration, undated
31 July [1873]
Clemmer, Mary (1839-1884)
Clarence Bowen, 15 April 1875
Cleveland, Frances [Clara] F[olsom] (1864-1947)
Mrs. Brown, 18 June 1889
C[leveland], G[rover] (1837-1908)
Herman Chaplin, includes transcript, 22 October 1884
Elizabeth Brown, 24 March 1889
24 December 1890
Clifford, John H[enry] (1809-1876)
Otis Norcross, 10 August 1867
Clifford, Nathan (1803-1881)
27 March 1833
Clifford, [Thomas], 1st Baron Clifford of Chudleigh (1630-1673)
Includes illustration, 31 May 1673
Clingman, T[homas] L[anier] (1812-1897)
Robert Walker, 26 June 1848
Clinton, Dewitt (1769-1828)
30 December 1825
Thomas Lee, 3 May 1828
Clinton, Geo[rge] (1739-1812)
Also includes Lewis H. Scott; appointment of Johannes H. Becker to the New York militia, 22 November 1783
Samuel Mitchell (includes transcript), 13 June 1807
M. B. Tallmadge (includes transcript), 27 December 1809
Clinton, H.
Henry Dundass (includes transcript), 27 December 1793
[Clinton, Henry Fiennes, 9th Earl of] Lincoln (1720-1794)
Receipt for payment, 6 February 1758
Cobb, David (1748-1830)
Henry Jackson, 26 April 1780
Cobb, Howell (1815-1868)
J. Minot, 21 June 1856
30 September 1858
Cobb, Samuel C[rocker] (1826-1891)
Otis Norcross, 10 March 1868
Otis Norcross, 18 January 1871
4 November 1882
Otis Norcross, 5 September 1883
Cobden, Richard (1804-1865)
Mrs. Charles Frances Adams (Abigail Brown Brooks; includes transcript), 8 June [no year]
Joshua Walmsley (includes illustration and transcript), 13 October 1856
Mifflin Dallas (includes transcript), 27 February 1857
Cochrane, John (1813-1898)
30 March 1870
Cockrell, F[rancis] M[arion] (1834-1915)
18 November 1897
Codman, Robert (1859-1915)
Grenville Norcross, 28 August 1889
Cody, W[illiam] F[rederick] (Buffalo Bill) (1846-1917)
20 November 1885
Coffin, C[harles] C[arleton] (1823-1896)
16 December 1868
9 August 1885
Coffin, Sir Issac (1759-1839)
Mrs. [Dolley] Madison, 1 August 1815
Colburn, W[arren] (1793-1833)
James Carter, 17 January 1825
Cole, J. T.
Ben Austin, 5 June 1886
Coleridge, [John Duke], 1st Baron (1821-1894)
24 May 1885
Coleridge, [Sir] J[ohn Taylor] (1790-1876)
9 June 1850
Coleridge, S. T.
Transcript included, 6 September 1826
Colfax, Schuyler (1823-1885)
25 December 1864
E. A. Stansbury (transcript included), 21 March 1868
[Collier, Samuel]
9 May 1873
Collins, B.
Bridgham, 16 April 1888
Collins, P[atrick] A[ndrew] (1844-1905)
Grenville Norcross, 12 September 1881
Collins, Wilkie (1824-1889)
17 February 1867
Collyer, Robert (1823-1912)
Baldwin, June 1880
Colman, R.
5 August 1727
Colón [y de la Cerda], Cristóbal, 14th Duke of Veragua (1837-1910)
22 July 1899
Combs, Leslie (1793-1881)
John Watkins, 10 May 1848
Compton, Spencer, 1st Earl of Wilmington (1674-1743)
12 October 1726
27 June 1728
Cone, John
26 May 1888
Conkling, Roscoe (1829-1888)
17 April 1866
3 September 1883
[Converse, J. S.]
13 July 1892
Converse, James
Also includes Isaac Addington, 28 February 1704/5
Conway, H[enry Seymour] (1721-1795)
Joshua Sharpe, 8 May 1782
Conway, Moncure D[aniel] (1832-1907)
18 August 1893
Cooke, L. P., Jr.
26 January 1868
Coolidge, Calvin (1872-1933)
James Carret, 8 June 1917
Clarence A. Barnes, 13 August 1923
Colonel John Stuart Barrows, 25 May 1925
James M. Olmstead, 7 April 1930
Coolidge, Marcus A.
Grenville Norcross, 23 November 1931
Cooper, An[thony] Ashley (1621-1683)
Includes newspaper clipping, 3 October 1648
Cooper, [Sir] Astley (1768-1841)
Dr. Burns, [1829]
Cooper, James Fenimore (1789-1851)
27 January 1843
Cooper, Peter (1791-1883)
18 June 1853
Cooper, Sam[ue]l
Appointment of Jean Kean to Bank of the United States, 21 August 1792
Cooper, S[amuel] (1798-1876)
7 June 1858
Cooper, William (1754-1809)
14 August 1786
Constant [de Rebecque, Henri] Benjamin (1767-1830)
27 August 1800
Copley, John Singleton, 1st Baron Lyndhurst (1792-1863)
27 August 1800
Coppee, Henry (1821-1895)
C. B. Norton, 4 January 1881
Copper, F.
20 October 1895
Copway, G[eorge] (1818-1863)
B. H. Norton, 23 February 1849
Corbett, Tho[mas] (1687-1751)
18 March 1745
Corcoran, W[illiam] W[ilson] (1798-1888)
21 December 1882
Corelli, Marie (1855-1924)
Sir Wadsworth Wallis, undated
Cornell, A[lonzo] B[arton] (1832-1904)
L. Bradford Prince, 16 February 1877
Corning, William J.
Colfax, 1 February 1872
Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquess (1738-1805)
7 October 1786
Corot, Jean [-Baptiste-Camille] (1796-1875)
Includes paper print of photograph, 10 May 1841
Corrigan, Michael Austin (1839-1902)
Dr. Emmet, 5 December 1889
Cortelyou, Geo[rge] B[ruce] (1862-1940)
Virginia Chandler Titcomb, 29 June 1900
[Corwin, M.]
20 October 1892
Corwin, Tho[mas] (1794-1865)
29 December 1830
Cosway, R[ichard] (1742-1821)
10 November 1810
Cottington, Francis, 1st Baron (c.1579-1652)
30 July 1635
Cotton, Josiah
March 1664
Cotton, John
Warrant for debt payment, 29 June 1773
Cottrell, Steph
Council removal of embargo on ships bound to Ireland and the Isle of Man (includes transcript), 1 July 1778
Couch, A[rthur] T[homas] Quiller- (1863-1944)
27 October 1894
Couch, Darius N[ash] (1822-1897)
1 February 1887
Couldock, C[harles] W[alter] (1815-1898)
C. W. Dayton, 22 December 1895
Countney, F.
18 April 1885
Courbet, Gustave (1819-1877)
2 December 1852
Couture, [Thomas] (1815-1879)
14 January 1873
31 July 1872
Cowper, W[illia]m (1731-1800)
Joseph Hill, 23 August 1766
Cox, Channing H[arris] (1879-1968)
Fitz-Henry Smith, Jr., 28 March 1924
Cox, J[acob] D[olson] (1828-1900)
9 April 1895
Cox, Kenyon (1856-1919)
F. W. Barrett, 9 March 1892
Coxe, Tench (1755-1824)
Jonathan Williams, 21 June 1784
Crabbe, Geo[rge] (1754-1832)
Mr. Ackerman, 25 March 1825
Crabtree, Lotta (1847-1924)
27 April 1904
Crafts, T[homas] (1740-1799)
Major General Lincoln, 21 April 1778
Craik, D[inah] M[aria] (1826-1887)
Mr. Booth, 8 July 1878
Crance, [Edmond Louis Alexis de] Dubois, [de] (1747-1814)
Also includes Lazare Nicolas Marguerite and Antoine Christophe Merlin, 11 February 1795
Cranch, C[hristopher] P[earse] (1813-1892)
31 August 1890
Crandall, Marjorie [Lyle] (1900-?)
T. G. Frothingham, 3 January 1934
Crane, Walter (1845-1915)
Branden Matthews, 6 March 1892
Walter Rowland, 14 November 1891
Crane, W[illiam] H[enry] (1845-1928)
Crane, W[inthrop] M[urray] (1853-1920)
W. Caldwell, 10 October 1900
[Cranfield, Lionel], 1st Earl of Middlesex (1575-1645)
Includes illustrations, 10 February 1622/3
Craven, Elizabeth [Margravine of Brandenburg-Ansbach] (1750-1828)
Mr. Peregaux, 8 August 1801
Mr. Jackson, 1814
C[rawford], A[bel] (1766-1851)
Isaac Smith (includes transcript and illustration), 14 February 1831
Crawford, S. W.
15 August 1879
Crawford, T.
Fred Philip, 15 August 1837
Crawford, W[illia]m H[arris] (1772-1834)
John Kittridge, 4 September 1821
Richard Wilde, 29 January 1833
Cright, Theo[dore]
December 1872
Crittenden, J[ohn] J[ordan] (1787-1863)
28 October 1848
Crocker, William H[enry] (1861-1937)
Grenville Norcross, 1 September 1889
Crockett, S[amuel] R[utherford] (1859-1914)
Includes printed photograph image on paper, 29 December [no year]
Croker, J[ohn] W[ilson] (1780-1857)
Includes biographical entry from journal, signed illustration of The Editor of Boswell's Johnson, and two additional illustrations, 6 December 1837
Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658)
20 October 1650
Crosby, Howard (1826-1891)
21 January 1888
Crowninshield, B[enjamin] W[illiams] (1772-1872)
Lieutenant J. Percival (includes transcript), 20 November 1815
United States President [James Monroe] (includes transcript), 16 June 1818
G. H. S. Dearborn (includes transcript), 7 January 1831
Cruikshank, Geo[rge] (1792-1878)
15 March 1869
13 September 1892
Cullom, She[lby Moore] (1829-1914)
Schuyler Colfax, 18 January 1870
Cullum, Geo[rge] W[ashington] (1809-1892)
4 December 1853
Cumming, Gordon
9 January 1856
Cunningham, Allan (1784-1842)
19 February 1821
Cunningham, Henry W.
Grenville Norcross, 5 July 1925
Grenville Norcross, 4 May 1926
Curier, Georges (1769-1832)
24 June 1843
Curley, James M[ichael] (1874-1958)
Grenville Norcross, 23 December 1936
Currie, [Sir] Philip [Henry]
24 December [no year]
[Curry, Helen Wills]
[September 1935?]
Curry, J[abez] L[amar] M[ichael] (1825-1903)
C. H. Winston, 18 August 1873
Curtin, A[ndrew] G. (1815-1894)
25 September 1873
Grenville Norcross, 1 June 1877
Curtis, B[enjamin] R[obbins] (1809-1874)
Samuel E. Sewall, 26 September 1844
23 October 1848
George Briggs (includes transcript), 3 May 1849
Curtis, Charles
E. D. Bloom, 20 June 1928
Curtis, George J.
Notice of Deposition for John Hammond, September 1841
Curtis, George William (1824-1892)
17 April 1871
Mr. Hobart, 24 May 1884
Curzon, [George Nathaniel, Lord] (1859-1925)
18 August 1911
Cushing, C[aleb] (1800-1879)
Samuel E. Sewall, 20 June 1826
Samuel E. Sewall, 30 January 1836
13 June 1837
Cushing, Edward
Grenville Norcross, 29 February 1907
Cushing, Frank Hamilton (1857-1900)
David Pell Secor, 16 June 1888
Cushing, Harvey (1869-1939)
John W. Cass, Jr., 18 August 1933
Cushing, William (1732-1810)
George Washington, 17 November 1789
Increase Sumner (includes transcript), 15 January 1798
Cushman, Charlotte (1816-1876)
8 September 1868
Grenville Norcross, November 1871
Custine, [Adam Phillipe de] (1740-1793)
10 June 1793
Custine, [Astolphe-Louis-Léonor], Marquis de (1793-1857)
Custis, George W[ashington Parke] (1781-1857)
Richard Smith, 2 October 1839
Daggett, D[avid] (1764-1851)
3 August 1833
Dallas, A[lexander] J[ames] (1759-1817)
25 August 1799
Dallas, G[eorge] M[ifflin] (1792-1864)
Thomas Wilson (includes transcript), 20 May 1822
Virgil Maxcy, 16 December 1830
Dallin, Cyrus Edwin (1861-1944)
Nellie Thompson (also includes her letter to Dallin), 28 April 1928
Dalton, Tristram (1738-1817)
Richard Devens, 19 December 1787
Daly, [John Augustin] (1838-1899)
29 December 1883
Dalzell, John (1845-1927)
11 February 1890
Damas, [Ange Hyacinthe Maxence] Baron de (1785-1862)
7 August 1827
Damrosch, Walter J[ohannes] (1862-1950)
Herman Henri Goldstein, 6 February 1929
Dana, C[harles] A[nderson] (1819-1897)
3 April 1868
Dana, Francis (1743-1811)
Deed; also includes Caleb Dana and Ezra Taylor, 9 September 1763
Dana, Richard (1700-1772)
Court summons, 21 January 1761
Dana, Richard Henry (1787-1879)
28 March 1864
Dana, Rich[ard] H[enry], Jr. (1815-1882)
Otis Norcross, 13 May 1867
Otis Norcross, 23 July 1867
Otis Norcross, 27 July 1867
Dane, Nathan (1752-1835)
4 August 1789
Thomas S. Winthrop, 18 May 1802
Darboy, G[eorges] (1813-1871)
21 October 1853
Darley, H. F.
L. H. Richardson, 8 March 1862
Darwin, Ch[arles] (1809-1882)
4 December 1873
Daubigny, C[harles-François] (1817-1878)
Daudet, Alphonse (1840-1897)
Daudet, Ernest (1837-1921)
Includes response (20 April 1910), 31 March 1910
Davenport, Addington (1670-1736)
Judgement, Mary Sivatt (?) vs. John Bull, 3 July 1694
Davenport, Edward L[oomis] (1815-1877)
Otis Norcross, 29 April 1861
Davenport, Fanny (1850-1898)
28 October 1884
[Davis, A. W. L.]
Grenville Norcross, 6 March 1902
Davis, A[ndrew] McF[arlan] (1833-1920)
Grenville Norcross, 16 March 1904
Davis, C[harles] H[enry] (1807-1877)
Account statement for the Office of the Nautical Almanac, 13 September 1861
20 February 1863
Davis, C[harles] T[hornton] (1863-1936)
Grenville Norcross, 16 February 1932
Grenville Norcross, 14 September 1933
Grenville Norcross, 9 August 1936
Davis, David (1815-1886)
18 May 1877
Davis, H[enry] Winter (1817-1865)
1 November 1863
Davis, J.
L. Blake, 29 March 1854
Davis, Jefferson (1808-1889)
6 July 1851
6 October 1878
Davis, John (1787-1854)
Draft document, undated
Davis, John W[esley] (1799-1859)
Dickerson, 30 March 1837
Davis, John W[illiam] (1873-1955)
James Campbell, 6 September 1921
Davis, R.
10 June 1853
Davis, Richard H.
Mrs. Wetmore, undated
Davis, W[illiam] M[orris] (1850-1934)
Grenville Norcross, 29 May 1923
Davout, L[ouis-Nicolas], 1st Prince of Eckmühl, 1st Duke of Auerstaedt, (1770-1823)
20 October 1801
Dawes, Charles G[ates] (1865-1951)
Thomas G. Frothingham, 29 July 1930
Dawes, H[enry] L[aurens] (1816-1903)
Grenville Norcross, 7 April 1885
Dawes, Thomas
Brief history of King's Chapel, Boston, 1787
[Deane, Charles] (1813-1889)
Otis Norcross, 18 July 1887
Dearborn, H[enry] (1751-1829)
H[enry} A[lexander] S[cammell] Dearborn, 2 March 1812
Massachusetts shareholder certificate, 1 December 1821
George Branford, 20 January 1826
Dearborn, H[enry] A[lexander] S[cammell] (1783-1851)
26 November 1832
Also includes Samuel H. Walley, Joseph W. Tucker, Francis Hilliard, Francis Newhall, 12 September 1844
Dearborn, Samuel
Petition, also includes Nathaniel Folsom and John Calfe on verso, 18 February 1788
Dearborn, W.
Manifest of the Concord sloop, 25 April 1811
Deas, Geo[rge]
General Beauregard (includes transcript), 20 March 1861
de Bourgoing, Paul, Baron (1791-1864)
21 December 1840
Debuke, Thomas
Summons, 21 November 1729
Decatur, [Commodore] Stephen (1779-1820)
John Binns (includes transcript), 22 December 1819
John Quincy Adams (includes transcript), 17 February 1820
de Chavannes, P[ierre] Puvis (1824-1898)
16 July 1884
Decazes, Elie, [Duc] (1780-1860)
16 November 1824
Decres, Denis (1761-1820)
[26 August 1803]
de Haas, M[aurits] F[rederick] (1832-1895)
Albert Reeves, 30 March 1881
d'Herbois, [Jean Pierre] Callot (1750-1796)
Also includes Claude Antoine Prieur-Duverrois, Jean Bon St. Andre, 27 September 1793
Dejazet, [Pauline Virginie] (1798-1875)
DeKoven, Reginald (1859-1920)
Mrs. Monroe, 15 December [no year]
Deland, Margaret (1857-1945)
6 April 1890
Delane, John T[hadeus] (1818-1879)
20 June [no year]
Delano, Columbus (1809-1896)
Bolten and Kelly, 19 July 1841
Demille, James
2 April 1869
de Musset, Paul E[dme] (1804-1880)
5 June 1845
Denby, Edwin (1870-1929)
3 November 1924
Denman, Thomas, [Lord Chief Justice] (1779-1854)
Dennison, William (1815-1882)
Appointment of David Kimball as commissioner, 27 May 1861
6 November 1861
DeNormandie, James
15 January 1895
Mr. Norcross, 17 January 1895
Mr. Norcross, 22 January 1904
Mr. Norcross, 26 May 1905
Mr. Norcross, 12 June 1905
Mr. Norcross, 8 February 1910
Mr. Norcross, 24 April 1916
Depew, Chauncey Mitchell (1834-1928)
John Townsend, 17 January 1891
Derby, E. H.
William Shaw, 24 November 1817
Derby, [Edward George Geoffrey Smith-Stanley], 14th Earl (1799-1869)
27 February 1867
Derby, [Edward Henry Stanley], 15th Earl (1826-1893)
Carlisle, 1 September 1885
Deschaud, Paul
Detaille, Edward (1848-1912)
Devens, Charles (1820-1891)
28 March 1886
Mr. Norcross (includes illustration), 19 April 1886
De Vere, Aubrey [Thomas] (1814-1902)
Devine, Jo[hn] T.
2 May 1894
Dewey, George
13 December 1898
Dewey, Orville (1792-1882)
Baldwin, 20 May 1873
Dexter, Reverend Henry M[artyn] (1821-1890)
Grenville Norcross, 10 April 1885
Dexter, Morton
Grenville Norcross, 7 February 1906
Mr. Adams, 17 February 1908
Grenville Norcross, 29 December 1909
Diaz, A[bby] M[orton] (1821-1904)
Mr. Garrison's family, 11 June 1879
Diaz, Porfirio (1830-1915)
22 September 1891
Dibden, T[homas Frognall] (1776-1847)
24 July 1819
15 August 1831
21 February 1839
Dickens, Charles (1812-1870)
Fields, 3 June 1867
Hillard, 2 November 1867
Envelope with seal, no signature, 1869
Dickerson, M[ahlon] (1770-1853)
9 March 1852
Dickinson, Anna E[lizabeth] (1842-1932)
5 November 1874
Dickinson, Daniel S[tevens] (1800-1866)
8 March 1839
7 November 1860
Dicksee, Fran[cis Bernard] (1853-1928)
15 December [no year]
Dilke, Charles W[entworth] (1843-1911)
11 July 1898
Dillaway, C[harles] K[napp] (1804-1889)
Otis Norcross, 26 January 1875
Otis Norcross, 8 March 1876
Dillingham, Pitt (1852-1926)
Grenville Norcross, 5 November 1897
Grenville Norcross, 16 November 1897
Dimmock, William R[eynolds] (1835-1878)
Grenville H. Norcross, 19 November 1870
13 October 1877
D'Israeli, [Benjamin] (1840-1881)
Francis Espinasse (includes transcript), 6 March 1860
Disraeli, Isaac (1776-1848)
Includes two engravings and signed illustration, undated
Mr. Moxon, 2 March 1834
Dix, D[orothea] L[ynde] (1802-1887)
17 October 1864
Dix, John A[dams] (1798-1879)
Edwin Morgan, 18 August 1862
Dix, Morgan (1827-1908)
19 July 1877
Dixon, Thomas, Jr. (1864-1946)
Mr. Borren, 23 May 1892
Dixon, [William] Hepworth (1821-1879)
Nancy, undated
James T. Field, 11 October 1866
Dixwell, E[pes] S[argent] (1807-1899)
Grenville Norcross, 9 March 1882
Dobbin, J[ames] C[ochran] (1814-1857)
John H. Briscoe, 29 May 1854
Dobell, Sidney T[hompson] (1824-1874)
26 January 1871
Dobson, [Henry] Austin (1840-1921)
21 March 1888
Doddridge, P[hilip] (1702-1751)
Rev. W. Blake, 7 January 1744/5
Dodge, Mary A[bigail] (1833-1896)
New England Trust Company, 9 January 1878
Dodge, Mary Mapes (1838-1905)
Gertrude Strohm, 1 April 1884
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault (1842-1909)
Mrs. Dickinson, 18 July 1892
Dodge, W[illiam] E[arl], Jr. (1832-1903)
Welsh, 3 April 1887
Dole, Charles F[letcher] (1845-1927)
Grenville Norcross, 6 April [no year]
Dole, Sanford B[allard] (1844-1926)
Mr. Hamilton, 19 December 1899
Dore, G[ustav] (1832-1883)
D'Orleans, L[ouis Phillipe] (1858-1894)
3 April 1881
D'Orsay, A[lfred Guillaume Gabriel] (1801-1852)
10 September 1848
Dorset, Thomas Sackville, Earl of (1536-1608)
Also includes Robert Cecil, Thomas Howard, Henry Howard, Edward Somerset, Julius Ceasar, Henry Hobart, [1608]
Doubleday, A[bner] (1862-1895)
18 December 1862
Douglas, L. A.
Persifor Frazer Smith, 8 February 1849
Douglas, William L[ewis] (1845-1924)
Warren Reed, 16 December 1905
Douglass, Frederick (1817-1895)
Gerrit Smith, 14 April 1853
Ticknor and Fields, 22 October 1865
Dow, Neal (1804-1897)
Mr. Wilson, 13 March 1871
Downes, John (1784-1854)
21 March 1837
Drake, Samuel A[dams] (1833-1905)
9 May 1872
Draper, E[ben Sumner] (1858-1914)
Grenville Norcross, 26 January 1909
Drew, John (1853-1927)
Mrs. Van Renesslar, 1923
Elizabeth Bisland, 23 April 1923
Duanes, [W.]
George Templeman, 26 April 1830
Duchaillu, P[aul] B[elloni] (1835-1903)
Redpath, 31 March 1864
Misters W. B. Clark and Carruth, 4 December 1882
Duckworth, [Sir M. Tho[mas]
22 February 1814
Dudley, J[oseph] (1647-1720)
John Buckle (includes typescript), 12 September 1694
Samuel Penhallow (includes transcript), 15 July 1705
Charles Story (includes transcript), 19 March 1710/1
Dudley, Paul (1675-1751)
Deposition of Joseph Pray, 24 October 1712
Belchers, 3 April 1713
Power of attorney document for Fawn Clement to John Oulton and Cornelius Waldo, 6 October 1719
Duer, W[illiam] (1780-1858)
10 May 1836
Duff, M. E. Grant
14 August 1900
Dufferin [and Ava, Fred Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 1st Marquis of] (1826-1902)
27 May 1885
Dufferin [and Ava], Hariot Georgina Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, [Marchioness of] (1843-1936)
Includes illustration, 6 April 1876
Dumanoir, [Le Pelley, Pierre], Comte de (1770-1829)
28 January 1826
Dumaresq, Philip
Also includes Peter Luce, Samuel Clarke, William Dummer, 3 October 1724
Dumas, Alex[andre D.] (1802-1870)
20 April 1796
Dumas, Alexandre (1803-1870)
Dumas, Mathieu
18 October 1833
du Maurier, G[eorge Louis Palmella Busson] (1834-1896)
22 October 1893
Dunbar, Ch[ar]les F[ranklin] (1836-1900)
Grenville Norcross, 19 June 1875
Dundas, David (1735-1820)
19 October 1805
Dundas, Henry, 1st Viscount Melville (1742-1811)
Elizabeth Cunningham, Countess of Glencairn (includes engraved illustration), 15 October 1792
Dunn, Julie C. R.
Mrs. Masse, 12 February 1901
Dunster, H[enry] (1609-1658/9)
Includes transcript, [1650]
Dupin, Andre M[arie] J[ean] J[acques] (1783-1865)
Includes engraved illustration, 29 July 1854
Duportail [Louis Antoine Jean Le Bègue de Presle] (1743-1802)
Duran, Caroline
9 November 1891
Durand, H. W.
9 December 1903
25 April 1861
Durgee, A.
13 September 1862
Durivage, Francis A[lexander] (1814-1881)
E. L. Cary, A. Hart, 20 September 1838
Duroc, Géraud Christophe Michel [Duc de Frioul] (1772-1813)
Duruy, V[ictor] (1811-1894)
12 October 1866
Duval, G.
John Kittredge, 14 March 1811
Duryea, R. S.
W. W. Hardee, 20 March 1862
[Duyckinck, Evert Augustus] (1816-1878)
Dwighe, Timothy
Mr. Rogers, 17 January 1893
Dwight, James H.
General Derreckson, 5 December 1862
Eames, Wilberforce (1855-1937)
H. P. Main, 29 September 1896
Earle, Alice Morse (1853-1911)
12 May [no year]
Early, Jubal A. (1816-1894)
28 November 1876
Easthurn, Minton (1816-1894)
26 April 1869
Eastlake, C[harles] L[ock] (1836-1906)
Includes biography, 24 April 1854
29 June 1801
Eaton, Dorman B[ridgeman] (1823-1899)
9 October 1884
Eaton, J. H.
Richard Smith, 31 October 1829
Eaton, William (1764-1811)
Eliza Eaton, 9 March 1807
Eben, Francis
Removed to William Ellery Channing collection; copy of catalog card only
Ebers, George [Morita] (1837-1898)
26 October 1891
Eddy, Mary Baker G. (1821-1910)
20 September 1886
Eden, [Sir] Fr[ederic] M[orton]
Eden, W[illiam] (1744-1814)
3 May 1789
7 September 1791
Edes, Henry H[erbert]
Grenville Norcross, includes memorial to Edes from The Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 22 January 1911
Grenville Norcross, 26 December 1916
Edes, William A.
17 April 1928
Edgeworth, Maria (1767-1849)
4 February 1842
Edison, Thomas A[lva] (1847-1931)
[Francis] Blake, Jr. (includes sketch), 7 May 1878
Edmunds, Geo[rge] F[ranklin] (1828-1919)
20 July 1866
23 April 1868
[Prince] Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn (1767-1820)
31 July 1817
Edward VII (Albert Edward) (1841-1910)
Victoria, Princess Royal, 1875?
Edwards, Amelia B[lanford] (1831-1892)
Dante Rosetti, 18 January 1849
Egerton, Thomas (1540-1617)
10 August 1598
Egg, Augustus [Leopold] (1816-1863)
David Roberts, 3 November 1858
Eggleston, Edward (1837-1902)
Edmund Clarence Stedman, 6 February 1896
Eggleston, George Cary (1839-1911)
4 March 1907
Eichberg, Julius (1824-1893)
Benjamin W. Austin, 24 December 1885
Elder, S[amuel] J[ames] (1850-1918)
Otis and Grenville Norcross, 26 October 1880
Eliot, Charles W[illiam] (1834-1926)
Grenville Norcross, 18 November 1870
Otis Norcross, 8 May 1872
Otis Norcross, 16 November 1872
Otis Norcross (includes transcript), 10 October 1874
Otis Norcross (includes transcript), 8 December 1876
Joseph Healy, 19 October 1877
Joseph Healy, 24 October 1877
Otis Norcross, 17 February 1879
Grenville Norcross, 2 December 1914
Eliot, Christopher R.
Grenville Norcross, 23 March 1904
[Eliot, Edward Granville], 3rd Earl St. Germans (1798-1877)
8 July 1845
Eliot, Sam[ue]l (1821-1898)
Otis Norcross, 16 February [no year]
Fisher, 11 November 1839
Otis Norcross, 28 May 1867
Otis Norcross, 12 June 1867
Eliot, T[homas] D[awes] (1808-1870)
Otis Norcross, 27 March 1867
Eliot-Murray-Kynynmound Gilbert, 1st Earl of Minto (1751-1814)
11 March 1801
Elkins, S[tephen] B[enton] (1841-1911)
Charles R. Deacon, 9 January 1883
Ellery, W[illia]m (1727-1820)
William Channing, 12 September 1796
Elliott, Maud Howe (1854-1948)
Miss Norcross, undated
Miss Norcross, 21 March [no year]
Miss Norcross, 19 April [no year]
Miss Norcross, 18 May [no year]
Ellis, Earl J.
Mr. Hill, 7 January 1895
Ellis, George E[dward] (1814-1894)
Otis Norcross, 18 December 1872
Knapp, 19 February 1873
Grenville Norcross, 16 May 1883
Grenville Norcross, 26 October 1883
J. C. Green, 23 June 1890
Ellis, James
Also includes Asa Danforth, 6 February 1832
Ellis, Rufus (1819-1885)
Lothrop, 3 June 1867
Mr. Cobb, 9 June 1884
Ellsworth, Oliver (1745-1807)
Peter R. Beverley (includes transcript), 19 May 1800
Elssler, Fanny (1810-1854)
Bennett, 9 June 1821
Ely, Alfred (1815-1892)
L. H. Morgan, 4 May 1860
Ely, Joseph B[uell] (1881-1956)
M. Norcross Stratton, 2 September 1931
James Olmstead, 13 December 1932
Thomas G. Frothingham, 11 May 1934
Emerson, Edward W[aldo] (1844-1930)
Grenville Norcross, 17 November 1906
Grenville Norcross, 9 June 1910
Emerson, Ellen T[ucker] (1850-1903)
Grenville Norcross, 16 May 1882
Emerson, Ephraim
Grenville Norcross, 5 November 1931
Emerson, George B[anell] (1797-1881)
Mrs. Jenks, 1 June 1841
Emerson, R[alph] W[aldo] (1803-1882)
Rufus W. Griswold, 19 September 1844
Wood, 13 December 1866
Ednah Cheney, 25 March 1872
Emerson, W[illia]m (1769-1811)
Samuel E. Sewall, 4 December 1829
Emmett, Theo[dore] Addis (1828-1919)
Mr. Benjamin, 30 January 1892
Endecott, John (1588-1665)
Includes illustrated engraving, 27 December 1653
Endicott, W[illia]m C[rowninshield] (1826-1900)
3 May 1869
Endicott, William
Grenville Norcross, 17 January 1902
Grenville Norcross, 13 January 1923
Grenville Norcross, 24 April 1927
Grenville Norcross, 14 August 1930
Ericsson, J[ohn] (1803-1899)
Ernle, Sir John (1620-1697)
Also includes Laurence Hyde, 1st Earl of Rochester (1641-1711), 22 July 1684
Ernst, Harold C[larence] (1856-1922)
Grenville Norcross (includes two letters written on same date), 5 August 1921
[Erskine, David S., 11th Earl of] Buchan (1742-1819)
Mitchell, 18 January 1816
Erskine, Thomas, 1st Baron Erskine (1750-1823)
Erving, Charles A.
Reynolds, 21 May 1908
Estaing, Charles Henri Hector d' (1729-1794)
General Lincoln (includes translation), 6 September 1779
Estrées, L[ouis Charles César Le Tellier], Comte d' (1695-1771)
Étienne-Denis, duc de Pasquier (1767-1862)
Etty, W[illia]m (1787-1849)
William Jay, 3 February 1823
Eugenie [de Montijo, Empress of France] (1826-1920)
Lord Bishop of Portsmouth, 26 November 1885
Eustis, James Biddle (1834-1899)
Military special orders, 15 February 1865
Eustis, William (1753-1825)
General Henry Dearborn, 28 January 1812
General Henry Dearborn, 30 November 1812
Evans, R. W.
Mr. Sitkur, 17 April 1909
Evarts, W[illia]m Maxwell] (1818-1901)
Gardner, 10 October 1870
Grenville Norcross, 30 October 1881
Everett, A[lexander] H[all] (1790-1847)
Lewis Cist, 14 October 1858
Everett, C[harles] C[arroll]
Professor Noyes, 14 February 1859
Everett, Edward (1794-1865)
Stephen Van Rensselaer, 2 December 1829
14 December 1833
Samuel Sewall, 11 February 1835
General Nathan Harrison, 28 April 1840
27 July 1853
16 December 1853
21 April 1854
Boston Public Library deed of gift for Otis Norcross, 19 January 1858
Mr. Gardiner, 1860
28 September 1860
19 March 1862
Governor Andrew, 27 July 1864
Everett, W[illia]m
28 September 1880
22 December 1881
Grenville Norcross, 18 November 1883
Grenville Norcross, 23 December 1883
Dr. Brown, 15 October 1895
Grenville Norcross, 23 January 1901
Grenville Norcross, 14 May 1905
Grenville Norcross, 2 July 1906
Grenville Norcross, 12 November 1906
Charles Junkes, 11 October 1908
Grenville Norcross, 9 April 1909
Grenville Norcross, 23 April 1909
Grenville Norcross, 4 May 1909
Ewell, R[ichard] St. (1817-1872)
John Marmaduke 28 August 1871
Ewing, T[homas] (1789-1871)
James Worthington, 22 August 1830
Eyetinge, Rose (1835-1911)
11 May 1894
Fairchild, Charles S[tebbins] (1842-1924)
1 June 1917
Fairbanks, Arthur (1864-1944)
Grenville Norcross, 23 February 1910
Grenville Norcross, 10 March 1910
Fairbanks, Charles W[arren] (1852-1918)
E. Brainerd, 23 July 1904
Fairfax, [Thomas, 6th Baron Cameron] (1693-1781)
10 February 1762
Fairholt, F[rederick] W[illiam] (1814-1866)
13 November 1848
Faithfull, Emily (1835-1895)
Mr. Williams, undated
Mrs. Lippincott, 23 July 1882
Fales, Timothy
Arrest warrant, 20 April 1767
Farjeon, B[enjamin] L[eopold] (1833-1903)
6 January 1877
Farley, A[ndrew] James
30 April 1897
Farley, Frederick
10 April 1885
Farlow, John W.
Grenville Norcross, 27 January 1926
Grenville Norcross, 15 February 1931
Farragut, D[avid] G[lasgow] (1801-1870)
J. Frank Howe (includes transcript), 8 June 1865
Farquhar, N[orman] [von] H[eldreich] (1840-1907)
Cheney, 30 October 1900
Farrar, F[rederick] W[illiam] (1831-1903)
Major Northcote, 11 January [no year]
Farrar, Jo[hn]
12 October 1816
Faulkner, Cha[rle]s J. (1806-1884)
Admiral W. Graham, 11 February 1851
Faunce, W[illiam] H[erbert] P[erry] (1859-1930)
Kellen, 10 June 1929
Fawcett, Edgar (1847-1904)
Munro, undated
Mrs. Bunce, undated
Fawcett, Henry (1833-1884)
14 November 1863
11 March 1883
Fay, Theo[dore] S[edgwick] (1807-1898)
3 June 1836
16 March 1850
Fechter, Cha[rle]s [Albert] (1824-1879)
Lester, 9 April 1872
Felton, C[ornelius] C[onway] (1807-1862)
Francis Gardner (includes transcript), 21 May 1856
Fenn, G[eorge] M[annville] (1831-1909)
6 August 1888
Fenn, W[illiam] W[allace] (1862-1932)
Grenville Norcross, 16 March 1911
Fenton, R[euben] E[aton] (1819-1875)
21 March 1859
Ferguson, Adam (1723-1816)
9 January 1783
Ferrero, G[uglielmo] (1871-1942)
9 September 1911
Ferretti, Giovanni Maria Mastai (Pius IV) (1792-1878)
7 September 1830
Ferry, T[homas] W[hite] (1827-1896)
13 August 1872
Fessenden, W[illiam] P[itt] (1806-1869)
James Fessenden, 5 October 1848
Fewkes, J[esse] Walter (1850-1930)
Otis Norcross, 15 October 1893
Grenville Norcross, 29 October 1914
[Field], Cyrus W[est] (1819-1892)
David D. Field, 15 April 1837
3 September 1894
Field, David Dudley (1805-1894)
15 December 1871
Field, Henry Mart[y]n (1822-1907)
George Routledge and Co., includes edited biography, 27 March 1890
Field, Mary K. Keemle (Kate) (1838-1896)
1 May 1869
24 December 1889
Field, W[albridge] A[bner] (1833-1899)
2 February 1880
10 April 1885
Fields, Annie A[dams] [Mrs. James] (1834-1915)
Otis Norcross, 26 November 1872
Grenville Norcross18 October 1873
Also includes Abby W. May, 22 October 1873
Fields, James [Thomas] (1817-1881)
26 December 1873
Otis Norcross, 27 December 1873
Otis Norcross, 29 December 1873
Fildes, [Samuel] Luke (1843-1927)
Also includes Fanny [Woods] Fildes, 28 April 1886
Fillmore, Millard (1800-1874)
B. Hammatt Norton (includes transcript), 6 March 1861
Clara (includes transcript), 24 July 1861
Finch, Daniel, 2nd Earl of Nottingham (1647-1730)
Receipt from Lord Weymouth, 30 December 1690
Fish, Hamilton (1808-1893)
12 June 1850
10 January 1870
Fisher, George P[urnell] (1817-1899)
1 June 1870
Fiske, A[rthur] J.
Mr. Norcross, undated
Grenville Norcross, 11 October 1908
Fiske, Augustus H[enry] (1805-1865)
13 November 1834
Fiske, Gertrude (1879-1927)
Includes print by artist, 11 August 1927
Fiske, John (1842-1901)
H. Erichsen, 19 July 1884
W. V. Kellen, 18 December 1895
Fiske, Minnie Maddern (Marie Augusta Davey) (1865-1932)
Fitch, Clyde (1865-1909)
Fitzroy, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of Grafton (1735-1811)
Joshua Sharpe, 14 October 1783
Flammarion, [Camille] (1842-1925)
1 December 1871
Fletcher, J.
6 March 1858
Fletcher, J[ames] C. (1823-1901)
16 March 1864
Fletcher, J[oseph] S[mith] (1863-1935)
18 July 1926
Fletcher, Richard (1788-1869)
Charles Welch, 27 March 1856
Flinder, Richard
6 December 1697
Floest, F.
Mr. W. Garrison, 16 September 1892
Floyd, John B[uchanan] (1806-1863)
12 July 1856
Flucker, Tho[ma]s (1719-1783)
11 December 1772
Folger, Cha[rle]s J[ames] (1818-1884)
14 March 1881
Foljambe, Cecil, 1st Earl of Liverpool (1846-1907)
20 August 1865
Follen, E[liza] L. (1787-1860)
Mrs. Garrison, 12 December 1840
Foote, A[ndrew] H[ull] (1806-1863)
Mrs. Dix (includes transcript), 20 December 1862
Foote, Henry W[ilder] (1875-1964)
Otis Norcross, 3 February 1877
Otis Norcross, 7 February 1877
Otis Norcross, 27 February 1877
Forbes, Arch[ibal]d (1838-1900)
7 December 1880
Forbes, Duncan (1685-1747)
1 February 1714
Forbes, J[ohn] M[urray] (1813-1898)
J. W. Brooks, 18 August 1849
G. U. Crocker (includes transcript), 1888
Forbes, R[obert] B[ennet] (1804-1889)
Mason and Lawrence, 20 September 1851
Mason and Lawrence, 12 September 1861
Otis Norcross, 19 June 1867
Force, Peter (1790-1869)
Promissory note, 7 June 1832
Ford, Worthington C[hauncey] (1858-1941)
Grenville Norcross, 12 March 1909
Grenville Norcross, 8 November 1909
Grenville Norcross, 21 August 1910
Grenville Norcross, 25 August 1910
Grenville Norcross, 14 September 1910
Grenville Norcross, 12 July 1911
Grenville Norcross, 27 April 1913
Grenville Norcross, 26 April 1915
Foreman, Mary E. Williams
Mrs. Plummer, 9 September 1902
Forney, J[ohn] W[eiss] (1817-1881)
2 February 1854
Fornier, [Edmund] Edward [d'Albe] (1868-1933)
Otis Norcross, 29 July 1880
Forrest, Edwin (1806-1872)
Oakes, 28 July 1871
Forrest, N[athan] B[edford] (1821-1877)
William Rogers, 23 November 1869
Forster, John (1812-1876)
24 January 1846
11 May 1847
Forsythe, John (1780-1841)
Wilde, 10 November 1821
J. Hoyt, 22 August 1840
Fortee, A. K.
30 January 1876
Fortier, L. W.
Grenville Norcross, 4 May 1932
Forward, Walter (1786-1852)
2 December 1842
Foss, Eugene N.
Grenville Norcross, 18 April 1929
Foster, Dwight (1757-1823)
Daniel Lombard, 14 May 1814
Judge Hoar, 20 July 1869
Judge Hoar, 22 July 1869
C. F. Kittredge, 30 April 1877
Foster, John W.
Hamilton Holl, 13 November 1899
Foster, L. F. S.
Grenville Norcross, 18 October 1871
Foster, V. E.
8 July 1870
[Fouquet, Charles] Louis [Auguste], Duc de Belleisle (1684-1761)
13 December 1756
Fouquier-[Tinville], A[ntoine] Q. (1747-1795)
16 April 1794
Fourcroy, Antoine Francis de (1755-1809)
5 May 1795
Fox, C[harles] J[ames] (1749-1806)
Lord Concannen (includes transcript), 16 December 1801
Fox, Elizabeth, Baroness Holland (1771-1845)
Mr. Holmes, 1801
Fox, G[ustavus] V[asa] (1821-1883)
25 November 1865
Charles Cheney, 5 March 1866
Fox, Henry, 1st Baron Holland (1705-1774)
Selwin (includes transcript), 11 January 1756
Includes transcript, 16 September 1762
Fox, Sir Stephen (1627-1716)
Promissory note, 1 June 1694
Foxcroft, Thomas
Also includes Ezeckiel Goldthwait and William McClenachan, 7 June 1745
Francis, Conyers (1795-1863)
16 February 1844
Franklin, B[enjamin] (1706-1790)
Postmaster's bill, 22 May 1746
Includes transcript, 3 April 1773
Franklin, W[illiam] B[uell] (1823-1903)
20 August 1879
Fread, Helen
Grenville Norcross, 1935
Frederick [II, King of Russia] (1712-1786)
18 July 1748
Frederic, Harold (1856-1898)
12 December 1890
Free, S.
George Clocker, 8 October 1894
Freeman, Edward A[ugustus] (1823-1892)
18 February 1882
Freeman-Mitford, John, 1st Baron Redesdale (1748-1830)
W. Caldell, 8 December 1827
Frelinghusen, Fr[ederic]k T[heodore] (1817-1885)
B. F. Robinson, 23 September 1870
Fremont, J[essie] B[enton] (1824-1902)
Mrs. Townsend, undated
Fremont, John Charles (1813-1890)
1 January 1860
Thomas W. Evans, 1863
French, Allen (1870-1946)
Grenville Norcross, undated
Grenville Norcross, 4 July 1928
Grenville Norcross, 7 December 1936
French, Daniel Chester (1850-1931)
Solomon Lincoln, 30 January 1903
Frere, Henry B[artle] E[dward], (1818-1884)
28 July 1882
Freycinet, C[harles] de (1828-1923)
Freytag, G[ustave] (1816-1895)
1 July 1839
Frost, Rufus S[mith] (1826-1894)
W. W. Clapp, 11 January 1876
Frothingham, N[athaniel] L[angdon] (1793-1870)
9 September 1841
Frothingham, O[ctavius] B[rooks] (1822-1895)
25 December 1881
Frothingham, Paul R[evere] (1864-1926)
Mr. Guild, 25 March 1918
Frothingham, Richard, Jr. (1812-1880)
8 August 1853
Otis Norcross, 31 January 1876
Frothingham, Thomas [G.]
Grenville Norcross, [1920]
Grenville Norcross, [1920]
Grenville Norcross, 30 January 1922
Grenville Norcross, 19 July 1925
Grenville Norcross, 30 October 1930
Grenville Norcross, 2 January 1934
Grenville Norcross, 4 January 1934
Grenville Norcross, 21 June 1935
Grenville Norcross, 23 June 1935
Fronde, James Anthony (1818-1894)
20 January 1874
Graham, 20 November 1884
Fry, Elizabeth (1780-1845)
John Mollet, 7 July 1827
Frye, [William F.] (1831-1911)
January 1883
Fuller, Alvan T[ufts] (1878-1958)
Grenville Norcross, 9 July [1925-1929?]
Herbert Sawyer Kimball, 28 February 1925
Fuller, Arthur Buckminster (1822-1862)
Ellen Reeves Fuller, 9 June 1862
Fuller, M[argaret] (1810-1850)
Sarah Clarke, 10 November 1846
Dwight, 8 May 1843
Fuller, Melville W[eston] (1833-1910)
Duncan S. Walker (includes transcript), 28 July 1880
Fullerton, Georgiana [Leveson-Gower] (1812-1885)
Fulton, Rob[er]t (1765-1815)
Henry Baldner, 28 November 1814
Furness, Horace Howard (1833-1912)
14 April 1881
Furness, W[illiam] H[enry] (1802-1896)
14 December 1883
8 April 1885
Furniss, Henry [Watson] (1868-1955)
Milliken (includes nude sketch), July 1893
Gadsden, Ja[me]s (1788-1858)
H. Dumas, 25 March 1818
Gage, Tho[mas] (1718/1719-1787)
Includes transcript, 30 December 1778
Gage, Thomas H.
13 December 1895
Gaines, E[dmund] P[endleton] (1777-1849)
J. Snelling, 1 November 1822
Gale, Thomas (1635-1702)
Gallatin, [Abraham Alfonse] Albert (1761-1849)
U.S. Treasury circular on value of Russian ruble, 16 April 1812
[James Munroe], 7 June 1816
Galli-Curci, Amelita (1882-1963)
Stanley K. Faye, 20 January 1917
Gallieo, R. C.
Siela Thackeray, 21 November 1887
Galt, John (1779-1839)
17 May 1831
25 February 1774
Gambier, [James, 1st Baron] (1756-1833)
Sir Isaac Heard, 5 November 1807
Gannett, Ezra S[tiles] (1801-1871)
Samuel E. Sewall, 9 October 1836
Harris, 29 December 1850
Gannett, W[illiam] C[hanning] (1840-1923)
2 June 1917
Garat, [Pierre] (1764-1823)
Garden, Mary (1874-1967)
Gardner, Francis (1812-1876)
Otis Norcross, 20 May 1867
26 October 1871
Grenville Norcross, 19 June 1875
Gardner, H[enry]
Promissory note; also includes J. Scollay, Eze[kiel] Price, and P. Boyer, 1 December 1777
Promissory note; also includes J. Scollay, Eze[kiel] Price, and P. Boyer, 1 December 1777
Brookfield, Massachusetts, tax document, 20 May 1778
Gardner, Henry J[oseph] (1818-1892)
Joseph Healy, 27 August 1876
Gardner, J. S. [Mrs.]
Receipt for donation to Ladies' Auxiliary to the Kindergarten for the Blind, October 1892
Gardiner, Marguerite, Countess of Blessington (17898-1849)
Undated, October 1892
Gardner, William
Also includes Nathaniel Folsom, February 1786
Garfield, J[ames] (1831-1881)
Charles B. Norton (includes transcript), [1869]
Horace Steel (includes transcript), 11 January 1877
Garibaldi, G[iuseppe] (1807-1882)
26 February 1871
10 November 1874
Gariland, Francis
Mrs. Cheney, 10 February 1895
Garland, A[ugustus] H[ill] (1832-1899)
6 September 1868
Garland, Hamlin (1860-1940)
27 June 1892
Garman, Samuel (1843-1927)
Grenville Norcross, 17 March [no year]
Otis and Grenville Norcross, 24 March [no year]
Garnett, James M[erar] (1770-1843)
Editors of the National Intelligencer, 26 May 1820
Garnett, Robert S[elden] (1819-1861)
Includes transcript, 28 July 1850
John (includes transcript), 16 August 1856
Garrett, Robert
Jasper, 17 May 1879
Garrison, W[endell] P[hillips] (1840-1907)
18 November 1872
Garrison, William Lloyd (1805-1879)
Samuel E. Sewall, 24 October 1835
William and Mary Howitt, 16 March 1863
Henry Wilson (includes transcript), 20 February 1864
Subpoena, 11 November 1868
22 March 1871
Garrison, William Lloyd, Jr. (1838-1909)
23 September 1901
Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury (1830-1903)
W. J. Houghton, 19 March 1871
W. J. Houghton, 1 June 1888
Gaskell, Elizabeth (1810-1865)
4 January [no year]
Includes image and illustration of burial place, 13 January [no year]
Gaskill, F. A.
Grenville Norcross, 31 May 1909
Grenville Norcross, 25 November 1909
Gaston, William (1820-1894)
Gordon, 17 December 1870
Order given to Edward Atkinson, 10 November 1872
Entry of cases to Suffolk County Superior Court, 9 January 1878
Hesly, 1 October 1880
Gates, Horatio (1728-1806)
Reference for Baron de Woedlke (includes transcript), 17 July 1776
[Gaudin, Martin M. C.]
18 October 1803
Gaugengigl, I[gnaz] M[arcell] (1855-1932)
Grenville Norcross, 24 December 1907
Grenville Norcross, 3 March 1909
Grenville Norcross, [1929]
March 1929
Gay, Sydney H[oward] (1814-1895)
4 February 1852
Gayarre, Charles E[tienne] A[rthur] (1805-1895)
Editor of Lippincott's Magazine, 13 December 1888
Geddes, A[uckland] (1879-1954)
Helen French (also includes letter from Helen to Norcross), 15 August [no year]
Genet, Edmond C[harles] (1763-1834)
James Dexter, 8 January 1827
George [I], [King of England], (1660-1727)
Bishop of Hereford (includes engraved illustration), 26 October 1721
George [(Augustus-Frederick) IV, King of England] (1762-1830)
Includes signed engraved illustration, 13 May 1828
George, [Duke of Cambridge] (1819-1904)
Ellenborough, 21 June 1859
George, Henry (1839-1897)
Ernst Crosby, 25 December 1874
Gerard, Jules
18 March 1854
Gerard, Mau[rice E., Comte] (1773-1852)
Royal Order of the Legion of Honor for M. Blondel, 15 May 1838
Germain, George, 1st Viscount Sackville (1716-1785)
Order, 30 December 1758
Gerome, J[ean Leon] (1824-1904)
Fanny Field Hering, 19 May 1891
G[erome], J[erome] K.
10 April 1893
Gerry, E[lbridge] (1744-1814)
Also includes Jonathan Simpson, 22 October 1808
John Mason (includes transcript), 14 January 1807
Gherardi, Bancroft (1832-1903)
Gibbons, J[ames] Card[inal] (1834-1921)
Mrs. McShane, 23 December 1889
Gibbs, Phillip [Armand Hamilton] (1877-1962)
27 June 1910
Gibbs, W.
24 October 1871
Gibson, C[harles] D[ana] (1867-1944)
16 March 1931
Gibson, John (1780-1866)
Gibson, R[andall] L[ee] (1832-1892)
25 May 1877
Giddings, J[oshua] R[eed] (1795-1864)
William Binney, 1 March 1843
Gilberg, John
6 June 1875
Gilbert, W[illiam] S[chwenck] (1836-1911)
30 January 1908
Gilder, R[ichard] W[atson] (1844-1909)
6 August 1884
Gildersleeve, B[asil] L[anneau] (1834-1924)
J. R. Harrison, 7 May 1882
Gill, Moses (1733-1800)
17 July 1783
Gillett, Fre[derick] H[untington] (1851-1935)
Grenville Norcross, 17 March 1896
Grenville Norcross, 19 March 1896
James M. Olmstead, 27 January 1928
Grenville H. Norcross, 7 November 1924
Gillette, William (1853-1937)
W. H. Hollister, 27 August 1886
Gilman, Caroline (Howard) (1794-1888)
Mrs. Sewall (includes transcript), 9 January 1826
T. K. Jeffs, 19 April 1860
Gilman, D[aniel] C[oit] (1831-1908)
Dr. Gallandet, 4 March 1891
Gilman, J[ohn] T[aylor] (1753-1828)
Moses Dow, 31 July 1797
Gilman, S[amuel] (1791-1858)
Rev. Bernard Whitman (includes transcript), 17 March 1828
Gilmer, Thomas W[alker] (1802-1844)
4 May 1842
[Gilmore, James R.] (under pen name) Edmund Kirke Roberts (1822-1903)
9 May 1864
Gilmore, P[atrick] S[arsfield] (1829-1892)
Otis Norcross, 12 December 1872
4 October 1883
18 June 1883
21 June 1883
Gilpin, H[enry] D. (1801-1860)
27 August 1840
Girardin, [Louis Stanislas Cécile Xavier, Comte de] (1762-1827)
7 December 1799
Girardin, [Rene L[ouis], Marquis de] (1735-1808)
3 August 1796
Gissing, Algernon (1860-1937)
W. M. Clemons, 11 December 1902
Gissing, George (1857-1903)
Miss Sprague, 8 December 1895
Gist, S[tates] R[ights] (1831-1864)
31 January 1861
Gladden, Washington (1836-1918)
2 August 1887
Gladstone, H[erbert] J[ohn] (1854-1930)
Mr. Green, 15 April 1879
Gladstone, W[illiam] E[wart] (1809-1898)
Includes transcript, 7 May 1856
J. Fowler, 22 August 1862
S. Massett, 20 February 1879
W. S. Ogilvey (includes transcript), 19 September 1888
Glasgow, Ellen (1873-1945)
Mr. Johnson, 2 November 1911
Mrs. Colman, 27 March 1926
Goddard, D. A.
31 October 1870
Godkin, E[dwin] L[awrence] (1831-1902)
J. M. Stoddard and Co., 16 October 1883
Godolphin, [Sidney, 1st Earl] (1645-1712)
15 December 1691
Includes two engraved illustrations and transcript, 15 July 1702
Godwin, Parke (1816-1904)
Godwin, William (1756-1818)
28 December 1818
Goff, N[athan], Jr.
29 October 1883
Goodale, G[eorge] L[incoln] (1839-1923)
Miss Norcross, undated
Mrs. Marrs, 8 December 1908
Goodell, A[bner] C[heney] (1831-1914)
Colonel Clapp, 13 April 1883
Goodell, G. W.
Miss Norcross, 1 June 1880
Goodhue, B[enjamin] (1748-1814)
6 October 1783
Dwight Foster, 29 May 1798
Goodrich, S[amuel] G[riswold] (1783-1860)
27 April 1836
7 August 1840
Goodwin, W[illiam] W[atson] (1831-1912)
Grenville Norcross, 16 April 1885
Mr. Jenks, 22 December 1894
Gookin, Daniel (1612-1686)
Also includes Thomas Danforth, 12 November 1660
Gorchakov, Mikhail Dmitrievich (1793-1861)
Gordon, A. H.
6 April 1877
Gordon, J[ohn] B[rown] (1832-1904)
6 January 1877
Mr. Stowe, 9 December 1884
Gordon, Geo[rge] A. (1853-1929)
26 December 1900
Grenville Norcross, 8 October 1912
Gore, C[hristopher] (1758-1827)
Mr. Colman, 26 April 1811
20 October 1819
Gore, C. F.
9 June [no year]
Gorgas, W[illiam] C[rawford] (1854-1920)
Hamilton Holt, 11 December 1913
Gorman, Arthur Pue (1839-1906)
Julian McShane, 23 June 1890
Gorringe, Henry H[oneychurch] (1841-1885)
30 November [no year]
Goschen, George [Joachim, 1st Viscount] (1831-1907)
Includes photographic print, 5 February 1874
Goschen, William H[enry Neville] (1865-1945)
Grenville Norcross, 1933
Grenville Norcross, 10 August 1934
Gosse, Edmund (1845-1928)
8 March 1909
Gough, John B[artholomew] (1817-1886)
Reverend Sam May, Jr., 4 October 1867
Goulburn, Henry (1784-1856)
23 May 1816
Gould, B[enjamin] A[pthorpe] (1824-1896)
1 December 1864
Henry Oliver, 10 November 1880
Dr. Brown, 4 December 1895
Gould, Jay (1836-1892)
Gould, Sabine Baring (1834-1924)
7 August 1878
Gould, Thomas R[idgeway] (1818-1881)
Grenville Norcross, 4 June 1875
Gould, W. F.
John Jenks, 12 November 1883
Gouvion Saint-Cyr, Laurent (1764-1830)
12 August 1815
Gower, [Sir Granville-George Leveson] (1815-1860)
15 November 1832
Gounod, Charles F. (1818-1893)
22 November 1871
Grafton, Charles C[hapman] (1830-1912)
Samuel Shaw, 18 May 1882
Grenville Norcross, 11 April 1885
Graham, George (1772-1830)
Includes biographical statement, 30 December 1817
27 March 1818
Graham, James (1753-1825)
10 October 1804
Graham, J[ames] R[obert] G[raham], 2nd Baronet (1792-1861)
Marquess Wellesley, 5 April 1836
Graham, William A[lexander] (1804-1875)
U.S. Navy orders, 8 August 1850
4 February 1864
Grain, R[ichard] Corney
6 April 1876
Grand, Sarah (1854-1943)
29 April 1894
Granger, F[rancis] (1792-1868)
30 April 1840
Granger, Gid[eo]n (1767-1822)
Ephraim Rook, 8 June 1799
Michael Leib, 12 June 1814
[Grant, Charles, 1st Baron] Glenelg 1778-1866)
Henry C. Carey, 15 February 1838
Grant, F. L.
6 December 1886
Grant, James (1822-1887)
28 April 1871
Grant, Robert (1852-1940)
Grenville Norcross, 24 October 1907
Grant, U[lysses] S[impson] (1822-1885)
Irwin McDonald (contains carte de visite and transcript), 2 May 1882
Grasse, [Francois Joseph Paul], Comte de
December 1778
Grattan, Henry (1746-1820)
9 February 1793
Graves, Abbott [Fuller] (1859-1936)
11 April [no year]
Gravesand, [Carel Nicolaas] Storm van's (1841-1924)
Includes exhibition catalog, 9 January 1889
Gray, A[sa] (1810-1888)
Professor Cleveland, 7 August 1844
Gray, F. T.
20 January 1841
Gray, H.
John Gray (includes transcript), 9 March 1778
Gray, Homer
30 October 1880
Gray, William (1750-1825)
Mr. Watson, 5 March 1798
Gray, W[illia]m
1 December 1872
Greeley, A[dolphus] (1844-1935)
Edwin Howland, 24 November 1884
Edwin Howland, 13 April 1885
Greeley, Horace (1811-1872)
17 August 1868
Green, J[ohn] R. (1837-1883)
8 November 1869
Green, Samuel A[bbott] (1830-1918)
Otis Norcross, 7 September 1883
Otis Norcross, 12 December 1882
Green, Valentine (1739-1813)
Lecture ticket, 177[-?]
Greene, Nath[aniel] (1742-1786)
William Greene (includes transcript), 20 July 1780
Greenhalge, F[rederic] T[homas] (1842-1896)
Mr. Plympton, 14 October 1895
Greenleaf, F. J.
James Russell Reed, 10 December 1894
Greenleaf, Simon (1783-1853)
Thomas Fessenden, John A. Underwood, Samuel Tisdale, 17 December 1840
Harvard University Law reference for James A. Abbott, 14 January 1843
Greenough, Charles P[elham] (1844-1924)
Grenville Norcross, 22 October 1897
Grenville Norcross, 23 September 1912
Grenville Norcross, 28 January 1914
Grenville Norcross, 13 March 1920
Greenough, Charles N.
Grenville Norcross, 24 March 1915
Grenville Norcross, 14 February 1928
Greenough, J[ames] B[radstreet] (1833-1901)
Mr. Haynes, undated
Greenough, Richard [Saltonstall] (1819-1904)
Frances Gardmer, 6 August 1870
Greenough, W[illiam] W[hitwell] (1818-1899)
14 November 1888
Greenwell, Dora (Dorothy) (1821-1882)
Mr. Ticknor, 9 December 1865
Greenwood, Francis W[illiam] P[itt] (1797-1843)
Samuel E. Sewall, 5 October [no year]
Greenwood, Grace (1823-1904)
19 December 1867
Grenfell, Wilfred [Thomason](1865-1940)
Bridgman, undated
8 November 1910
Mrs. Marrs, 11 October 1921
Grenville, W[illiam Wyndham, Baron] (1759-1834)
Sidney Smith, 29 January 1825
Gresham, W[alter] Q[uintin] (1832-1895)
James B. McPherson, 13 December 1863
Greville, C[harles Cavendish Fulke] (1794-1865)
Grevy, Francois Paul Jules (1807-1891)
16 January 1874
Grey, [Charles, 2nd Earl] (1764-1845)
21 November 1814
9 June 1830
Grey, C[harles] (1804-1870)
1 May 1857
Grey, Edward, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon (1862-1933)
Includes illustration and memorial printed material, 14 March 1902
Grey, Horace (1828-1902)
3 March 1891
16 March 1891
Griffis, William Elliot (1843-1928)
Mr. Homer, 30 September 1895
Griffiths, Arthur (1838-1908)
29 August 1900
Griggs, John W[illiams] (1849-1927)
Chester Lord, 24 November 1904
Grimes, Ja[me]s W[ilson] (1816-1872)
To his parents, 20 October 1839
Grimke, Sarah Moore (1792-1873)
16 September 1839
Grimm, Herman (1828-1901)
25 February 1895
28 February 1895
Grisi, Guilia (1811-1869)
7 September 1844
Griswold, John A.
Simon Cameron; also includes John Wool, 21 August 1861
Griswold, Roger (1762-1812)
John Fitch, 7 April 1792
Griswold, Rufus W[ilmot] (1815-1857)
George Roberts, 5 December 1839
Grossmith, Geo[rge] (1847-1912)
Mr. Vallentine, undated
Grote, George (1794-1878)
Dr. Birkbeck, 7 January [no year]
Grouchy, [Emmanuel, Marquis de] (1766-1847)
16 May 1838
Grove, G[eorge] (1820-1900)
21 March 1891
1 April 1894
Grow, Galusha A[aron] (1823-1907)
15 October 1871
Guiccioli, [Teresa Gamba Ghiselli, Countess] (1801-1873)
Guild, Curtis (1827-1911)
Grenville Norcross, 20 October 1896
Guild, Curtis, Jr. (1860-1915)
Grenville Norcross, 11 December 1901
Amory Lawrence, 16 October 1907
Guiney, L[ouise] I[mogene] (1861-1920)
Reverend W. H. Ward, 18 May 1903
Guizot, [Francois-Pierre-Guillaume] (1787-1874)
14 January 1834
Gully, W[illiam] C[ourt] (1835-1909)
13 April 1899
Gurney, E[phraim] W[hitman] (1829-1886)
19 August 1872
Guthrie, James (1872-1969)
John Bertram, 1 February 1856
Guyot, Ar[nol]d (1807-1884)
14 February 1880
Guyot, Maurice
15 December 1937
Habberton, John (1842-1921)
11 December 1907
Hackett, Ja[me]s A.
W. Dunlap, 3 February 1834
Facsimile of letter to John Quincy Adams, sent to D. Webster (includes transcript), 24 July 1839
Haddock, Cha[rle]s B. (1796-1861)
Recommendation for William Dickenson, 27 October 1843
Haden, [Sir Francis] Seymour (1818-1910)
Mr. Keppel, 15 July 1887
Hadley, Arthur T[wining] (1856-1930)
Mr. Wingate, 18 January 1898
Haggard, H[enry] Rider (1856-1925)
4 November 1889
9 February 1892
Haig, Axel H[erman] (1835-1921)
Mr. Kennedy, 9 March 1892
Haldane, Rich[ard Burdon] (1856-1928)
Mr. Saunders, 7 May 1907
Haldimand, [Sir] Fred[erick] (1718-1791)
Philip Schyuler (includes transcript), 1 July 1785
Hale, Charles (1831-1882)
Otis Norcross, 10 October 1863
Hale, Edward E[verett] (1822-1909)
15 October 1862
10 October 1863
Mr. Shepherd, 6 September 1880
Dr. Hale, 15 April 1885
12 December 1889
Miss Rogers, 28 August 1897
Grenville Norcross, 4 June 1907
Helen, 29 December 1908
Grenville Norcross, 25 July 1909
Grenville Norcross, 16 December 1916
Hale, Eugene (1836-1911)
4 October [no year]
Hale, John P[arker] (1806-1873)
Mr. D. Phillips, 4 October 1855
Hale, Philip (1854-1934)
Grenville Norcross, undated
Grenville Norcross, 11 November 1922
D. Wright, 9 November 1924
Grenville Norcross, 16 May 1926
Hale, Sarah J[osepha] (1788-1879)
24 February 1830
Hale, Susan (1833-1910)
Miss Norcross, 22 November 1889
[Halevy, Ludovic] (1834-1908)
Hall, A[braham] Oakey (1826-1898)
10 April 1852
Hall, Arthur
Also includes William Wilsteed, 2 June 1722
Hall, Arthur C[rawshay] A[lliston] (1847-1930)
Bishop of Albany, 21 July 1899
Hall, Basil (1788-1844)
Theodore Sedgwick, 2 July 1836
Hall, C[harles] F[rancis] (1821-1871)
J. J. Hayes, 4 May 1871
Hall, G[ranville] Stanley (1844-1924)
A. M. Lord, 29 January 1890
Hall, N[athan] K[elsey] (1810-1874)
W. Hunt, 29 October 1849
Hall, Rev. [Christopher] Newman (1816-1902)
1 August 1873
Hall, Pauline [Pauline Fredrika Schmidgall] (1860-1919)
Mr. Aronson, 17 November 1903
Hall, Q.
H. W. Chaflin, 28 April 1871
Hall, S[amuel] C[arter] (1800-1899)
20 May 1853
Hallam, Henry (1777-1859)
4 February 1834
Halleck, Fitz-Greene (1790-1867)
Rev. Brownlow, 8 July 1862
Halleck,Henry [Wager] (1815-1872)
Rev. Brownlow, 8 July 1862
Halpine, Cha[rle]s G[raham] (1829-1868)
Miles O'Reilly, 5 March 1867
Halstead, M[urat] (1829-1908)
20 August 1873
Hamerton, P[hilip] G[ilbert] (1834-1894)
L. G. Stede, 26 May 1881
Hamilton, Alexander (1755-1804)
Petition of James Macknamara (includes transcript), 19 November 1792
William V. Murray (includes transcript), 7 October 1800
Hamilton, James A[lexander] (1788-1878)
W. P. Fesinden, 13 July 1864
Hamilton, Paul (1762-1816)
Bourne, 17 June 1809
[Hamilton, W.]
25 May 1844
Hamilton, [Edward] Wilbur Dean (1864-1943)
Nellie Thompson, 15 April 1931
Nellie Thompson, 19 March 1934
Hamilton, Sir W[illia]m (1730-1803)
19 November 1767
Note of fees for Hamilton's swearing in to Privy Counsel; not signed by Hamilton, 16 June 1791
[Hamilton-Gordon, George, Earl of] Aberdeen (1784-1860)
Rev. George Peacock, 12 June 1835
Hamlin, Charles S[umner] (1861-1938)
Grenville Norcross, 21 November 1894
Hamlin, H[annibal] (1809-1891)
Includes transcript, 28 March 1852
P. A. Bridgham, 12 March 1869
H. C. Bowem, 27 February 1888
Hammond, Jabez D[elano] (1778-1855)
Martin Van Buren, 10 March 1816
Hammond, John Hays (1855-1936)
Hamilton Holt, 23 May 1900
Hammond, Otis G[rant] (1869-1944)
Grenville Norcross, 13 February 1917
Hammond, William A[lex] (1828-1900)
30 May 1886
Hampden, Walter (1879-1955)
Rosalind Ivan, 15 September 1925
Hampton, W[ade] (1751-1835)
7 September 1802
Hampton, Wade (1818-1902)
Chesnut, 10 July 1881
Hamson, Caroline Scott
Illustrated card of White House, 4 April 1892
Hancock, John (1737-1793)
Faneuil Hall lottery ticket, June 1765
Summons to General Court for Jonathan Greenleaf; also includes John Avery, 12 May 1783
Regarding William Shaw, 29 March 1784
Hancock, Thomas (1703-1764)
List of deeds, 19 November 1746
Hancock, Winf[iel]d S[cott] (1824-1886)
Irwin McDowell, includes transcript, 23 March 1870
Mr. C. B. Norton, 1 October 1881
Hand, Edward (1744-1802)
Henry Miller, 30 November 1785
Hanna, M[arcus] A[lonzo] (1837-1904)
Ewing Miller, 4 January 1901
[Hannah, Mark]
19 June 1877
Hanotaux, Gabriel (1853-1944)
1 April 1900
Harcourt, Henri d', Marquis de Beuvron (1654-1718)
Hardie, James A[llen] (1823-1876)
War Department pass for Otis Norcross, 21 February 1864
Hardin, S. B.
Navy Department appointment for Thomas A. Stephens, 11 January 1849
Harding, Chester (1792-1866)
A. Binney, June 1838
Harding, Warren G[amaliel] (1865-1923)
John Barton Payne, 24 June 1920
Hardinge, H[enry, 1st Viscount] (1785-1856)
29 May 1830
Hardy, Arthur S[herburne] (1847-1930)
31 July [no year]
Hardy, H. Laura
Grenville Norcross, 8 November 1931
Grenville Norcross, 23 November 1933
Hardy, Iza Duffus (1850-1922)
Miss Booth, undated
Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928)
Includes transcript, 9 December 1873
Hare, Augustus J[ohn] C[uthbert] (1834-1903)
Mrs. Hovey, undated
Hare, [Sir] J[ohn] (1844-1921)
Mr. Taylor (includes photographic image), undated
Hare, J[ulius] C[harles] (1795-1855)
Mr. Macmillan, 2 December 1848
Harlan, Ja[me]s (1820-1899)
Mr. Halfax, 7 February 1876
Harlan, John Marshall (1833-1911)
5 February 1888
Harley, Ro[bert, 1st Earl of Oxford] (1661-1724)
Also includes John Poulett, 4th Baron and 1st Earl of Poulett, 2 November 1710
21 January 1713
Also includes Robert Benson, Baron Bingley, 13 July 1713
Harmon, Judson (1820-1899)
Adrian Joline, 2 January 1912
Harraden, Beatrice (1864-1936)
18 November [no year]
Harriott, Clara Morris (1849-1925)
Mrs. Drew, May 1903
Harris, Edw[ard] D.
H. Woods, 15 November 1909
Harris, James (1709-1780)
July 1776
Harris, W[illiam] F.
Mr. Ford, undated
Harris, William T[orrey] (1835-1909)
George Cooke, 22 June 1880
Harrison, Benj[amin]
5 October 1889
George Edmunds (includes transcript), 3 January 1884
Harrison, C[onstance] C[ary] (1843-1920)
29 January 1894
Harrison, Carter H[enry] (1825-1893)
Harrison, Frederic (1831-1923)
19 February 1884
11 May 1893
Harrison, F. G.
24 February 1884
Harrison, W[illiam] H[enry] (1773-1841)
William V. Cushing (includes transcript), 30 December 1834
Hart, Albert Bushnell (1854-1943)
Grenville Norcross, 16 November 1929
Grenville Norcross, 16 November 1929
Hart, F[rancis] R[ussell] (1868-1938)
Grenville Norcross, 14 May 1920
Grenville Norcross, 16 March 1930
Hart, W[illiam] H[enry] (1834-1919)
Grenville Norcross (includes transcript), 5 October 1881
Harte, [Francis] Bret[t] (1836-1902)
C. A. Dana, 27 September 1878
Harvey, Peter
14 December 1875
Hassam, Childe [Frederick] (1859-1935)
H. S. Carruth, undated
Hastings, Avery W.
30 July 1774
Hastings, Francis [Edward] R[awdon-], 1st Marquis (1754-1826)
17 February 1826
Hastings, Warren (1732-1818)
Mrs. Woodman, 1800
Hatch, Jabez (1737-1802)
5 October 1780
Hatton, Frank (1846-1894)
28 May 1885
Hauk, Minnie [Amalia Mignon Hauck] (1851-1929)
Evans, undated
Kaufmann, 29 December 1888
Hautpoul, [Alphonse H[enry], Marquis] d' (1789-1865)
16 November 1849
Hautry, Sir Charles H[enry] (1858-1923)
Haven, Gilbert (1821-1880)
28 May 1877
Haven, S[amuel] F[orster] (1806-1881)
10 August 1859
Haweis, Rev. H[ugh] R[eginald] (1838-1901)
Charles Perkins (includes newspaper clipping), 22 February 1886
Hawke, Edward, 1st Baron Hawke (1675-1781)
4 February 1761
Hawkesburg, D.
11 May 1795
Hawkins, Anthony H.
Mr. Palmer, 13 January 1898
Hawkins, Rush C[hristopher] (1831-1920)
Colonel Bryce, 29 August 1891
Hawley, Gideon (1727-1807)
Dudley, 1 May 1827
Hawley, Jos[eph] R[oswell] (1826-1905)
B. Norton, 18 June 1877
Hawthorne, Nath[aniel] (1804-1864)
6 November 1861
Hay, John [Milton] (1838-1905)
General Norton, undated
Lowell, 4 July [no year]
Hay, Mary Cecil (1839-1886)
24 March 1875
Hayes, I[saac] I[srael] (1832-1881)
27 October 1873
Hayes, R[utherford] B[irchard] (1822-1893)
David M. Key, [1877-1881]
Also includes Lucy N. Hayes, December 1881
Ben Perley Poore, 1 January 1886
Hayne, Robert Y[oung] (1791-1839)
Thomas Grimke, 15 September 1823
Haynes, Henry [Williamson] (1831-1912)
Grenville Norcross, 21 May 1901
Grenville Norcross, 9 October 1902
Hayward, Abraham (1801-1884)
19 August [no year]
Hazberg, Arthur
8 July 1914
Hazen, W[illiam] B[abcock] (1830-1887)
W. W. Clapp, 31 March 1882
Head, Natt [Nathaniel] (1828-1883)
Headley, J[oel] T[yler] (1813-1897)
2 August [no year]
Healy, G. A.
Alexander, 6 September 1857
Healy, J. P.
Abbott Lawrence, A. D. Hubbard, and George S. Hale, 30 June 1874
Mr. Norcross, 29 July 1878
Healy, Joseph
Otis Norcross, 28 December 1878
Heath, William (1737-1814)
Major Perkins, 30 August 1780
Probate court document; also includes Increase Sumner and David Hyslop, 6 September 1796
Heber, Reginald (1783-1826)
13 December 1822
Heber, Richard (1773-1833)
27 August 1824
Hedge, Frederic H[enry] (1805-1890)
Grenville Norcross, 4 January [no year]
Charles Brooks, 15 September 1846
Grenville Norcross, 14 April 1885
Helps, Sir Arthur (1813-1875)
Hepworth Dixon, 13 June 1871
Hemans, F[elicia Dorothea] (1793-1835)
7 December 1825
Henderson, Ernest F.
Grenville Norcross, 22 February 1911
Hendricks, Tho[ma]s A[ndrews] (1819-1885)
17 November 1858
Nahum Capen (includes transcript), 11 February 1875
Henley, [Lord Norton]
[Henley, Robert, Lord] Northington (1747-1786)
21 April 1783
25 April 1783
Henner, J[ean]-J[acques] (1829-1905)
Henry, Joseph (1797-1863)
4 July 1863
Henry, W[illia]m Wirt (1831-1900)
J. W. Randolph, 6 December 1867
Henshaw, David John (1791-1852)
26 December 1826
11 October 1843
Henschel, Sir [Isidor] G[eorge] (1850-1934)
24 February 1884
20 May 1887
Henty, G[eorge] A[lfred] (1832-1902)
Mr. Hutchingson, 14 December 1898
Hepworth, G[eorge] H[ughes] (1833-1902)
Otis Norcross, May 1867
Herbert, H[ilary] A[bner] (1834-1919)
Lloyd Bryce, 5 January 1894
Herbert, Sidney, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea (1810-1861)
E. Bingham, 6 January 1858
Herford, Brooke (1830-1903)
Henry Jenks, 6 February 1884
Grenville Norcross, 15 April 1890
Herford, Oliver (1860-1935)
22 April 1923
Herkomer, Hurbert von (1849-1914)
Herrick, Robert [Welsh] (1868-1938)
Mrs. Gaines, 18 September 1918
Herrick, Samuel E[dward] (1841-1904)
Grenville Norcross, undated
Herries, J[ohn Charles, Chancellor of the Exchequer] (1778-1853)
5 September 1821
[Herring], Tho[mas, Archbishop of] Canterbury (1693-1757)
Rev. Dr. Shuckford, 15 February 1754
Herring, Dr. Thomas (1693-1757)
Engraved illustration; no signature, 13 March 1757
Herriot, [Edouard] (1872-1957)
Herschel, Sir J[ohn] F[rederick] W[illiam] (1792-1871)
[29 September 1863]
29 September 1863
Hertford, [Francis Ingrid Seymour Conway, Second Marquis of] (1743-1822)
4 February [no year]
Hewitt, Abram S[tevens] (1822-1903)
5 January 1899
Hibben, John G[rier] (1861-1933)
Hichens, Robert (1864-1950)
16 September 1918
Higginson, Francis J[ohn] (1843-1931)
21 November 1898
Higginson, H[enry] L[ee] (1834-1919)
Grenville Norcross (certificate for Massachusetts Volunteer Aid Association), 22 December 1911
Grenville Norcross, 22 December 1911
Higginson, Stephen
LeRoy and Maynard, 9 August 1791
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth (1823-1911)
12 February 1863
28 February 1873
6 April 1885
16 June 1890
Garrison, 28 December 1906
Doherty, 16 April 1910
Hildreth, R[ichard] (1807-1865)
Samuel Sewall, [1845]
Hill, [Lord Arthur] (1792-1860)
Jones and Clark, 13 December 1826
Hill, Rowl[and] (1744-1833)
Rev. George Redford, 16 June 1830
Hill, Thomas (1829-1908)
Otis Norcross, 27 June 1867
Grenville Norcross, 7 April 1885
Hill, Wills, 1st Marquess of Downshire, 1st Earl of Hillsborough (1718-1793)
Circular duplicate, 8 February 1772
Hillard, G[eorge] S[tillman] (1808-1879)
Samuel Ruggles, 27 January 1862
Otis Norcross, 7 March 1867
Otis Norcross, 15 February 1873
Hills, Laura (Coombs) (1859-1952)
Miss Thompson, 19 February 1928
Hilton, Henry (1824-1899)
Brady, 26 July [no year]
Hin[c]ks, Edward W[inslow] (1830-1894)
Also includes Ben Perley Poore, to A. P. Banks, 12 July 1861
Hiscock, Frank (1834-1914)
Howard Carroll, 18 August 1888
Hitchcock, Edward (1793-1864)
16 July 1849
Hoar, E[benezer] R[ockwood] (1816-1895)
Otis Norcross, 13 July 1870
Ulysses S. Grant (includes newspaper clipping), 13 September 1873
Also includes George E. Ellis, Henry W. Foote, A. P. Peabody, 26 September 1886
Mr. Sewall, 11 January 1888
Hoar, George Frisbee (1826-1904)
2 April 1877
John Stetson, 23 October 1882
7 April 1885
Grenville Norcross, 6 May 1895
Gage, 5 December 1896
Hoar, Samuel (1778-1856)
Jarvis, 24 October 1854
Hobart, Garret A[ugustus] (1844-1899)
F. B. Thurber, 12 April 1897
Hobart, [John, Earl of Buckinghamshire, Baron] (1693-1756)
3 August 1734
Hobbie, S[eleh] R[eeve] (1797-1854)
22 April 1848
Hobhouse, Benjamin (1757-1831)
Whitbread, 25 March 1810
Hobhouse, John C[am], 1st Baron Broughton (1786-1869)
2 June [no year]
Hobson, R[ichmond] P[earson] (1870-1937)
David Munro, 8 September 1902
Hodges, H[enry] F[oote] (1860-1929)
Grenville Norcross, 4 November 1891
Hoey, Frances Cashel (nee Frances Sarah Johnson) (1830-1908)
Grenville Norcross, 15 August 1878
Mrs. John D. Townsend, 19 May 1886
Hoffman, John T[hompson] (1828-1888)
Otis Norcross, 12 December 1864
19 August 1867
Hogg, James (1770-1835)
Includes two autographed sketches and article, 19 April 1819
Holland, Sir H[enry], 1st Baronet (1788-1873)
Holland, [Henry Richard Vassall-Fox] Lord (1773-1840)
Holland, J[osiah] G[ilbert] (1819-1881)
29 April 1876
21 July 1876
Holland, Sydney George, 2nd Viscount Knutsford (1855-1931)
18 October 1929
23 August 1928
Holles, [John, 1st Earl of Clare] (1564-1637)
Hollingsworth, Z. J.
Edmund Hale, 10 July 1907
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809-1894)
17 June 1871
8 December 1881
30 January 1888
Mrs. Fields, 3 November 1889
Mr. Dwight, May 1890
John, 27 May 1894
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, [Jr.](1841-1935)
10 January 1887
Mr. Keller, 28 November 1891
17 April 1900
Holt, L. M.
Mrs. Channing, 4 April [1883?]
Holt, [Sir John] (1642-1710)
24 June 1692
Holt, J[oseph] (1807-1894)
C. B. Brake, 5 October 1865
Holyoake, Geo[rge] Jacob (1817-1906)
Frank Hill, 2 December 1872
Home, [Rev.] J[ohn] (1724-1808)
Homer, C[harles] S.
Grenville Norcross, 16 June 1911
Homer, Mary
Almira Homer, 5 March 1838
Homer, Winslow (1836-1910)
Grenville Norcross, 24 December 1886
Grenville Norcross, 19 April 1897
Grenville Norcross, 14 April 1899
Grenville Norcross, 12 January 1900
26 June 1902
Grenville Norcross, 21 March 1903
Grenville Norcross, 14 October 1904
Grenville Norcross, 1 October 1907
Grenville Norcross, 11 October 1907
17 January 1910
Grenville Norcross, 19 January 1910
Hood, [Samuel], 1st Viscount (1724-1816)
Mr. Adams of Bakers and Taylors, 8 June 1803
Hood, Sir Samuel, 1st Baronet (1762-1814)
Nourse, 30 August 1810
Hood, Tho[ma]s (1799-1845)
Phillip, 1830?
Hook, T[heodore Edward] (1788-1841)
Hooker, J[oseph] (1814-1879)
Victor Wolff (includes transcript), 29 September 1877
Hooper, S[amuel] (1808-1875)
Otis Norcross, 10 March 1869
Hoover, Herbert (1874-1964)
Will Irwin, 3 March 1922
Hope, A[lexander] J[ames] B[eresford] (1820-1887)
17 July 1885
Hope, John (Sir) (1766-1823)
Alex Bruce, 31 January 1808
Hopkins, Mark (1802-1887)
Reverend R. Crawford, 17 December 1857
Hopkinson, Charles [Sydney] (1869-1962)
Miss Thompson, 2 January [no year]
Hopper, [William] DeWolf (1858-1935)
Mr. Bell, 11 July 1890
Horner, Fra[ncis] (1778-1817)
Horsford, E[ben] N[orton] (1818-1893)
1 April 1883
Horton, Edward A[ugustus] (1843-1831)
Grenville Norcross, 20 November 1888
Grenville Norcross, 11 November 1889
Grenville Norcross, 23 April 1890
6 December 1895
Grenville Norcross, 14 May 1925
Grenville Norcross, 18 May 1925
Hosmer, H[arriet Goodhue] (1830-1908)
3 August 1899
Hotham, Lord William (1736-1813)
17 April [no year]
Houdini, [Harry] (1874-1926)
Mr. Benjamin, 14 April 1917
Houghton, A[lanson] B[igelow] (1863-1941)
T. H[ovey] Gage, 14 June 1921
Alanson Bigelow, Jr., 1 May 1924
Houston, Sam[ue]l (1793-1863)
Breckenridge, 21 February 1839
Houstoun, John (1744-1896)
Court summons, 22 June 1791
Hovey, James
Otis Norcross, 4 February 1868
Hovey, Richard (1864-1900)
Stone, undated
Hovey, William A[lfred] (1841-1906)
Grenville Norcross, 18 January 1905
Howard, Blanche Willis (1847-1898)
Mrs. Plumer, 11 September 1885
Howard, Bronson [Crocker] (1842-1908)
Mr. Burgess, 20 May 1885
Howard, Charles, 3rd Earl of Carlisle (c. 1669-1738)
Mr. Burgess, 9 September 1690
Howard, Esme (1863-1939)
Hernan Velarde, 5 February 1929
Howard, J[oseph], Jr. (1833-1908)
Mr. Brigham, 3 July 1888
Howard, Kenneth Alexander, 11th Baron Howard of Effingham (1767-1845)
William Dunlop, 31 March 1790
Howard, O[liver] O[tis] (1830-1909)
Charles Henry Howard (includes letter to Governor Loveland), 16 June 1893
Howe, Richard [1st Earl] (1726-1799)
Includes transcript, 20 October 1790
Howe, J. O.
S. J. Goodman, 15 December 1868
Howe, Julia Ward (1819-1910)
Mr. Cheney (includes signed, printed copy of "Battle Hymn of the Republic," 22 March 1877
Howe, M[ark] A[ntony] DeWolf (1808-1895)
A. J. Drexel, 12 May 1885
Howe, S[amuel] G[ridley] (1801-1876)
Samuel Sewall, 27 May [no year]
22 November 1863
28 August 1870
Howe, W[illiam] (5th Viscount) (1729-1814)
General Ross (includes transcript), 20 August 1798
Howell, W[illiam] D[ean] (1837-1920)
25 June 1887
Howitt, Mary (1799-1888)
Miss Clarke, undated
Howitt, William (1792-1879)
Howland, Henry E[lias] (1835-1913)
Therow R. Butler, undated
Huger, Fr[anci]s K[inloch] (1773-1855)
Watson, 4 September 1851
Hughes, [Edward Hughes] Ball (1798-1868)
Tuckerman, 20 May 1844
Hughes, Charles E[vans] (1862-1948)
W. V. Kellen, 14 January 1907
Mr. Fuller, 7 August 1907
W. V. Kellen, 14 April 1915
Hughes, Tho[mas] (1822-1896)
Mr. Stackpole, 23 December 1880
Hugo, Victor[-Marie] (1802-1885)
30 August 1849
Includes printed transcript, 20 August 1851
Hull, Isaac (1773-1843)
William Bainbridge (includes transcript), 22 December 1818
Hull, W[illia]m (1753-1825)
Isaac Whellan, 11 December 1806
Humboldt, [Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich] Alexander von (1769-1859)
Mr. Pitois (includes transcript), 10 April 1824
21 August 1844
Hume, Joseph (1777-1855)
15 December 1829
Mr. Flight, 1 August 1831
30 December 1845
Hummel, A[braham] (1849-1926)
Mr. Townsend, 6 September 1888
Humphreys, A[ndrew] A[tkinson] (1810-1883)
Brigadier General Patrick, 6 September 1864
Hunewell, Jon
George Lane, 9 December 1835
Mrs. Lane, 22 September 1839
Hunnewell, Ja[me]s F[rothingham] (1832-1910)
Grenville Norcross, 27 May 1907
Grenville Norcross, 9 May 1909
Hunnewell, Jonathan (1759-1842)
Hunt, [James Henry] Leigh (1784-1859)
Charles Ollier (includes transcript), 25 February 1843
Hunt, Ward (1810-1886)
I. H. Baxter, 6 February 1877
Hunt, William H[enry] (1823-1884)
19 November 1881
Hunt, W[illia]m M[orris] (1824-1879)
9 October 1871
11 April 1879
Hunt, W[illiam] Holman (1827-1910)
Lewis, 12 March 1860
Hunter, David (1802-1886)
E. M. Stanton, 30 July 1862
Hunter, John (1737-1821)
22 November 1802
Hunter, Robert M[ercer Taliaferro] (1809-1887)
Hunter, Tho[mas Orby] (1716-1769)
Mr. Greenway, 23 July 1759
Huntington, D[aniel] (1816-1906)
Mr. Ritchie, 4 December 1868
Huntington, F[rederic] D[an] (1819-1904)
15 April 1867
2 October 1868
Huntington, H[enry] E[dwards] (1850-1927)
M. Schnitzer, 7 November 1912
Huntington, W[illiam] R[eed] (1838-1909)
Miss Lanborn, undated
Huskisson, [William] (1770-1830)
Lord Stamford, 5 November 1827
Hutchinson, Tho[mas] (1711-1780)
Includes transcript, 5 August 1768
Hutton, Laurence (1843-1904)
W. W. Clapp, 28 March 1887
6 December 1909
Huxley, T[homas] H[enry] (1825-1895)
Eva Channing, undated
Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon (1609-1674)
Includes engraved illustration, 25 March 1665
Hyde, Laurence, 1st Earl of Rochester (1642-1711)
Robert Howard, 10 July 1683
Robert Howard, 21 April 1685
Hyde de Neuville, [Jean-Guillaume, baron] (1776-1828)
6 September 1828
Ignatieff, [Gen.] C[oun]t N[icholas Pavlovitch] (1832-1908)
Includes newspaper article, 28 April 1891
Ingalls, John J[ames] (1833-1900)
Mr. Hopkins, 30 January 1896
Inge, W[illiam] R[alph] (1860-1954)
Ingelow, Jean (1820-1897)
Ingersoll, Charles R[oberts] (1821-1903)
28 May 1879
6 July 1879
Ingersoll, R[obert] G[reen] (1833-1899)
Walker, 25 March 1881
Ingham, Samuel [Delucenna] (1779-1860)
S. Morris, 13 November 1846
Ingraham, N[athaniel] D[uncan] (1802-1891)
15 April 1856
H. Storm, 25 March 1875
Inness, Geo[rge] (1825-1894)
Includes image of portrait bust, 23 July 1891
Irving, Henry (John Henry Brodribb) (1838-1905)
Irving, Washington (1783-1859)
David Webster, 18 February 1842
Irwin, Florence (1883–1965)
Laura Norcross Marrs, undated
[Isabella I (1451-1504) & Ferdinand II (1452-1516), Queen and King of Aragon and Castile]
Warrant, 1489
Isabey, Eugene [Louis Gabriel] (1803-1866)
Isabey, Jean Baptiste (1767-1855)
Ives, Brayton (1840-1914)
5 November 1885
Jackson, Andrew (1767-1845)
Francis Preston, 2 February 1819
Jackson, Henry (1747-1809)
Also includes Joseph Anthony and John C. Long, 28 May 1792
Jackson, Henry R[ootes] (1820-1898)
Lida Thackeray, 21 November 1887
Jackson, Francis (1789-1861)
William Lloyd and Helen Garrison, 5 November [no year]
A. A. Phelps, 10 April 1838
Jackson, Tho[ma]s J[onathan] (Stonewall), 1824-1863)
Major S. G. Rhett, 7 November 1861
Jacques, C[harles-Émile] (1813-1894)
Jagger, T[homas] A[ugustus] (1871-1953)
James II, King of England Ireland (1633-1701)
13 December 1685
James, George P[ayne] R[ainsford] (1799-1860)
28 August 1832
James, Henry (1843-1916)
7 October 1887
James, Tho[mas] L[emuel] (1831-1916)
C. B. Norton, 25 July 1881
Thomas C. Powell, 5 February 1883
James, W[illia]m (1842-1910)
Mr. Crosby, 23 October 1901
Jameson, Anna (1794-1860)
Janauscheck, Fraziska R[omana] M[agdalena] (1830-1904)
23 September 1898
Japanese characters
Jay, John (1745-1829)
Daniel Hale (includes transcript), 28 February 1799
Jay, John, II (1817-1894)
A. O. Bigelow, 1 March 1873
Jebb, R[ichard] C[laverhouse]
Susan, 4 November 1869
Jefferson, Thomas (1743-18226)
Acknowledgement of receipt (includes transcript), 15 January 1785
James Brown (includes transcript), 4 November 1792
Jeffrey, F[rancis] (1773-1850)
18 June 1813
Jeffries, David (1714-1784)
Promissory note (John Robinson, payee), 3 July 1780
Promissory note (Col. Hatch), 4 August 1780
Jellicoe, [Lady Florence] Gwendoline (née Cayzer) ((1877-1964)
Jellicoe, [John Rushworth, 1st Earl] (1859-1935)
26 September 1927
Jenckes, T[homas] A[llen] (1818-1875)
21 October 1870
Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas (1723-1790)
20 March 1783
Jenkins, Edward (1838-1910)
30 September 1873
Jenks, W[illia]m (1778-1866)
Miss Fitchy, 2 September 1852
Jenney, Charles F[rancis] (1860–1923)
24 July 1922
Jenney, Irwin F.
Grenville Norcross, 27 October 1914
Jerrold, Douglas [William] (1803-1857)
Clarke, undated
Mr. Cooke, undated
Jervis, John, 1st Earl of St Vincent (1735-1823)
21 August 1782
Jewell, Marshall (1825-1883)
20 June 1870
Jewett, C[harles] [Coffin] (1816-1868)
12 July 1865
Jewett, Sarah O[rne] (1849-1909)
Mr. Garrison, 20 March 1888
Johnson, Alfred ["Centennial"] (1846-1927)
Grenville Norcross, 18 April 1924
Grenville Norcross, includes signed program for lecture on "The History of the Merchant Marine of Cape Cod," 26 August 1925
Johnson, Andrew (1808-1875)
Otis Norcross, 11 June 1867
Johnson, Cave (1793-1866)
Major William Lewis, 18 February 1815
Johnson, Hershel (1812-1880)
Thomas W. Thomas (includes brief biography), 20 February 1857
Johnson, John
Robert Watts, 16 February 1802
Johnson, Oliver
28 January 1886
Johnson, Reverdy (1796-1876)
20 July 1833
26 April 1866
Johnson, R.
Richard Rush, 22 April 1838
Johnson, R[ichard] M[entor] (1780-1850)
Thomas Ladd, undated
Johnson, R[obert] U[nderwood] (1853-1937)
Will (person), 12 October 1883
Johnston, Harriet Rebecca Lane (1830-1903)
Judge Black, 10 July 1880
Johnston, J[oseph] E[ggleston] (1807-1891)
General Beauregard, 16 August 1861
H. K. Smith, 29 June 1888
Johnston, John B.
Miss Pearson, 2 May 1885
Johnston, Mary (1870-1936)
Edward Leonerd, 6 November 1927
John Munson, 23 October 1935
[Johnstone, William, 1st Marquess of Annandale (1664-1721)
30 November 1704
Joly de Fluery, [Jean-François] (1718-1802)
29 December 1781
Jones, E[dward] Alfred (1872-1943)
27 August [no year]
Grenville Norcross, 18 October [no year]
Jones, H. Bollin
21 September 1908
Jones, Jerome
Otis Norcross IV and Grenville Norcross, 1 June 1903
Grenville Norcross, 2 June 1910
Jones, W[illiam] (1760-1831)
Lt. Strain, undated
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor (1741-1790)
Pope Pius VI (includes handwritten translation), 1782
Josephine, [Empress] (1763-1814)
7 December 1813
Judie, Anne
Jumel, Stephen (1754-1832)
Wine export document, 11 December 1811
Junot, [Andoche] (1771-1813)
2 September 1804
[Junot, Laure], Duchesse D'Abrantes (1783-1834)
Jusserand, [Jean Jules] (1855-1932)
17 October 1908
Juxon, William (1582-1663)
Robert Pryce, 7 July 1637
Kane, E[lisha] K[ent] (1820-1857)
28 December [1853]
Kapp, Frederick (1824-1884)
Kasson, John A[dam] (1822-1910)
J. B. McKean, 28 February 1862
Kean, Charles J. (1811-1861)
27 June 1844
Keifer, J[oseph] Warren (1836-1932)
General Cowan, 29 August 1867
Kelcey, Herbert (1856-1917)
Mrs. Anderson, 12 June [1900]
Kellen, William V.
Grenville Norcross, 17 October 1920
Grenville Norcross, 18 September 1929
Kellermann, François-Étienne-Christophe de, 1st Duke of Valmy (1735-1820)
Kellogg, Frank B[illings] (1856-1937)
Kelley, Fitzroy Edward (1796-1880)
Lord Clarendon, 27 August 1853
Kelley, F[rancis] M[aria] (1790-1882)
Kelly, John (1822-1886)
B. Townsend, 17 July 1875
Kemble, J[ohn] P[hilip] (1757-1823)
6 February [no year]
Kemble, Frances Anne (Fanny) (1809-1893)
Includes ticket to Shakespearian Festival at Boston Music Hall, [14 March 1857]
Kendal, Madge (Margaret Shafto Robertson) (1848-1935)
Kendal, William Hunter (William Hunter Grimston) (1843-1917)
1 November 1889
[Kendall, Amos] (1789-1869)
Appointment of George W. Roberts as postmaster in Berlinville, Ohio, 13 February 1835
Kennan, George (1845-1924)
W. V. Kellen, 23 February 1898
Kennedy, J[ohn] P[endleton] (1795-1862)
Kensett, J[ohn] F[rederick] (1816-1872)
6 August 1867
Kent, James (1763-1847)
27 November 1828
Rembrandt Peale, 30 December 1834
Keppel, Fred[ric]k (1845-1912)
Miss Norcross, 25 December 1894
Kerr, M. C.
30 August 1872
[Kerr, William Henry, Earl of] Ancrum [and 4th Marquis of Lothian] (1710-1775)
16 September 1751
Key, D[avid] M[cKendree] (1824-1900)
G. B. Patrick, 18 May 1888
Key, F[rancis] S[cott] (1799-1843)
28 July 1829
Key, Phil[ip] Barton
Kimball, Moses (1809-1895)
28 December 1845
25 December 1883
King, Charles (1844-1933)
William Abbott, 17 March 1892
King, Clarence (1842-1901)
General Wright, undated
King, Horatio (1811-1897)
Grenville Norcross, 6 May 1873
Nahum Capen, 19 April 1884
King, [Peter, 1st Baron King] (1669-1734)
Petition, 5 August 1731
King, Preston (1806-1865)
T. Apoleon Cheney, 14 July 1863
King, Rufus (1755-1827)
John Quincy Adams (includes illustrated image), 4 April 1823
King, T[homas] S[tarr] (1824-1864)
Thomas Gaffield, 7 February 1853
King, William R[ufus DeVane] (1786-1853)
Governor John Murphy (includes transcript), 28 February 1838
Kinglake, Alexander W[illiam] (1809-1891)
Fitzpatrick, 1 August [no year]
Kingsley, Charles (1819-1875)
15 October 1855
4 March 1872
Kingsley, Henry (1830-1876)
Kinnicutt, Lincoln N[ewton] (1849-1921)
Mr. Norcross, 10 April [no year]
Kirkland, Caroline M[athilda Stansbury] (1801-1864)
1 February 1864
Kirkland, John T[hornton] (1770-1840)
4 June 1825
Kirkwood, S[amuel] J[ordan] (1813-1894)
10 February 1890
Kitchener, [Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum] (1850-1916)
Sir John Scott, [1899?]
Kitson, Theo A[lice] Ruggles (1871-1932)
Miss Thompson, 4 October 1929
Kittridge, G[eorge] L[yman] (1860-1941)
Grenville Norcross, undated
Grenville Norcross, 16 March 1908
Grenville Norcross, 20 March 1916
Grenville Norcross (includes printed photograph), 3 April 1916
Grenville Norcross, 4 April 1916
Grenville Norcross, 23 June 1929
Knapp, George B.
Kingsmill Marrs, 3 March 1902
Kneeland, Samuel (1821-1888)
1 March 1887
Knight, Charles (1791-1873)
19 April 1852
Mr. Tiffen, 26 June 1866
Knott, James Proctor (1830-1911)
T. B. Pugh, 18 December 1874
Knowles, James Sheridan (1784-1862)
4 May 1857
Knowlton, Marcus P[errin] (1839-1918)
2 December 1910
Knox, Henry (1750-1806)
Harry Jackson (includes signed illustrated image), 18 March 1757
Knox, P[hilander] C[hase] (1853-1921)
Frederico Alfonso Pezet, 20 February 1913
Koehler, S[ylvester] R[osa] (1837-1900)
Miss Norcross, 4 April 1893
Kosciuszko, Thaddeus (1746-1817)
John Barnes, 15 March 1809
Kossuth, Lajos (Louis) (1802-1894)
Hungarian Fund, 2 February 1852
17 November 1880
Kriesler, Fritz (1865-1972)
Signed photograph, 1915
Labouchere, Henry [Du Pré] (1831-1912)
Laboulaye, Edward Rene de (1811-1883)
29 January 1867
Lacepede, Bernard-Germain-Étienne de La Ville-sur-Illon, comte de (1756-1825)
12 February 1809
20 April 1809
Lafayette, [Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La] (1757-1834)
13 January 1798
Includes transcript, 30 March 1824
Includes transcript, 5 October 1824
M. Urbain Pilastre (includes translated transcript), 10 May 1830
Laffitte, Jacques (1767-1844)
12 June 1827
La Harpe, F[rédéric-]C[ésar de] (1754-1838)
Mademoiselle Williams, 17 July 1810
Laighton, Oscar (1839-1939)
Caroline Heizer, 8 July 1931
Lallemand, François Antoine (Charles) (1774-1839)
14 December 1826
de Lally-Tollendal, Trophime Gerard, Marquis (1751-1830)
6 December 1822
Laltot, Theodore
Otis and Grenville Norcross, 8 January 1881
Lamartine, Alphonse [Marie Louis de Prat de] (1790-1869)
Includes illustrated engraving, 3 January 1835
Lamb, Martha [Joanna Reade Nash] (1826-1893)
Mrs. Parker, 24 March 1891
Lamb, William, 2nd Viscount Melbourne (1779-1848)
Mrs. Parker, 24 March 1891
Lambart, Richard Ford William, 7th Earl of Cavan (1763-1837)
Receipt, 2 October 1793
Lameth, Alexandre-Théodore-Victor, comte de (1760-1829)
1 June 1792
Lamont, Daniel Scott (1851-1905)
Edwin A. Bull, 13 January 1877
Landon, Letitia Elizabeth (1802-1838)
Landor, Walter Savage (1775-1864)
Includes illustrated etching, 1860
Lane, Elizabeth Olivia (b. 1784)
Lane, William C[oolidge] (1859-1931)
Grenville Norcross, 17 May 1925
Grenville Norcross, undated
Lang, Andrew (1844-1912)
Mr. Dana, 2 August 1883
Lang, Benjamin J[ohnson] (1837-1909)
Langdon, Samuel (1723-1797)
Payment to Captain Stephen Tilton, 9 March 1790
Langtry, Lillie (1853-1929)
Lanman, Charles R[ockwell] (1850-1941)
Dr. Peabody, 22 October 1886
Lansing, Robert (1864-1928)
Edgar Mayhew Bacon, 24 August 1915
Larcom, Lucy (1824-1893)
Mrs. Clafflin, 23 October 1876
Mrs. Richardson, 1 November 1886
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François Alexandre Frédéric de (1747-1827)
29 April 1768
Lathrop, G[eorge] P[arsons] (1851-1898)
Editors of The Independent, 18 December 1891
Lathrop, John
Grenville Norcross, 28 March 1891
Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne (1851-1926)
Mr. Frost, 4 January 1897
Lathrop, Theodore
Miss Rhoades, 7 January 1889
Law, E. H.
E. H. L. Deighton, 27 April 1908
Law, Edward, 1st Baron Ellenborough (1750-1818)
List of witnesses, John Larkin v. Eleazer Simpson, 20 July 1814
Law, Edward, Earl of Ellenborough (1790-1871)
Walter, 10 January 1820
14 August [no year]
Lawton, F. B.
Channing, 4 December 1890
Lawrence, Abbott (1792-1855)
Caleb Butler, 10 March 1841
E. S. Dixwell, 1 February 1849
Lawrence, Amos (1786-1852)
17 August 1849
Reverend R. Watersten, 17 May 1851
Lawrence, Amos A[dams] (1814-1886)
Mr. Norcross, 22 November 1866
Lawrence (Laurence), John (1750-1810)
George Simpson, 19 December 1809
Lawrence, Lucy Abbott
11 April 1850
Lawrence, Thomas (1769-1830)
20 January 1821
Lawrence, William (1850-1941)
2 October 1915
Lawton, Alexander R[obert] (1818-1896)
Marcus J. Might, 11 March 1881
Layard, Austen H[enry] (1817-1894)
2 July 1868
Lea, Henry C[harles] (1825-1909)
Editors of the The Critic, 3 February 1888
Leadman, Charles R.
17 November 1885
Lear, Edward (1812-1888)
Arthur, undated
Lear, Tobias (1762-1816)
24 July 1815
Le Brun, Charles-Francois (1739-1824)
27 November 1805
LeConte, Joseph (1823-1901)
27 January 1892
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre Auguste (1807-1874)
Lee, Charles (1732-1782)
John Nicholson, 24 March 1797
Lee, Fitzhugh (1825-1905)
6 March 1876
J. Fraise Richard, 20 May 1886
Lee, G[eorge] W[ashington] C[ustis] (1832-1913)
1 February 1900
Lee, Hannah F.
Mr. Alexander, [1850?]
Lee, Henry III (1756-1818)
James Brown, 28 April 1794
Lee, Robert E[dward] (1807-1870)
George Washington Custis Lee (includes engraved illustration), 31 March 1863
Lee, Stephen D[ill] (1833-1908)
Marcus Wright, 11 December 1890
Lee, W[illiam] H[enry] F[itzhugh] (1837-1891)
Woodhouse and Parham, undated
Lefebvre, François Joseph, Duke of Danzig (1755-1820)
25 June 1818
Le Gallienne, Richard (1866-1947)
Editor of The North American Review, 30 March 1902
Legare, Hugh S[winton] (1797-1843)
24 February 1842
Legge, George, 3rd Earl of Dartmouth (1755-1810)
R. Wroughton, April 1805
Legouvé, Gabriel Marie Jean Baptiste (1764-1812)
Lehmann, Lilli (1848-1929)
Lehmann, R[udolph] C[hambers] (1856-1929)
W. Keller, 19 March 1897
Leighton, Frederick (1830-1896)
Leland, Charles Godfrey (1824-1903)
"Calary Song," [1870?]
13 December 1883
LeMaitre, Frederick (Antoine Louis Prosper) (1800-1876)
30 July [no year]
Lemon, Mark (1809-1870)
Stephen Massott, 14 February 1867
LeMoyne, William J. (1831-1905)
Mr. Burgess, 15 June 1889
Lennox, Charles, 3rd Duke of Richmond (1735-1806)
Joseph Sharpe, 25 November 1774
Lord Committee of Trade and Plantations, 7 February 1769
Lenox, James (1800-1880)
Dr. Potter, 30 December 1853
LeRoy, William E[dgar] (1818-1888)
Leonard Cheney, 2 February 1888
Lescallier, Daniel (1743-1822)
11 April 1814
le Tellier, François-Michel, Marquis de Louvois (1641-1691)
7 July 1689
Lever, Charles (1806-1872)
Leverett, John (1616-1679)
Also includes Jeremiah Cushing, John Hobart, John Forester, 13 November 1678
Leverett, John (1662-1724)
Court appeal (includes transcript), November 1701
Isaac Addington (includes transcript), 11 July 1702
Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph (1811-1877)
20 February 1848
Leveson-Gower, George, 2nd Earl Granville (1815-1891)
11 May 1864
Levy, Jules (1838-1903)
Mr Hutchins, undated
Lewes, Marian Cross (George Eliot) (1819-1880)
1 January 1868
Lewis, Sir George (1836-1863)
Lewis, Meriweather (1774-1809)
Payment note to Robert Gamble, 8 October 1807
Lewis, William B[erkeley] (1784-1866)
Henry Garrett, 20 January 1832
Lieber, Francis (1798-1872)
Liddon, Henry P[arry] (1829–1890)
Gurney, 5 November 1861
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865)
Edward Bates (includes transcript), 6 February 1862
Lincoln, Benjamin (1733-1810)
Schooner Andrew of Boston license, 13 April 1792
Paul Pinckham (Nantucket Lighthouse keeper, includes transcript), 4 December 1795
Certificate of rum import to Boston from Grenada; countersigned by F. Melville, 18 July 1808
Lincoln, F[rederick] W[alker], Jr. (1817-1898)
Otis Norcross, 23 November 1866
Otis Norcross, 19 July 1874
Cashed check from Continental National Bank, 1 May 1877
Mr. Clapp, 18 June 1883
Grenville Norcross, 11 September 1883
Lincoln, J[ohn] L[arkin] (1817-1891)
Grenville Norcross, 26 April 1886
Lincoln, Joseph C[rosby] (1870-1944)
Mr. Allsop, 17 January 1928
Lincoln, Levi, Sr. (1749-1820)
Lincoln, Levi, Jr. (1782-1868)
General Henry Dearborn, 4 January 1826
General Henry Dearborn, 17 February 1836
Lincoln, Robert Todd (1843-1927)
Mrs. Baxter, undated
John, 1 December 1871
H. M. Alden, 22 November 1895
James R. Carret, 2 June 1917
Lincoln, Solomon (1804-1881)
Grenville Norcross 28 December 1905
Grenville Norcross, 3 January 1906
Lincoln, [Daniel] Waldo (1813-1880)
Grenville Norcross 13 April 1907
Lind, Jenny (1820-1887)
Recommendation for Mrs. Mary Green, dressmaker, 2 September 1848
Lindgren, Waldemar (1860-1939)
Herman Behr, 9 September 1898
Lindsay, Alexander, 6th Earl of Balcarres (1752-1825)
Proposal of work for John Butter, carpenter, 20 February 1801
Lindsay, Sir John, 20th Earl of Crawford (1702-1749)
Lingard, John (1771-1851)
13 January 1844
Lister, Joseph, 1st Baron Lister (1827-1912)
Mr. Ashby, 8 July 1877
Liszt, Franz (1811-1886)
Hoffmeister, 18 September 1830
Littlefield, George Emery (1844-1915)
Grenville Norcross, 2 January 1911
Livermore, Mary Ashton (1820-1905)
Editor of The Boston Journal, 17 October 1885
4 November 1888
Livermore, Tho[ma]s L[eonard] (1844-1918)
Mr. Crocker, 22 January 1901
Grenville Norcross, 10 September 1909
Livingston, [Henry] Brockholst (1757-1823)
Receipt for payment, 17 November 1789
Livingstone, David (1813-1873)
10 January 1865
Dr. Danbery, 9 June 1865
Livingston, Edw[ard] (1764-1836)
Henry Glen, 17 August 1784
29 March 1828
Livingston, Rob[er]t (1746-1813)
Nicholas Jane, 23 June 1800
Livingston, R. M.
12 October 1829
Livingstone, William (1723-1790)
Mayor's Court of New York City document, 6 September 1784
Lloyd George, David (1863-1945)
Lloyd, James (1769-1831)
Timothy Bitkin, 24 August 1814
28 February 1826
Locke, William [John] (1863-1930)
28 March 1907
Locker[-Lampson], Frederick (1821-1895)
Lockheart, John G[ibson] (1794-1854)
Lockwood, Frank (1846-1897)
13 January 1895
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924)
18 January 1875
16 June 1887
Grenville Norcross, 19 November 1921
Grenville Norcross, 17 March 1923
Grenville Norcross, 22 March 1924
Logan, John A[lexander] (1826-1886)
Celia, 17 May 1874
Lomax, John Tayloe (1781-1862)
3 November 1827
Lomenie, Antoine [de] (1560-1638)
Long, John D[avis] (1838-1915)
Mr. Jenks, 8 August 1879
Mr. Norcross, 10 December 1883
15 December 1885
9 December 1910
Mr. Norcross, 9 May 1915
Longhi, Giuseppe (1766-1831)
Includes engraved illustration, 10 September 1817
Longfellow, Henry W[adsworth] (1807-1882)
John J. Dwight (includes transcript), 10 December 1847
Includes transcript, 10 July 1867
Longfellow, Samuel (1819-1892)
31 March 1877
Longstreet, James (1821-1904)
27 August 1898
Lord, Arthur
Pilgrim Society deed of gift; also includes William Brewster, 10 February 1914
Grenville Norcross, 1 February 1924
Lord, Reverend John (1810-1984)
Lord, Otis P[hillips] (1812-1884)
Ben, undated
Lorimer, George C[laude] (1838-1904)
Mr. Clapp, 6 November 1888
Loring, Augustus P[eabody] (1856-1938)
Also includes Benjamin Clark, D. Webster King, 1 March 1902
Loring, George B[ailey] (1817-1891)
21 January 1849
W. W. Clapp, 31 December 1887
Loring, Edward G[reely] (1802-1890)
20 October 1847
W. W. Clapp, 9 April 1885
Loring, Fred[erick] W[adsworth] (1848-1871)
24 November 1870
Loring, W[illiam] W[ing] (1818-1886)
Mrs. T. L. Webby, 30 June 1866
Lossing, Benson J[ohn] (1813-1891)
E. P. Walton, 17 October 1874
Lothrop, S[amuel] K[irkland] (1804-1886)
Mr. Perkins, 1 October 1885
Lothrop, T[hornton] K[irkland] (1830-1913)
4 December 1872
Otis Norcross, 15 April 1894
Loti, Pierre (1850-1923)
Mr. Perkins, February 1900
Loubat, J[oseph] F[lorimond], Duke of (1831-1927)
Schuler Colfax, 10 January 1867
Louis XIII, King of France (1610-1643)
12 April 1617
Louis XV, King of France (1710-1774)
19 September 1730
Louis XVIII, King of France (1755-1824)
26 February 1821
Louis Phillipe I (1773-1850)
Cardinal Polidori, 14 July 1831
Louise, Princess, Duchess of Argyll (1848-1939)
Lovejoy, Elijah P[arish] (1802-1837)
Reverend Edwin F. Hatfield, 21 January 1836
Lovell, James (1737-1814)
Permit to land issued to Henry Prentiss, 30 October 1785
Lover, Samuel (1797-1868)
Cardinal Polidori, 14 July 1831
Low, A[biel] A[bbott] (1811-1893)
21 August 1868
Low, Seth (1850-1916)
Mr. Keener, 9 August 1894
Lowe, Charles (1828-1874)
Otis Norcross, 14 June 1868
Otis Norcross, 11 January 1869
Lowe, Robert, Viscount Sherbrooke (1811-1892)
27 October 1860
Lowell, B.
14 February 1863
Lowell, A[bbott] Lawrence (1856-1943)
Grenville Norcross, 28 May 1925
Grenville Norcross, 22 April 1927
Lowell, Charles (1782-1861)
Earl of Buchan, 4 June 1817
Charles T. Brooks, 18 June 1836
10 October 1860
Lowell, James
9 October 1778
Lowell, James R[ussell] (1819-1891)
7 February 1871
W. Bowditch, 27 February 1888
E. M. Bacon, 31 March 1890
W. Bowditch, 8 January 1891
Centennial program (does not include signature), 22 February 1919
Lowell, John (1743-1802)
11 December 1797
Lowell, John (1767-1840)
14 April 1811
Lowell, John
Otis Norcross, 12 April 1893
Lowes, John L[ivingston] (1867-1945)
Grenville Norcross, 3 January 1925
Grenville Norcross, 30 May 1925
Grenville Norcross, 16 November 1928
Grenville Norcross, 4 December 1932
Grenville Norcross, 2 April 1933
Grenville Norcross, 17 November 1938
Loyson, Emilie Hyacinthe [Jane] (nee Butterfield) (1833-1910)
Otis Norcross, 12 April 1893
Lubbock, Sir John (1834-1913)
W. A. Baker, undated
Lucca, Pauline (1841-1908)
2 December 1895
Luce, S. A.
8 July 1886
Lucy, Sir Henry [William] (1842-1924)
Smalley, 3 December 1915
Lunt, George (1803-1885)
S. E. Sewall, 10 June 1838
W. W. Clapp, 10 July 1883
Otis Norcross, 24 October 1884
Luzerne, Anne-César de La (1741-1791)
9 August 1791
Lyman, Theodore III (1833-1897)
12 January 1886
Lyman, Theodore, Jr. (1792-1849)
Samuel Crocker, 31 July 1828
Otis Norcross Fire Department membership, 1 May 1834
Lynch, W[illiam] F[rancis] (1801-1865)
A. V. Dayton, November 1852
Lynde, Benjamin (1700-1781)
Court document; Hannah Swan v. Joseph Boynton, 15 October 1709
Lyon, W[illiam] H[enry] (1846-1915)
Mr. Norcross, April 29 [no year]
Mr. Norcross, 15 May 1911
Lyons, Lord Richard [Bickerton Pemell], 1st Earl Lyons (1817-1887)
James Pierce, 18 May 1859
Lytton, Edward Bulwer (1803-1873)
9 May 1835
18 January 1854
Lytton, Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer, 1st Earl of Lytton (1831-1891)
William Story, 19 November 1879
8 November 1882
McAdie, Alexander [George] (1863-1943)
Grenville Norcross, 27 November 1925
McAdoo, William [Gibbs], Jr. (1863-1941)
Edward Porter, 19 March 1913
McCall, Samuel Walker (1851-1923)
George Crocker, 4 August 1893
Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800-1859)
12 November 1844
24 June 1858
MacCaulay, Clay (1843–1925)
Autographed photographic print, 1913
Grenville Norcross 5 January 1917
Grenville Norcross, 1919
Macaulay, Zachary (1768-1838)
8 May 1820
McCarthy, Denis A[loysius] (1871-1931)
Grenville Norcross (includes newspaper article), 12 April 1928
McCarthy, Justin (1830-1912)
Mr. Moore, 23 November 1881
Mclean, John (1785-1861)
John Dixwell, M.D., 27 July 1827
23 June 1830
Robert E. Peterson, 10 December 1851
McCleary, Samuel F[oster], Jr. (1822-1901)
14 June 1879
McClellan, George B[rinton] (1826-1885)
Nahum Capen (includes transcript), 25 November 1864
Nahum Capen (includes transcript), 19 May 1880
McClelland, Robert (1807-1880)
Nahum Capen (includes transcript), 21 January 1839
27 January 1857
Macomb, Alexander (1782-1841)
12 March 1823
McCook, Alexander McDowell (1831-1903)
30 March 1892
McCook, Anson George (1835-1917)
Frank Thomas, 21 May 1878
McCook, Edward M[oody] (1883-1909)
W. L. Elliott, 23 February 1864
McCosh, James (1811-1894)
Reverend Howell Powell, 9 December 1874
Grenville Norcross, 9 March 1885
McCormack, John [Francis] (1884-1945)
McCrary, George W[ashington] (1835-1890)
25 April 1874
McCulloch, Hugh (1808-1895)
26 December 1867
22 December 1868
22 January 1870
McCutcheon, George Barr (1866-1928)
13 June 1929
MacDonald, Etienne [Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre], 1st Duke of Taranto (1765-1840)
26 July 1817
MacDonald, George (1824-1905)
1 February 1881
McEnery Stuart, Ruth (1849-1917)
Miss Dickinson, 24 January 1901
McHenry, James (1753-1816)
McIntire, Henry
Also includes G. Marten, 26 October 1770
Mack, Julian W[illiam] (1866-1943)
Visiting Committee of the German department, 13 March 1925
MacKay, Charles (1814-1889)
James Fields, 15 March 1858
MacKaye, Steele (1842-1894)
Mrs. Eldridge, 26 August 1880
McKenna, Joseph (1843-1926)
Grenville Norcross, undated
Mckenzie, Alexander (1836-1914)
17 March 1891
Dr. Brown, 17 March 1903
McKinley, William (1843-1901)
Indictment for selling alcohol, State of Ohio vs. William Sanders, October 1870
William M. Osborne, 28 May 1895
Mackintosh, Sir James (1765-1832)
Mr. John, undated
McLane, Louis (1786-1857)
22 October 1834
McLean, John (1785-1861)
W. P. Richardson, 22 October 1859
Maclise, David (1806-1870)
1 January 1836
Maclaurin, Richard C[ockburn] (1870-1920)
George C. Crocker, 21 May 1910
MacMahon, Marie Edme Patrice Maurice de (1808-1893)
4 March 1868
McMaster, John B[ach] (1852-1932)
Number of students in History of United States class at University of Pennsylvania, 12 February 1894
Grenville Norcross, 30 August 1920
McNichol, Morton
17 March 1851
McPhail, James L.
8th Army Corps. Baltimore, Maryland, pass, 21 August 1869
Macquoid, Katherine S[arah] (1824-1917)
B. Holt, 5 June 1879
Macready, William Charles (1793-1873)
J. A. Herand (includes engraved illustration), 3 February 1857
MacVeagh, Isaac Wayne (1833-1917)
Reverend E. Campbell, 17 October 1899
Madison, Dolley Payne (1768-1849)
Dr. Sewall, 17 May 1840
Madison, James (1751-1836)
John Quincy Adams, 21 November 1823
Magill, Edward Hicks (1825-1907)
Magruder, John Bankhead (1810-1871)
Henry A. Barling, 3 September 1857
Mahan, Alfred Thayer (1840-1914)
13 April 1897
26 October 1900
24 April [no year]
Mahone, William (1826-1895)
J. W. Boice, 26 December 1889
Malibran, Marie Felicita (1808-1836)
18 May 1835
Mallock, W[illia]m Hurrell (1849-1923)
24 February 1880
Mallory, Stephen Russell (1813-1873)
Henry Clark, 4 September 1861
Appointment for William P. Mason to the Confederate Navy, 3 October 1862
Mann, Horace (1796-1859)
R. Rantoul, Jr. (includes transcript), 26 November 1838
S. E. Sewall, 20 November 1848
Mann, Thomas (1875-1955)
27 December 1919
Manners, John James Robert, 7th Duke of Rutland (1818-1906)
215 January 1890
Manning, Henry Edward (1808-1892)
3 March 1866
Manning, Jacob M[errill] (1824-1882)
Mr. Plummer, 9 March 1881
Mansfield, Joseph King Fenno (1803-1862)
P. Blair, 4 February 1836
Mansfield, Richard (1854-1907)
Mrs. Howland, undated
Marble, Manton Malone (1835-1917)
Judge Van Norst, 28 March 1874
Marbois, Francois Barbe, Marquis de Barbe-Marbois (1745-1837)
W. Nicholson, 26 September 1791
Marcus, Herman
Laura Norcross, 22 February 1896
Marcy, Randolph Barnes (1812-1887)
Ruggles, 1 March 1860
Lieutenant General Patrick, 9 February 1886
Marcy, William Learned (1786-1857)
LeRoy Bayard, 14 May 1824
Robert White, 21 July 1825
Campbell, 7 June 1833
Nahum Capen, 19 February 1852
Maret, Hugues-Bernard, 1st Duke of Bassano (1763-1839)
19 March 1810
Margherita of Savoy, Queen of Italy (1851-1926)
2 April 1893
Marie Amelie De Bourbon (1782-1866)
29 January 1812
Marie Louise, Queen of France (1791-1847)
15 December 1811
Marion, Francis (1732-1795)
Receipt, also includes Thomas Giles and Broughton, 4 November 1782
Markham, Edwin (1852-1940)
J. K. Paulding, 27 January 1907
Marmont, Auguste Frederic Louis Viesse de (1774-1852)
Marrs, John
Mrs. Williams, 29 October 1907
Marryat, Florence (1838-1899)
Mr. Tinsley, 24 October 1877
Marryat, Frederick (1792-1848)
Mr. Tinsley, 24 October 1877
Marsh, George Perkins (1801-1882)
20 December 1848
13 February 1861
Marshall, John (1755-1835)
Benjamin Lincoln (includes transcript), 6 May 1804
Marshall, Thomas Riley (1854-1925)
Moses Harris, 4 May 1912
Marston, George
Martell, Theodore
Mr. Storey, 9 March 1887
Martin, Augustus P[earl] (1835-1902)
W. W. Clapp, 10 November 1880
Martin, Luther (1748-1826)
Benjamin Harwood, 11 November 1814
Martineau, Harriet (1802-1846)
13 July 1840
Martineau, James (1805-1900)
26 July 1848
Mrs. Carpenter, 15 June 1871
Marx, Adolph Bernard (1795-1866)
10 March 1827
Mascarene, Jean-Paul (c. 1684-1760)
William Adair (includes transcript), 10 October 1731
Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley (1865-1948)
Mason, James Murray (1798-1871)
Samuel H. Smith, 12 September 1835
Mason, Jeremiah (1768-1848)
Dr. Parker, 21 August 1826
Mason, Jonathan (1756-1831)
Amasa Davis, 19 December 1801
Massena, Andre (1758-1817)
27 January 1812
Massey, Eyre, 1st Baron Clarina (1719-1804)
George Turner, 22 August 1778
Massey, Gerald (1828-1907)
George Turner, 23 March 1861
Mather, Cotton (1663-1728)
List of marriages, 1707
Benjamin Coleman (includes published transcription), 6 November 1724
Mathew, Theobald (1790-1856)
Mr. Clarke, 15 May 1847
Mathews, Charles J.
George Turner, 28 November 1861
Mathews, Albert
Grenville Norcross, 21 May 1910
Grenville Norcross, 27 July 1910
Matthews, C. J.
Hollingshead, 27 November 1869
Matthews, Charles
Matthews, [James] Brander (1852-1929)
Mrs. Rockwood, 2 April 1906
Matthews, N[athan], Jr. (1854-1927)
Grenville Norcross, 9 December 1891
Grenville Norcross, 26 November 1892
Matthews, Stanley (1824-1889)
29 November 1859
Mathews, William (1822-1896)
Laura Norcross, 22 February 1892
Maule-Ramsey, Fox, 11th Earl of Dalhousie (1801-1874)
Maurice, Frederick Denison (1805-1892)
Maxey, Samuel Bell (1825-1895)
S. D. Merchant, 9 February 1879
General F. J. Porter, 29 January 1882
Maxim, Hiram Stevens (1840-1916)
Lloyd Brice, 21 August 1891
Maxim, Hudson (1853-1927)
Charles V. E. Starrett, 25 October 1913
Maxim, Hamilton W.
Mr. Young, 27 June 1902
Maxwell, Sir John Stirling, 10th Baronet (1866-1913)
John Oliver, 6 January 1913
Maxwell, William H[enry] (1852-1920)
May, Joseph
Grenville Norcross, [1899]
May, Phil[ip William] (1864-1903)
Caricature, 9 December 1898
May, Samuel Joseph (1797-1871)
Samuel E. Sewall, 14 February 1840
Samuel E. Sewall, 11 February 1845
Samuel E. Sewall, 22 August 1845
T. K. Lothrop, 3 November 1868
Mayard, Peter Francis
3 October 1850
Mayhew, Matthew
14 June 1760
Maynard, Horace (1814-1882)
Henry Bailey, 12 June 1863
Mayo, Frank (1839-1896)
12 March 1880
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805-1872)
Henry Bailey, 21 January 1832
Mead, Edwin Doak (1849-1937)
Grenville Norcross (includes "Boston Memories of Fifty Years" and "The Thought of God in our History"), 16 January 1925
Mead, Lucia Ames (1856-1936)
Grenville Norcross, 25 August 1925
Mead, George Gordon (1815-1872)
General McDowell, 7 July 1870
Meagher, Thomas Francis (1822-1867)
Finley Anderson, 3 September [no year]
Medows, William (1738-1813)
Meigs, Montgomery Cunningham (1816-1892)
21 May 1867
Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest (1815-1891)
Mellen, Grenville (1799-1841)
"English Scenery," May 1837
Dr. Charles A. Lee, 6 August 1840
Mellen, Prentiss (1764-1840)
Charles Davers, 27 June 1838
Mellon, Andrew W[illiam] (1855-1937)
9 May 1934
Melvill, Thomas (1751-1832)
Import certificate, 17 October 1800
Melville, George Wallace (1841-1912)
Charles H. Lewis, 4 February 1885
Memminger, Christopher Gustavius (1803-1888)
Henry Clark, 23 December 1861
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix (1809-1847)
8 August 1845
Meredith, George (1828-1909)
W. Kimball, 16 January 1901
Meredith, Samuel (1741-1817)
Joseph Hiller, 1 September 1795
Meredith, William M[orris] (1799-1873)
J. Meredith, 22 July 1843
Merlin de Douai, Philippe-A[ntoine] (1754-1838)
21 May 1867
Merlin [de Thionville], Antoine C[hristophe] (1762-1833)
23 August 1892
24 January 1813
Merrill, L. M.
28 August 1865
Merrill, Moses
Grenville Norcross, 9 June 1899
Grenville Norcross, 12 May 1901
Grenville Norcross, 16 January 1902
Merritt, Wesley (1834-1910)
James Grant Wilson, 2 September 1891
Metcalf, Willard Leroy (1858-1925)
Receipt, 2 April 1889
Metternich, (Prince) Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar [von] (1773-1858)
5 June 1820
Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791-1864)
29 August 1857
Milehete, Maria
Mrs. Green, [1866]
Miles, Nelson Appleston (1839-1925)
Hamilton Holt, 20 November 1897
General Miles, 17 January 1899
Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873)
J. H. Allen, 9 February 1865
Millais, Sir John Everett (1829-1896)
Miller, Alice D[uer] (1874-1942)
14 January [no year]
Miller, Cincinnatus Hiner (aka Joaquin Miller) (1839-1913)
Grenville Norcross, 20 August 1876
Miller, Olive Thorne (1831-1918)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 14 October 1903
Laura Norcross Marrs, 30 July 1904
Mills, Ogden Livingston (1884-1937)
Robert Denniston, 10 December 1926
Mills, R[obert] Watkins (1849-1930)
11 February 1895
Milman, Henry Hart (1791-1868)
Includes engraved illustration, 26 May 1866
Milmore, Martin (1844-1883)
Otis Norcross, 23 March 1875
Otis Norcross, 16 May 1875
Milnes, Richard Monkton, 1st Baron Houghton (1809-1885)
25 January 1871
Minot, George Richards (1758-1802)
Nathan Dane (includes published transcript), 3 March 1787
Receipt from office of Nathaniel Appleton, 7 July 1791
Mitchel, Ormsby Macknight (1809-1862)
21 February 1851
Mitchell, Donald Grant (1822-1908)
10 March [no year]
Mitchell, Samuel B[rown] W[ylie] (1828-1879)
29 May 1876
Mitchell, [Silas] Weir (1829-1914)
7 May 1892
Mitford, Mary Russell (1787-1855)
Modjeska, Helena (1844-1909)
Mrs. Winter, 22 October 1893
Monkhouse, William Cosmo (1840-1901)
Stedman, 18 March 1881
Monks, John Austin Sands (1850-1917)
Grenville Norcross, 9 October 1900
Grenville Norcross, 12 October 1900
Monroe, James (1758-1881)
Includes transcript, 25 September 1805
Includes transcript, 18 March 1812
Montagu, George, 1st Earl of Halifax (c. 1684- 1739)
Signature to Exchequer Bill, 8 March 1701
Receipt for goods received from Thomas Lowther, 26 March 1725
Montagu, John, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792)
11 November 1776
Montagu[e], Edward, Earl of Manchester (1602-1671)
Includes engraved illustration, 26 July 1667
Montagu[e], Henry, Earl of Manchester (c. 1563- 7 November 1642)
Includes engraved illustration, 31 January 1620 or 1621
Montague, H[enry James] (Henry John Mann) (1843-1878)
H. Palmer, 25 November 1875
Montalembert, Jean Charles, Baron of (1757-1800)
4 May 1798
Montbarrey, Alexandre M[arie] E[leonor] of Saint-Mauris, Prince de (1732-1796)
May 1778
10 September 1780
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de (1689–1755)
[Montgomerie, Archibald William], 13th Earl of Eglinton and Winton (1812-1861)
27 October 1859
Montgomery, Robert (1807-1855)
Montgomery, William R[eading] (1801-1871)
27 January 1864
Montmorency[-Laval, Guy Andre Pierre] de (1723-1798)
1 January 1744
Moody, Dwight Lyman (1837-1899)
Morse, 27 March [no year]
Moody, William Vaughn (1869-1910)
H. S. Stone, 31 December 1893
Moore, George Foot (1851-1931)
Grenville Norcross, 16 April 1926
Moore, John Bassett (1860-1947)
Editors of the North American Review, 8 April 1901
Moore, Thomas (1779-1852)
Includes illustrated engraving and illustration, 21 August 1820
More, Hannah (1745-1833)
September [1828?]
Moreau, Jean Victor (1761-1813)
18 July 1796
Morgan, Daniel (1736-1802)
General Robert Porterfield, 28 May 1800
Morgan, Edwin Denison (1811-1883)
Includes illustrated engraving and illustration, 27 October 1866
Morgan, J[ohn} P[ierpont} (1837-1913)
H. L. James, 18 December 1880
Morgan, John Tyler (1824-1907)
Hamilton Holt, 25 June 1899
Morgan, Matthew Somerville (1839-1890)
Gardiner, undated
Morgan, Morris H[icky] (1859-1910)
Mr. Shaw, 15 May 1901
Morghen, Raphael (1758-1833)
24 May 1794
Morison, Samuel Eliot (1887-1976)
Grenville Norcross, 20 November 1914
Grenville Norcross, 8 February 1923
Morize, Andre (1883-1957)
Morley, John, 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn (1838-1923)
16 June 1887
Mrs. Macmillan, 13 July 1904
Morny, Charles Auguste Louis Joseph, duc de (1811-1865)
Includes illustrated image, 20 May 1859
Morrill, Justin Smith (1810-1898) (
Daniel Roberts, 21 November 1864
Schuyler Colfax, 15 October 1865
Morrill, Lot Myrick (1813-1883)
Includes illustrated image, 20 November 1868
Morris, George Pope (1802-1864)
19 March 1844
Morris, Gouverneur (1752-1816)
George Clinton (includes transcript), 16 June 1778
Morris, Lewis (1760-1825)
James Morris, 23 May 1801
Morris, Robert (1734-1806)
John Nicholson (includes transcript), 2 October 1798
Morris, William W[alton](1801-1865)
Colonel Etting, 6 October 1865
Mr. Tumer, 11 May 1888
Morrow, Dwight Whitney (1873-1931)
Pauline E. Satterthwaite, 10 February 1931
Morse, Edward Sylvester (1838-1925)
Laura Norcross, 16 February 1894
Morse, Elijah A[dams] (1841-1898)
W. W. Clapp, 17 October 1887
W. W. Clapp, 14 May 1890
Morse, John Torrey (1840-1937)
Grenville Norcross, 28 November 1904
Grenville Norcross, 4 March 1907
Grenville Norcross, 28 June 1914
Charles F. Reed, 22 February 1929
Grenville Norcross, 14 October 1930
Morse, Leopold (1831-1992)
E. A. Stone, 31 May 1878
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese (1791-1872)
Thomas King, 10 November 1851
Charles Robinson, 3 April 1857
H. Liebman, Thomas H. Flanagan, William L. Rose, John H. Harnett (Committee of Young Men's Democratic Union Club), 12 September 1864
Mortier, Edouard, Duke of Trevise (1768-1835)
16 May 1800
Morton, Julius Sterling (1832-1902)
Governor John Hoffman, 17 July 1871
Morton, Levi Parsons (1824-1920)
B. K. Philips, 29 October 1878
Mr. Bowers, 14 May 1892
Morton, Marcus (1784-1864)
Howe and Williamson, 25 May 1816
Morton, Marcus (1819-1891)
John O'Healy, 14 April 1869
Morton, O. P.
30 April 1877
Morton, William Thomas Green (1819-1868)
Elwood, 14 July 1847
Benjamin Perley Poore, 3 October [no year]
Mosby, John Singleton (1833-1916)
28 June 1880
E. Leroy Sweetser, 13 October 1911
Mosley, Robert Fead (1841-1921)
Healey and Norcross, 1 May 1879
Motley, John Lothrop (1814-1877)
7 January 1868
Lady Julia, 16 April 1861
J. L. Motley, 19 May 1863
Mott, Lucretia Coffin (1793-1880)
Elizabeth Pease Nichol, 15 April 1866
Moton, Robert R[ussa] (1867-1940)
Grenville Norcross, 2 May 1930
Grenville Norcross, 30 March 1933
Moulton, Ellen Louise Chandler (1835-1908)
Mrs. Angell, 25 December 1896
Moultrie, William (1730-1805)
Appointment of Thomas Talbird as captain of the Hilton Head company of militia in Beauport District, South Carolina; also includes John Vanderhorst, 24 June 1785
Mounti, Luigi
Frederick May Holland, 17 January 1890
Mudge, E[noch] R[eddington] (1812-1881)
J. D. Warren, undated
Muhlenberg, Frederick Augustus Conrad (1750-1801)
Payment voucher for Evan Evans, 26 June 1781
Muhlenberg, John Peter Gabriel (1746-1807)
Import certificate for Brig Lovely Lass; also signed by William Jackson (1759-1828), 19 February 1802
Mulready, William (1786-1863)
Charles Warren, 26 February 1817
Munroe, Kirk (1850-1930)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 1 August 1901
Munsterburg, Hugo (1863-1916)
Professor Norton, 8 March 1893
Murat, Joachim, King of Naples (1767-1815)
Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey (1792-1871)
Includes biographical materials and illustrated portrait, 2 February 1868?
Murdock, Harold (1862-1934)
Grenville Norcross, 5 October 1908
Grenville Norcross, 4 December 1916
Grenville Norcross, 12 February 1919
Murdock, James Edward (1811-1893)
29 January 1866
Murfree, Mary Noailles (1850-1922)
Lucia Peabody, 14 April 1885?
Mr. Walker, 24 September 1898
Murphy, Francis (1836-1907)
18 September 1887
Murphy, Hermann Dudley (1867-1945)
Grenville Norcross, 20 January 1911
Grenville Norcross, 28 February 1911
Murray, W[illiam] H[enry] H[arrison] (1840-1904)
Mrs. Barnes, 187[0]?
Napier, Sir Charles (1786-1860)
Includes biographical information, 9 May 1843
Napier, Robert Cornelis, 1st Baron Napier of Magdala (1810-1890)
12 January 1879
Narbonne-Lara, Louis Marie Jacques Amalric, comte de (1755-1813)
5 February 1812
Nasby, Petroleum V. (David Ross Locke) (1833-1888)
13 October 1879
Nash, B. H.
Grenville Norcross, 9 April 1885
Nash, John (1752-1835)
William Lawrence, 17 March 1827
Nast, Thomas (1840-1902)
Signed illustration, January 1884
Carter, Burbank, and Company, 21 July 1890
Navarro, Mary Anderson de (1859-1940)
Jefferson, 26 February 1919
Neal, John (1793-1876)
Major Rogers, 5 August 1868
Necker, Jacques (1732-1804)
8 July 1780
Neilson, Lilian Adelaide Lee (Elizabeth Ann Brown) (1848-1880)
14 February 1873
Nelson, Horatio, 1st Viscount Nelson (1758-1805)
19 October 1803
Nelson, John (1791-1860)
Van Ness, 5 December 1844
Nelson, Samuel (1792-1873)
10 June 1858
Nesbit, Edith (1858-1924)
12 June 1900
Nesselrode-Ehreshoven, Karl Robert Reichsgraf (Charles de Nesselrode) (1780-1862)
28 June 1847
Neuville, Alphonse Marie de (1836-1885)
Neville, Morgan
Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company check, 29 May 1838
Newell, William Wells (1839-1907)
Mr. Coolie, 2 December 1896
Newman, John Henry (1801-1890)
15 March 1854
Newman, J. W.
Mr. Conway, 17 April 1864
Newton, John (1823-1895)
17 December 1859
Ney, Michel (1769-1815)
6 February 1803
Nichols, Charles Lemuel (1851-1929)
Grenville Norcross, certificate of election to the American Antiquarian Society, 9 April 1914
Grenville Norcross, 30 November 1925
Grenville Norcross (includes photographic postcard of Imperial Airways passenger plane), 5 August 1927
Nichols, John Gough (1806-1873)
18 October 1852
Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris (1799-1848)
Poole, 7 December 1823
Nicolay, John G[eorge]
Richard Cheney, 20 February 1864
Nicolini, Ernesto (1834-1898)
Ordeti, undated
Nightingale, Florence (1820-1910)
Eliza Polidori (includes annotated note in pencil written by William Rosetti), 16 September 1855
Nikisch, Arthur (1855-1922)
Eugene B. Hagar, 7 April 1855
Niles, John Milton (1787-1856)
John Y. Mason, 26 August 1859
Nilsson, Christine (1843-1921)
21 November 1870
18 August 1871
Nisson, L. J. J.
Requisition form, Union Army, 25 October 1863
Noailles, Louis Marie Antoine de (1756-1804)
24 September 1795
2 August 1797
Nobels, Matthew
Writ of attachment (also includes John Pynchon), 17 December 1734
Noble, John Willock (1831-1912)
C. T. Christensen, 5 May 1891
Nolan, Kate R[yan] (1857-)
Grenville Norcross, 17 December 1915
Nollekens, Joseph (1737-1823)
B. West, undated
Norcross, Otis (1811-1882)
John P. Healy, 30 January 1868
Reuban A. Chapman, 18 December 1868
Also includes Alexander Rice, Martin Brimmer, Samuel Cobb, S. D. Warren, George Richardson, Henry L. Hallett, Avery Plummer, 6 February 1878
Norcross, Richard (1621-1708)
Nordica, Lillian (1859-1914)
Louisa Eldridge, 29 November 1895
Norman, Henry, 1st Baronet (1858-1939)
Mr. Clarke, 19 March 1880
Norris, W[illiam} E[dward] (1847-1925)
Mr. Heinemann, 11 July 1893
North, Frederick, 2nd Earl of Guilford (1732-1792)
Includes transcript, 8 November 1785
Engraved illustration, no signature, [1792?]
Northcote, Stafford Henry, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh (1818-1887)
Also includes Edward Thornton, Montague Bernard, Ripon, John Macdonald, undated
Norton, Andrews (1786-1853)
Parker Cleaveland, 28 October 1816
Norton, Lady Caroline Elizabeth Sarah (1808-1877)
William Lamb, undated
Dr. Mackay, [1850?]
Norton, Charles Eliot (1827-1908)
Orville J. Victor, 9 April 1864
29 June 1864
Beadle and Company, 5 July 1864
Otis Norcross, 20 October 1876
Otis Norcross, 20 May 1880
Grenville Norcross, 31 July 1898
H. W. Haynes, 2 May 1903
Nugent, Thomas (1700-1772)
Receipt for payment for translation of L'Esprit des Lois, 1749-1750
Oakes, Hildebrand (1754-1822)
Warrant, 27 September 1809
Oakes, Josiah (1754-1822)
Receipt paid by Jeremiah Wetherbee; also includes Charlotte Oakes, Otis Norcross, Mary Norcross, Stephen Gorham, Harriot Homer, Augustus Richardson, Eleazer Homer, Jr., Francis E. Faulkner, 29 June 1814
O'Brien, Hugh (1827-1895)
Edwin Howland, 18 April 1885
O'Connell, Daniel (1775-1847)
John C. Lyons, 26 November 1818
O'Connell, W[illiam] H[enry] (1859-1944)
Dr. J. Collins Warren, 16 May 1908
O'Connor, C[harles} L. (1804-1884)
Mr. Marsh, 23 September 1883
O'Connor, Thomas Power (1848-1929)
F. Hudson, 9 January 1888
Ogden, Robert (1716-1787)
23 August 1776
Oliphant, Margaret Wilson (1828-1897)
Mr. Seymour, 4 May 1871
Richard W. Gilder, 4 December 1886
Oliver, Andrew (1706-1774) and Oliver, Peter (1713-1791)
Stork and Gainsborough, 2 March 1736/7
Oliver, Andrew (1706-1774)
Jared Ingersoll, 20 July 1767
Oliver, Henry Kemble (1800-1885)
Grenville Norcross, 28 October 1880
Henrico Jenko, 1883
Henrico Jenko, December 1883
April 1884
Oliver, Jean Nutting (1867–1946)
Grenville Norcross, 31 October 1930
Olmstead, James Monroe (1852–1935)
Grenville Norcross, 15 November 1933
Olmstead, Frederick Law (1822-1903)
Elbridge G. Spaulding regarding Port Royal (includes transcript), 15 February 1862
Olney, Richard (1835-1917)
Grenville Norcross, 20 May 1893
Grenville Norcross, 2 March 1896
O'Meara, Barry Edward (1786-1836)
22 October 1835
O'Neil, Joseph H[enry] (1853-1935)
Grenville Norcross, 23 September 1892
Onslow, Arthur (1691-1768)
Receipt; also includes William Corbett, 15 January 1740/1
Opie, Amelia (Alderson) (1769-1853)
Dr. John W. Polidori, 1818
Oppenheim, Edward Phillips (1866-1946)
22 January [no year]
28 May 1897
Orczy, Baroness Emma (Emmuska) (1865-1947)
Mr. Gallup, 24 February 1910
Ord, Edward Otho Cresap (1818-1883)
L. G. Cist, 8 February 1863
O'Reilly, John Boyle (1844-1890)
Mr. Bowen, 23 March 1889
Mr. Pepper, 22 May 1890
d'Orléans, François, Prince de Joinville (1818-1900)
Twickenham, 16 February 1869
d'Orléans, Louis Charles Phillippe, Duke of Nemours (1814-1896)
26 February 1869
d'Orléans, Louis-Philippe Joseph (Louis Phillipe II) (1747-1793)
10 July 1781
20 November 1785
Osgood, Samuel (1747-1813)
Archibald McIntyre, 23 October 1806
Osler, William (1848-1919)
Otis, Eliza Henderson (1796-1873)
Signature on City of Boston Committee on Military Donations certificate for Mrs. G. Metcalfe, 1861
2 June 1870
Otis, Harrison Gray (1792–1827)
Robert Goodloe Harper, 20 May 1806
Payment receipt, 16 August 1796
W. Greenhough, 15 October 1810
P. H. Nichelin, 21 November 1825
T. Fesseden, 7 December 1840
Otis, James (1702-1778)
Accounts with Province of Massachusetts, 17 June 1767
Arthur Jones, 26 November 1768
Otto, William Tod (1816-1905)
T. A. Cheney, 14 April 1863
Oudinot, Charles Nicolas Victor, 2nd Duc de Reggio (1791-1863)
13 June 1840
15 February 1848
Oudinot, Nicolas Charles, comte d'Oudinot, duc de Reggio (1767-1847)
Ouida (Maria Louise Ramé, Marie Louise de la Ramée) (1839-1908)
17 November 1894
Owen, Richard (1804-1892)
Charlesworth, 30 January 1837
Owen, Robert Dale (1801-1877)
A. C. L. Botta, 12 April 1872
Owens, John Edward (1823-1886)
Mr. Shewell, 17 November 1884
Pache, Jean-N[icholas] (1746-1823)
Mr. Clouet, 4 February 1793
Paddock, Benjamin Henry (1828-1891)
Grenville Norcross, 7 April 1885
Page, Thomas Nelson (1853-1922)
Maynard Robinson, 26 March 1904
Page, Walter Hines (1855-1918)
Alfred E. Keet, 2 January 1896
Page, Walter Gilman (1862-1934)
Nellie Thompson, 15 November 1930
Paget, Henry William, 1st Marquess of Anglesey (1768-1854)
23 February 1827
Paget, Sir James (1814-1899)
Dr. Moore, 16 May 1876
Paine, Henry Warren (1810-1893)
Mr. Gilman, 7 August 1862
(Chaplain), 22 October 1872
Paine, Thomas (1737-1809)
Receipt, and autographed engraved illustration, 28 May 1802
Palfrey, John Gorham (1796-1887)
Samuel Sewall, 10 July [no year]
James P. Austin, 2 November 1833
Samuel Sewall, 29 January 1847
Palgrave, Sir Francis (1788-1861)
3 May 1858
Palgrave, William Gifford (1826-1888)
31 December 1881
Palmer, Albert Marshman (1838-1905)
Palmer, Alice Elvira Freeman (1855-1902)
Mr. Garrison, 25 April 1891
Palmer, Emma Nevada (1859-1940)
(Aunt) Louisa, undated
Palmer, George Herbert (1842-1933)
Mr. Norcross, undated
Palmer, Roundell, 1st Earl of Selborne (1812-1895)
(Lord Justice), 8 October 1872
Panizzi, Sir Anthony (1797-1879)
Receipt for use at British Museum, 23 January 1855
Pardoe, Julia (1808-1862)
Mrs. Hall, 15 July [no year]
5 December 1853
Paré, Jules François (1755-1819)
25 March [1793]
Park, Charles E[dwards] (1873-1962)
Grenville Norcross, 15 July [no year]
Grenville Norcross, 13 September 1919
Grenville Norcross, 5 October 1921
Park, Lawrence (1873-1924)
Grenville Norcross, 13 January [no year]
Grenville Norcross, 10 January 1916
Grenville Norcross, 19 December 1916
Parker, Alton Brooks (1852-1926)
20 February 1897
Parker, Edward G[riffin] (1825-1868)
May 1854
Parker, Foxhall Alexander (1788-1857)
P. A. Southall, 22 December 1830
Parker, F.E.
Otis Norcross, 9 December 1867
W. W. Clapp, 24 November 1880
Parker, [Sir Horatio] Gilbert [George], 1st Baronet (1862-1932)
Cheney, 13 January 1894
Vallentine, 23 July 1925
Parker, Isaac (1768-1830)
Governor Gerry, 28 October 1811
Parker, Joel (1795-1875)
Parker, L.
9 April 1885
Parker, Sir Peter, 1st Baronet (1721-1811)
Richard Cooke, 6 June 1777
Parker, Theodore (1810-1860)
John S. Dwight, 20 December 1836
John Quincy Adams, 19 September 1846
Andrew P. Peabody, 13 March 1854
Parkman, Frances (1823-1893)
Leonard Cheney, 10 January 1872
1 March 1873
12 April 1888
Parnell, Charles Stewart (1846-1891)
John Reilly, 31 July 1879
Parreño, Teresa
30 January 1901
Parrish, Stephen (1846-1938)
Mr. Keppel, 30 May 1886
Parry, William Edward (1740-1855)
5 February 1841
Parsons, Theophilus (1750-1813)
Receipt for legal services, 3 October 1778
Parsons, Theophilus (1797-1882)
Daniel Webster, 1 December 1835
J. P. Nealy, 25 April 1866
Parsons, Thomas William (1819-1892)
Charles Dillaway, 10 October 1880
Parton, James (1822-1891)
James T. Fields, 13 June 1870
Patterson, Robert (1792-1881)
G. F. Beauregard (includes transcript), 19 September 1872
Patti, Aelina (1843-1919)
Mary, undated
Patti, Carlotta (1840-1889)
11 October 1872
Paulding, James Kirke (1778-1860)
James Madison, 13 June 1831
Paulet, Charles, 3rd Duke of Bolton (1685-1754)
Receipts, 5 October 1723
Paulet, William, Marquis of Winchester (1483/1485-1572)
Includes illustration, 1566
Payn, James (1830-1898)
Payne, Edward Stoddart
Warrant, 3 September 1812
Payne, John Howard (1791-1852)
C. M. Westmacott, [1825]?
Peabody, Andrew Preston (1811-1893)
6 February 1858
Deed of gift to Harvard Library; also includes John Langdon Sibley, 10 September 1862
3 October 1883
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer (1804-1894)
November 1872
Peabody, Francis Greenwood (1847-1936)
Mr. Bridgman, 4 July 1914
Grenville Norcross, February 1934
Grenville Norcross, 2 June 1936
Peabody, Francis W[eld] (1881-1927)
Grenville Norcross, 7 March 1902
Peabody, George (1795-1869)
Elisha Riggs, 1 June 1816
Nahum Capen, 8 February 1856
George Hovey, 1 July 1866
Peale, Rembrandt (1778-1860)
Frederic Kidder; includes note by Charles Deane, 4 December 1859
Pearce, Charles Sprague (1851-1914)
Frederick Keppel, 25 May 1886
Peary, Robert Edwin (1856-1920)
Mr. Vaux, 10 November 1913
Peck, George Wilbur (1840-1916)
28 July 1880
Peckham, George Wheeler (1838-1909)
Chester S. Lord, 21 November 1897
Peel, Arthur W[ellesely], 1st Viscount Peel (1829-1912)
10 April 1895
Peel, Robert (1788-1850)
Includes transcript, 13 November 1820
Allan Cunningham (includes transcript), 31 May 1838
Lyndhurst, 2 October 1843
M. List (includes transcript), 22 August 1846
Peirce, Benjamin (1809-1880)
William Gray, 19 November 1872
James T. Fields, 18 January 1876
Peirce, F. O.
Mr. Clapp, 29 December 1876
Peirce, James Mills (1834-1906)
Grenville Norcross, 21 April 1885
Pelham-Hollis, Thomas, 1st Duke of Newcastle
Lord Godolphin, undated
Dayroll and Mitchell, 8 May 1752
Pellew, Edward, 1st Viscount Exmouth (1757-1833)
Includes engraved illustration, undated
Lady Bickerton, 17 April 1812
Pelligrini, Ernest (1889-1955)
Miss Thompson, 14 August 1930
Pemberton, John Clifford (1814-1881)
George Bomford, 4 June 1838
Pemberton, Max (1863-1950)
Peter Keary, 30 October 1907
Pendleton, George Hunt (1825-1889)
Arthur Hobart, 10 March 1882
William Kellen, 31 March 1885
Pennell, Elizabeth Robins (1855-1936)
Grenville Norcross, 16 January 1927
Pennell, Joseph (1857-1926)
Letter written by Elizabeth Pennell and signed by Joseph Pennell, 29 August 1886
Pennypacker, Henry (1866-1933)
Grenville Norcross, 30 March 1910
Grenville Norcross, 13 February 1913
Grenville Norcross, 22 January 1912
Grenville Norcross, 21 December 1916
Grenville Norcross, 27 March 1917
Pepperrell, Sir William (1696-1759)
Andrew Pepperrell, [1730]?
Bill for services rendered, April 1749
Estate of Sir William Pepperrell (includes transcript), 6 July 1759
Pepys, Samuel (1633-1703)
Receipt, 26 June 1671
Perabo, Johann Ernst (1845-1920)
William E. Stowe, 12 May 1883
Percival, [John Gates] (1795-1856)
Check made out to Cyrus Cobb, 12 June 1838
Percival, John (1779-1862)
H. A. Wise, 2 August 1848
John P. Healy, 19 September 1849
John P. Healy, 20 December 1856
John P. Healy (includes transcript), 25 December 1856
Will of John Percival (published; no signature), 26 August 1861
Percival, Spencer (1762-1812)
James A. Stuart Wortley (includes transcript), 27 July 1811
Includes transcript, 28 July 1811
Percy, Hugh, 2nd Duke of Northumberland (1742-1817)
Lord Hobart, 15 November 1802
Perkins, Thomas Handasyd (1764-1854)
Dr. Walter Channing, undated
Perrin, Claude-Victor, Duc de Bellun (1764-1841)
18 October 1822
Perry, Lilla Cabot (1848-1933)
Grenville Norcross, 26 February [no year]
Perry, Oliver Hazard (1785-1819)
Benjamin Crowningshield (includes transcript), 27 January 1815
Rogers (includes transcript), December [1815]?
Perry, Thomas Sergeant (1845-1928)
J. R. Carret, 1 June 1917
Pershing, John Joseph (1860-1948)
J. W. Edmonds, 20 July 1921
Peters, Andrew J[ames] (1782-1938)
Grenville Norcross, 12 January 1922
Grenville Norcross, 13 January 1922
Peters, John Andrew (1822-1904)
(Doctor), 13 June 1868
Phelps, Edward John (1822-1900)
1 June 1882
22 September 1882
Philbrick, John D[udley] (1818-1886)
William Gray, 21 November 1872
Philip, John Woodward (1840-1900)
Includes newspaper clipping, undated
Phillips, Adelaide (1833-1882)
21 September 1870
6 January 1874
Philips, John (1770-1823)
Samuel Farrar, 7 February 1818
Order of General Court; also includes Timothy Bigelow (includes transcript), 11 June 1818
Phillips, Steven W[illard] (1873-1955)
Grenville Norcross 3 May 1927
Grenville Norcross, 3 August 1928
Grenville Norcross, 18 December 1928
Grenville Norcross, 12 December 1936
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884)
Samuel E. Sewall, 14 October 1845
Frances Gardner, 17 October 1866
Otis Norcross, 2 May 1867
Grenville Norcross, 7 May 1871
F. W. Lincoln, Jr., 20 November 1872
William Gray, 6 December 1872
30 August 1873
William Powell, 13 November 1876
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884) and Ann [Terry Greene] (1813-1886)
Elizabeth Pease, 6 July 1845
Phillpotts, Eden (1862-1960)
Colles, 13 April 1898
Phipps, Constantine John, Lord Mulgrave (1744-1792)
Mr. Wingrave, 1 September 1774
Phipps, Henry, 1st Earl of Mulgrave (1755-1831)
Huntley, 17 April 1812
Pichegru, Charles (1761-1804)
Pickering, Edward Charles (1846-1919)
Otis Norcross, 6 June 1878
Pickering, Timothy (1745-1829)
General Hand, 12 May 1781
Picton, Sir Thomas (1758-1815)
12 August 1787
Pierce, Edward Lillie (1829-1897)
United States Internal Revenue Service license for G. P. Converse, 1 September 1863
Otis Norcross, 18 February 1879
Otis Norcross, 23 May 1879
Otis Norcross, 22 November 1899
Otis Norcross, 6 December 1880
Pierce, Edward P[eter] (1852-1938)
Pierce, Franklin (1804-1869)
Edmund Burke (includes transcript), 17 January 1838
H. A. Willard, 28 November 1840
Pierce, Henry Lillie (1825-1896)
Otis Norcross, 11 April 1874
Otis Norcross, 11 January 1876
Mr. Putnam, 6 March 1886
Pierpont, John (1785-1866)
Samuel Sewell, 3 January 1845
Fletcher and Sewell, 17 March 1845
Pierrepont, Edwards (1817-1892)
15 July 1879
Pillow, Gideon Johnson (1806-1878)
Mary E[lizabeth] (Martin) Pillow, 31 March 1847
Pillsbury, John Eliot (1846-1919)
Grenville Norcross, undated
Pillsbury, Parker (1809-1898)
31 March 1847
Pinckney, Charles (1757-1824)
John Hampton, 14 June 1790
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth (1746-1825)
Fulwar Skipworth; also includes Elbridge Gerry and John Marshall, 20 December 1797
Williamson and De Villers, 20 December 1797
Pinckney, Thomas (1850-1828)
Petition as guardian of William Castell, 3 December 1784
Pinero, Arthur (1855-1934)
Jones, 16 December 1922
Pinkney, William (1764-1822)
Legal opinion, 12 October 1812
Pitney, Mahlon (1858-1924)
Editor of The Princetonian, 30 May 1918
[Pitt, William], 1st Earl Chatham (1708-1778)
Transcription only, 20 November 1766
Pitt, William (1759-1806)
Sir Andrew Hammond, 4 March [1800?]
Includes transcript and engraved illustration, 10 May 1804
Platt, T[homas] C[ollier] (1833-1910)
27 February 1875
W. T. Salter, 26 February 1900
Playfair, Lyon, 1st Baron Playfair (1819-1898)
Richard H. Dana, 19 March 1888
Pleasonton, Alfred (1824-1897)
J. Cist, 22 July 1868
Pocock, Sir George (1706-1792)
Also includes John Byers, 1 October 1757
Poinsett, Joel Roberts (1779-1851)
Solomon Cohen, Jr. 4 April 1842
Reference for Charles Ogden Ludlow Hammond, 21 May 1847
Poland, Luke Potter (1815-1887)
S. Colfax, 17 February 1873
Poland, W. C.
Grenville Norcross, 22 April 1885
Polk, James Knox (1795-1849)
Samuel H. Loughlin (includes transcript), 9 March 1841
Pomeroy, Jesse H[arding] (1859-1932)
William Kellen, 11 November 1888
Pomeroy, Theo[dore] M[edad] (1824-1905)
26 October 1864
Ponsonby, Sir Henry Frederick (1825-1895)
Reverend Willcock, 7 November 1879
28 October 1893
Ponsonby, Thomas
17 September 1860
Pontchartrain, Louis Phélypeaux (1643-1727)
31 March [1695 or 1711?]
Poole, William Frederick (1821-1894)
E. B. Hagar, 4 January 1888
Poore, Benjamin Perley (1820-1888)
Colonel J. M. C. Lee, 7 August 1865
Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Mr. Miller at the Physick-Garden in Chelsea, 19 February 1735
Pope, John (1822-1892)
J. T. Sprague, 16 July 1867
Porter, David (1780-1843)
Promissory note, 10 April 1821
14 December 1823
Porter, David Dixon (1813-1891)
Allen Smith (includes transcript), 3 March 1866
George H. Preble (includes transcript), 22 December 1884
Leonard Cheney, 31 January 1888
Porter, Fritz-John (1822-1901)
Thomas F. Temple, 31 October 1900
Porter, Horace (1837-1921)
Joseph Henry Harper, 3 February 1886
Porter, James Madison (1793-1862)
Boyd, 13 February 1844
Porter, Jane (1776-1850)
20 July [no year]
Porter, John Luke (1813-1893)
General F. J. Lippitt, 30 December 1889
Porter, Noah (1811-1892)
F. Brooks, 25 March 1874
Joseph Healy, 22 October 1877
Porter, Peter Buell (1773-1844)
Printed pamphlet for War Department promotions, 27 October 1828
18 July 1829
Portman, Edward Berkeley (1799-1888)
9 September 1824
Potter, Alfred C[laghorn] (1867-1940)
Grenville Norcross, 18 September 1931
Grenville Norcross, 13 November 1931
Grenville Norcross, 29 March 1932
Grenville Norcross, 6 December 1932
Potter, Alonzo (1800-1865)
6 September 1864
Potter, H[enry] C[odman] (1834-1908)
Dr. Putnam, 23 November 1880
Potter, Horatio (1820-1887)
Bishop Stevens, 1 December 1880
Powers, Hiram (1805-1875)
12 September 1871
Powers, Joseph L[awrence] (1878-1955)
Grenville Norcross, [1930?]
Grenville Norcross, 28 April 1931
Pownall, Thomas (1722-1805)
Joseph Sharpe (includes transcript), 14 September 1780
Pradier, Jean-Jacques (1792-1852)
31 January 1834
Pratt, Charles, 1st Earl Camden (1713-1794)
4 October 1773
Preble, Edward (1761-1807)
Ebenezer Stocker (includes transcript), 12 May 1806
Preble, George Henry (1816-1885)
8 October 1862
Prentice, George Dennison (1802-1870)
18 March 1860
Prentiss, Seargent Smith (1808-1850)
P. Cleveland, 17 July 1838
Prescott, William, Jr. (1762-1844)
Joseph Williamson, 8 February 1820
Custer, Sewall, Mason, Loring, 17 August 1835
Prescott, William Hickling (1796-1859)
6 January 1859
Mr. Stickney, undated
Preston, William Ballard (1805-1862)
General Order, United States Navy, 21 May 1850
Preston, William Campbell (1794-1860)
20 March 1857
Prévost-Paradol, Lucien-Anatole (1829-1870)
24 September 1857
Price, Sterling (1809-1867)
15 October 1847
Prieur-Duvernois, Claude Antoine (1763-1827)
24 January 1795
Primrose, Archibald Philip, 5th Earl of Rosebery (1847-1929)
Henry Fox Bourne, 28 January 1890
John Wilcock (letter likely written by secretary), 7 December 1897
Prince, Frederick O[ctavius] (1818-1899)
Godfrey Morse, 11 January 1877
Prince, Thomas (1687-1758)
Nathan Prince, 26 October 1725
Procter, B[ryan] W[aller] (1787-1874)
Proctor, Edna Dean (1829-1923)
22 September 1906
Proctor, Redfield (1831-1908)
28 August 1861
Dr. Rice, 21 July 1903
Prout, Joseph
Marriage bann for John Charnock and Hannah Holyoak, 26 January 1720/1
Prout, Samuel (1783-1852)
Includes biography with illustrated portrait, 20 March 1835
Pryor, Roger Atkinson (1828-1919)
21 February 1870
Pumpelly, Raphael (1837-1923)
Gardner, 27 March 1874
Putnam, A[lfred] P[orter] (1827-1906)
Baldwin, 29 May 1871
Putnam, Frederick Ward (1839-1915)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 27 November 1908
E. W. Baker, 31 January 1913
Putnam, George [Putnam] (1814-1972)
Richardson, 22 February 1859
Theodore Roosevelt, 30 December 1870
Putnam, Herbert (1861-1955)
Baldwin, 14 May 1898
Putnam, Rufus (1738-1824)
Land lottery ticket; also includes Leo Jarvis, 9 November 1786
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre (1824-1898)
1 December 1883
Pynchon, Thomas Ruggles (1823-1904)
Mr. Healy, 23 October 1877
Grenville Norcross, 9 November 1880
Pynchon, William (1723-1789)
Law Enforcement of Springfield, 29 December 1746
Pyne, James B[aker] (1800-1870)
J. P. Knight, 9 May 1849
Pyne, William H[enry] (1769-1843)
William Upcott, 9 May 1849
Quincy, Edward (1808-1877)
18 May 1852
Quincy, Josiah, II (1744-1775)
4 October 1769
Quincy, Josiah, III (1772-1864)
Sylvanus Bourne, 22 September 1797
Reverend Horace Holley, May 1813
Ebenezer Bailey, 1 August 1827
20 December 1833
James Austin, 6 June 1834
Mr. Folsom, 14 October 1836
Samuel E. Sewall, 7 February 1840
Major General Chandler, 14 June 1843
William Bond, 4 October 1849
James Austen, 20 December [no year]
Mr. Storey, 21 December [no year]
Quincy, Josiah, VI (1859-1919)
Mr. Carruth, 23 September 1892
Quincy, Josiah Phillips (1829-1910)
Otis Norcross, 17 July 1869
J. P. Healey, 28 February 1873
Quincy, Samuel (1735-1789)
Bond; also includes Samuel Hewes, Henry Hill, Richard Boynton, Samuel Adams, 14 October 1771
Quitman, John Anthony (1798-1858)
E. Barrows, 11 June 1856
Ralph, Julian (1853-1903)
William Carey, 6 June 1891
Rajon, Paul Adolphe (1843-1888)
29 April 1886
Ramsey, Alexander (1815-1903)
Note regarding Captain Lauffer, undated
Rand, Edward S[prague], Jr. (1834-1897)
Dillon, 4 August 1877
Rand, Isaac (1743-1822)
Bill for smallpox immunizations; verso includes letter from Artemas Ward regarding payment, 20 March 1777
Randall, Alexander Williams (1819-1872)
Grenville Norcross, 19 October 1871
Randall, Charles S[turtevant] (1824-1904)
Perry A. Bridgeham, 29 December 1891
Randall, Samuel Jackson (1825-1890)
L. D. M. Treat, 15 March 1880
Randall, Alfred Magill (1836-1918)
A. H. Hoyt, 5 May 1885
Randolph, Edmund (1753-1813)
Samuel Huntington, 14 November 1787
Randolph, Edward (1632-1703)
Regarding the ship Expedition, 20 December 1680
Randolph, George Wythe (1818-1867)
Adam R. Nisbet appointment as Assistant Commissary for the Confederacy, 1 July 1862
Randolph, John (1773-1833)
Henry Tucker, 26 January 1829
Randon, Jacques Louis Cesar Alexandre, 1st Count Randon (1795-1871)
9 July 1859
Rantoul, Robert (1805-1852)
Also includes Rufus Choate, 22 December 1845
John M. Mason, 17 January 1847
Rantoul, Robert S. (1832-1922)
Grenville Norcross, 30 January 1896
Grenville Norcross, 21 June 1908
Grenville Norcross, 16 November 1910
Grenville Norcross, 27 July 1912
Grenville Norcross, 18 October 1920
Grenville Norcross, 2 December [no year]
Rawlins, John A[aron] (1831-1869)
Major Stewart, 18 November 1865
Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke (1810-1895)
14 August [no year]
Raymond, John (John O'Brien) (1836-1887)
Mrs. Johnson, 19 October 1878
Read, Thomas Buchanan (1822-1872)
James T. Fields, [1856?]
Reade, Charles (1814-1884)
Mr. Matthews, 17 November 1870
Reagan, John Henninger (1818-1905)
Daniel Ruggles, 9 March 1882
Recchia, Richard H[enry] (1885-1983)
Miss Thompson, 16 December 1928
Redfield, William Cox (1858-1932)
Cheesman A. Herrick, 20 March 1917
Redpath, James (1833-1891)
Thomas Hart, 16 December 1928
Redman, Charles
Also includes Addington Davenport and Elisha Hutchinson, April 1709
Reed, Joseph
Bill for services from George Peabody to Choate and Bell, 19 September 1859
Reed, Thomas Brackett (1839-1902)
Phillip H. Brown, 16 February 1883
Walter Woodman, 26 November 1897
Regnard, [Michel Louis Etienne de Saint-Jean d'Angély] (1761-1819)
8 December 1806
Regnier, Claude A[mbrose] (1746-1814)
27 February 1809
Reid, Thomas Mayne (1818-1883)
Ticknor and Fields, [1865?]
Reid, Whitelaw (1837-1912)
C. B. Norton, 12 January 1880
Remington, Frederic (1861-1909)
Mr. Russell, [1900?]
Remsen, Ira (1846-1927)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 24 January 1905
Rémusat, Charles François Marie, Comte de(1797-1875)
Minister of Agriculture, 1840
Renwick, James (1790-1863)
John C. Spencer, 2 March 1844
Reppling, Agnes
Mr. Holt, 6 November 1898
Reszke, Édouard de (1856-1917)
Chester Lord, 20 February 1902
Revere, Paul (1735-1818)
Bill for iron sash weights, 16 May 1794
Reynolds, Grindall (1822-1894)
Grenville Norcross, 7 April 1885
Rhett, Robert Barnwell (1800-1876)
11 January 1831
12 December 1864
Rhodes, James Ford (1848-1927)
George A. Dary, 4 October 1895
Mr. Tuttle, 1 April 1908
Mr. Tuttle, 17 December 1909
Grenville Norcross, 21 November 1921
George A. Dary, undated
Rice, Albert E. (1845-1921)
24 March 1881
Rice, Alexander Hamilton (1818-1895)
Otis Norcross, 9 May 1867
Otis Norcross, 18 April 1871
Otis Norcross, 15 November 1873
Otis Norcross, 29 June 1874
Otis Norcross, 10 January 1881
Otis Norcross, undated
Rice, Alice H[egan] (1870-1942)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 29 September 1921
Laura Norcross Marrs, undated
Rich, H. C.
14 July 1872
Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe (1850-1943)
Mrs. Dickinson, undated
Richardson, Charles Francis (1851-1913)
3 November 1902
Richardson, Harriette Taber (1875-1951)
Grenville Norcross, 25 June 1933
Richardson, Samuel (1689-1761)
Richardson, William Adams (1821-1896)
Clinton J. Sheldon, 1 March 1856
Richardson, William Adams (1821-1896)
L. A. Greene, 4 April 1889
Richelieu, Armand Emmanuel Sophie Septimarie du Plessis (1766-1822)
6 December 1821
Rideing, William Henry (1853-1918)
Letter to the Editor of The Beacon, 29 August 1887
Rigby, Richard (1678-1730)
23 July 1728
Rigaud, Louis-Phillippe, Marquis de Vaudreuil [de] (1691-1763)
24 October 1753
Rihbany, Abraham M[itire] (1869-1944)
Miss Channing, 26 April 1928
Riis, Jacob August (1849-1914)
Mr. Bridgman, 16 September 1909
Rinehart, Mary Roberts (1876-1958)
Mr. Grau, 15 January 1910
Ripley, George (1802-1880)
Reverend John Dwight, 14 August 1838
Reverend Charles J. Brooks, 14 August 1841
Riston, Adelaide, Marchioness del Grillo (1822-1906)
1 April 1875
Ritchie, Albert Cabell (1876-1936)
James Olmstead, 29 August 1929
James Olmstead, 30 January 1930
James Olmstead, 17 May 1932
Rives, William Cabell (1793-1868)
4 September 1835
Robbins, Chandler (1810-1892)
Henry Emmans, 11 January 1876
Roberts, Charles G[eorge] D[ouglas] (1860-1943)
Kimball, 26 September 1896
Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl Roberts (1832-1914)
Hichens, 30 May 1895
Robertson, Thomas William (1829-1871)
Miss Oliver, undated
Robinson, George Frederick Samuel, Marquis of Ripon (1827-1909)
Order form for Harvard: The First American University at the Old Corner Bookstore, Boston, 19 November 1886
Robinson, Beverly (1722-1792)
Jared Ingersoll, 29 September 1766
Robinson, Edwin Arlington (1869-1935)
Mr. Knopf, 12 February 1934
Robinson, Frederick John, Viscount Goderich (1782-1859)
6 January 1847
Robinson, Fred Norris (1871-1966)
Grenville Norcross, 21 April 1922
Grenville Norcross, 5 September 1922
Grenville Norcross, 17 June 1924
Grenville Norcross, 4 October 1930
Robinson, Frederick William (1830-1901)
12 September 1873
Robinson, George D[exter] (1834-1896)
Arthur Hobart, 28 October 1885
Robinson, L.
F. Watson; written on Erie Railway Company letterhead, 27 March 1874
Robson, Stuart (1836-1903)
Maxina Myers, 20 September 1899
Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de (1725-1807)
6 October 1787
Roche, James Jeffrey (1847-1908)
Editor of The Independent, 21 October 1889
Rockwell, Julius (1805-1886)
Seth Webb, 7 April 1856
Rodgers, John (1771-1838)
Rodin, [Francois] Auguste [Rene] (1840-1917)
Roe, Edward Payson (1838-1888)
18 February 1887
Rogers, Henry Munroe (1839-1937)
Grenville Norcross, 13 December 1929
Rogers, S[amuel] (1763-1855)
Macon, 14 July 1843
Rogers, William Barton (1804-1882)
Otis Norcross, 21 February 1867
Otis Norcross, 10 December 1878
Rohlfs, Anna Katharine Green (1846-1935)
Handwritten transcript from novel, That Affair Next Door, undated
Roland de la Platiere, Jean Mari (1734-1793)
Minister of Public Contributions, 17 January 1793
Rolfe, Robert, 1st Baron Cranworth (1790-1868)
Lord Clarendon, 5 July 1865
Mrs. Adams, 4 May [no year]
Rolfe, William James (1827-1910)
Mrs. Rogers, 18 October 1887
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945)
Mr. Benjamin, 31 March 1914
James Monroe Olmstead, 30 August 1932
Thomas G. Frothingham, 27 February 1934
Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919)
Two leaves of original manuscript, The Winning of the West; also includes autographed calling card, 1889
John Woodbury, 11 November 1904
Root, Elihu (1845-1937)
29 June 1888
Root, G[eorge] F[rederick] (1820-1895)
Theo, 10 September 1888
Ropes, James Hardy (1866-1933)
Mr. Jenks, 13 August 1902
Grenville Norcross, 24 November 1914
Ropes, John Codman (1836-1899)
Otis III and Grenville Norcross, 28 March 1890
Otis III and Grenville Norcross, 25 April 1890
Rose, John Carter (1861-1927)
30 December 1885
Rose, J[ohn] Holland (1855-1942)
Grenville Norcross; includes print of Lowell lecture on The Personality of Napoleon, 26 March 1912
Grenville Norcross, 30 June 1913
Grenville Norcross, 21 December 1913
Rosecrans, William Starke (1819-1898)
Edwin Mitchell, 30 June 1856
30 December 1860
Ross, Denman Waldo (1853-1935)
Grenville Norcross; includes invitation to an event at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 26 February 1926
Ross, Janet Ann Duff (Gordon) (1842-1927)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 5 December 1912
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882)
Reference for Charles A. Howell, 29 April 1872
Rowe, John (1715-1787)
30 September 1778
Rudersdorff, Hermine (Erminia) (1822-1882)
6 March 1876
Ruffin, Thomas (1787-1870)
William Eaton, Jr., 29 December 1857
Rugg, Arthur Prentice (1862-1938)
Charles F. Read, 30 April 1918
Hovey Gage, 23 May 1929
James Monroe Olmstead, 11 September 1931
6 September 1932
Ruggles, Daniel (1810-1897)
22 August 1861
Runkle, John Daniel (1822-1902)
Grenville Norcross, 26 January 1878
Rush, Benjamin (1745-1813)
John Nicholson [labeled copy], 12 August 1793
Rush, Richard (1780-1859)
John Kittredge, 15 March 1813
8 October 1832
Rusk, Thomas Jefferson (1803-1857)
18 April 1848
Ruskin, John (1819-1900)
4 August 1857
Charles E. Norton, 1869
Russell, Charles, Baron Russell of Killowen (1832-1900)
1 January 1895
Russell, Edward, Earl of Oxford (1653-1727)
Order, September 1691
Order, August 1693
Russell, Frances Anna Maria (Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound), Countess (1815-1898)
Charles Francis Adams, Sr., 19 March 1867
Abigail Brooks Adams, [1867?]
Russell, John, 1st Earl (1792-1878)
Includes transcript, 26 June 1833
Includes transcript and image, 2 August 1845
Clarendon; includes transcript and engraved illustration, 3 April 1865
Russell, Lillian (1861-1922)
Includes biography, 22 January 1891
Russell, Sol Smith (1848-1902)
8 April 1882
Russell, William Eustis (1857-1896)
James Russell Reed, 25 November 1892
James Russell Reed, 28 June 1893
Rutledge, John (1739-1800)
William Barrow, 1778
Sabine, Lorenzo (1803-1877)
Otis Norcross, 13 May 1862
Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset (1536-1608)
Engraved illustration only; no autograph, undated
Sackville-West, Lionel (1827-1908)
18 January 1883
Sage, Russell (1816-1906)
Chittendon, 20 March 1851
St. Clair, Arthur (1736-1818)
Accounting, 20 July 1780
Saint-Cyr, Claude Carra (1760-1834)
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus (1848-1907)
Solomon Lincoln; also includes four cutslip autographs in envelope, 23 December 1905
St. John, Henry, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke (1678-1751)
Includes transcript (no original document), 17 August 1711
25 June 1714
Saint-Saëns, [Charles-] Camille (1835-1921)
Mr. Wolf, 3 December 1881
St. Victor, Felix de
May 1820
Salisbury, Stephen III (1835-1905)
Otis Norcross, 10 September 1869
Otis Norcross, 28 June 1879
Otis Norcross, 5 September 1883
Salter, William (1804-1875)
28 May 1822
Salvini, Alexander (1861-1896)
Salvini, Tommaso (1830-1915)
25 November 1873
15 February 1874
Mr. Jarrett, 27 March 1890
Sampson, William T[homas] (1840-1902)
Watson, 28 October 1898
Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin (1831-1917)
Otis Norcross, 4 August 1864
Otis Norcross, 27 August 1864
Grenville Norcross, originally to the editors of The Outlook, 15 December 1909
Grenville Norcross, 9 January 1917
Sanborn, Katherine Abbott (1839-1917)
Mr. Clapp, undated
Sand, George (Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin de Francueil) (1804-1876)
Grenville Norcross, 5 January 1870
Sandham, Henry (1842-1910)
Grenville Norcross, 10 May 1892
Sands, Benjamin Franklin (1812-1883)
H. B. Anthony, 4 February 1870
Sanford, John Elliot] (1830-1907)
Mr. Crocker, 22 January 1892
Grenville Norcross, 10 November 1906
Sankey, Ira David (1840-1908)
Mr. Sawyer, 22 March 1878
Saratsberg, George
15 January 1924
Savary, Anne Jean Marie Rene, duc de Rovigo (1774-1833)
19 October 1813
Sargent, Epes (1813-1880)
Fields, 26 December [no year]
Sargent, John Osborne (1811-1891)
Gideon Nye, Jr., 5 July 1849
Grenville Norcross, 28 December 1881
Sargent, John Singer (1856-1925)
Sargent, Lucius Manlius (1786-1867)
Receipt, 1 May 1837
Otis Norcross, 30 March 1854
Chairman of the Committee on Laying Out and Widening Streets, Boston, 21 December 1857
Sartine, [Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel] de, [comte d'Alby] (1729-1801)
Senac de Meilhan, 11 February 1766
Sartain, John (1808-1897)
Miss Norcross, 11 March 1891
Saumarez, James, 1st Baron de Saumarez (1757-1836)
29 December 1824
Saumarez, James, 1st Baron de Saumarez (1757-1836)
29 December 1824
Savage, James (1784-1873)
Jewett, 14 May 1862
Savage, Maxwell (1876-1948)
Grenville Norcross, 28 November 1927
Savage-Landor, A[rnold] H[enry] (1865-1924)
Editor of Great Thoughts, 29 November 1899
Sawtelle, William Otis (1874-1939)
Grenville Norcross, 5 July 1930
Grenville Norcross, 21 April 1932
Grenville Norcross, 6 September 1932
Grenville Norcross, 1 July 1933
Grenville Norcross, 17 September 1934
Grenville Norcross, undated
Saxe, John Godfrey (1816-1887)
17 January 1876
Saxe, Maurice, Comte de (1696-1750)
1 January 1749
Saxton, Rufus (1824-1908)
15 July 1864
Say, Jean-Baptiste (1767-1832)
15 June 1825
Scarlett, James, 1st Baron Abinger (1769-1844)
7 October 1840
Schaff, Morris (1840-1929)
Grenville Norcross, 28 May 1922
Schenck, Robert Cumming (1809-1890)
E. M. Stanton, 15 September 1863
Scheffer, Ary (1795-1858)
Schley, Winfield Scott (1839-1909)
Leonard Cheney, 8 December 1898
Schofield, John McAllister (1831-1906)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 24 January 1902
Schoolcraft, Henry R[owe] (1793-1864)
13 March 1843
Schouler, James (1839-1920)
Grenville Norcross, 7 January 1920
Schurz, Carl (1829-1906)
16 May 1874
Joseph N. Baxter, 21 February 1877
Pension certificate for William H. Bigelow, 8 October 1878
10 April 1888
11 May 1899
Schuyler, Philip John (1733-1804)
Johannis Ball (includes transcript), 13 May 1783
Scott, James (1746-1809)
Bill of lading for ship Lydia, 30 April 1766
Scott, John, 1st Earl of Eldon (1751-1838)
Chalmers (includes engraved illustration), 19 January 1824
7 November 1828
Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832)
16 January 1816
14 July 1818
About king's visit to Edinburgh, August 1822
Scott, Winfield (1786-1866)
Colonel William J. Worth (includes transcript), 19 January 1840
Scott-Siddons, Mary F[rances] (1844-1896)
13 November 1874
Mr. Passmore, undated
Scribe, Augustin Eugene (1791-1861)
Scudder, Horace Elisha (1838-1902)
Grenville Norcross, 4 September 1885
Grenville Norcross, 26 September 1885
Grenville Norcross, 11 November 1885
Grenville Norcross, 11 June 1889
Sears, David II (1787-1871)
Rich[ard] Frothingham, 3 March 1856
Otis Norcross, 20 December 1867
Otis Norcross, 15 December 1869
Seaver, Benjamin (1795-1856)
Also includes Elisha Copeland, 13 October 1853
Samuel E. Sewall, undated
Seaver, Edwin P[liny]
Grenville Norcross, 14 April 1885
Sebastian, William King (1812-1879)
15 March 1868
Sebastiani [de La Porta], Horace François Bastien (1771-1851)
Legrand, 5 August 1832
Secker, Thomas (1693-1768)
Legrand, 21 December 1748
Seddon, James Alexander (1815-1880)
John K. Martin, 28 September 1850
Joseph Brown, 19 June 1863
Sedgwick, Catharine Maria (1709-1867)
Mrs. James Whittle, 5 July 1854
Sedgwick, Henry D[wight] (1861-1957)
10 November 1923
Sedgwick, Theodore (1746-1813)
29 June 1772
Sedgwick, William Thompson (1955-1921)
Grenville Norcross, 18 December 1900
Selinger, Emily (1848-1927)
Mr. Clappe, 5 July 1885
Seton, Ernest Thompson (1860-1946)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 4 November 1904
Laura Norcross Marrs, 13 September 1909
4 June 1911
Sewall, David (1735-1825)
Also includes Nathan Sargent and John Avery, 21 November 1783
Sewall, Samuel (1652-1730)
Itemized receipt, 14 November 1717
Court verdict, 1721
Probate court document, 26 September 1726
Sewall, Samuel (1757-1814)
Marblehead, Massachusetts, lottery, 29 October 1790
Sewall, Samuel E[dmund] (1799-1888)
Includes engraved illustration, 25 July 1888
Miss Chafee, 27 October [no year]
Seward, Frederick William (1830-1915)
Robert Denniston, 3 April 1861
John Bertram, 11 May 1878
Seward, William Henry (1801-1872)
Samuel E. Sewall, 6 August 1848
Otis Norcross, 18 February 1867
Sewall, Elizabeth M[issing] (1815-1906)
Miss Chafee, 6 April 1891
Seymour, Charles, 6th Duke of Somerset (1662-1748)
Also includes Nath[an] Hickman and Geo[rge] Smith, 9 March 1719/20
Seymour, Horatio (1810-1886)
Marcelle Emory, 14 November 1871
5 July 1872
Seymour-Conway, Francis Charles, 3rd Marquess of Hertford (1777-1842)
W. B. Clarke, 27 December 1827
Shafter, William Rufus (1835-1906)
11 February 1871
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate (1841-1906)
T. C. Gordon, 14 May 1890
S. V. Kellen, 7 December 1895
Shapleigh, F[rank] H[enry] (1842-1906)
Grenville Norcross, 14 August 1884
Shattuck, George C[heyne], Jr. (1813-1893)
William Claflin, undated
Shattuck, Henry L[ee] (1879-1971)
Grenville Norcross (includes copy of letter to Delano White), 24 September 1936
Grenville Norcross, 7 November 1936
Shaw, George A.
Draft notice for William Everett, Provost Marshal's Office, Massachusetts, 14 July 1863
Exemption from service for William Everett; includes John W. LeBarnes and Joseph H. Streeter, 29 July 1863
Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950)
William Farren about Shaw's play, The Music-Cure, 19 December 1914
Shaw, Lemuel (1781-1861)
B. R. Curtis, 2 December 1841
No signature, [1850]?
Samuel E. Sewall (includes copy of portrait), 20 April [no year]
Shaw, Leslie Mortier (1848-1932)
Receipt, 24 January 1901
Shaw, Robert Gould (1850-1931)
Grenville Norcross, 20 January 1925
Shaw, Samuel
John P. Healey (contains two letters dated and addressed to same), 3 September 1858
Shee, Martin A[rcher] (1769-1850)
Sheldon, D.
Also includes John Kittredge, 2 November 1812
Sherburne, John
Manifest of wood cargo on board sloop Nancy James, 22 September 1755
Sheridan, Philip Henry (1831-1888)
11 May 1893
Sheridan, Richard B[rinsley] (1751-1816)
Mr. Earle, 1815
Sherman, Frank Dempster (1860-1916)
Editor, The Independent, 16 February 1889
Handwritten lyric, undated
Sherman, James Schoolcraft (1855-1912)
M. L. Robinson, 28 October 1909
Sherman, John (1823-1900)
14 November 1864
C. B. Norton, 22 March 1879
Sherman, Thomas West (1813-1879)
Reference for J. Schyuler Crosby, 4 July 1864
W. J. McDowall, 20 April 1866
Sherman, William Tecumseh (1820-1891)
9 April 1863
To one of his brothers (includes transcript), 17 July 1867
Otis Norcross, 30 November 1881
Sherwin, Thomas (1799-1869)
Otis Norcross, 7 May 1867
Shillaber, Benjamin Penhallow (1814-1890)
4 November 1858
6 March 1871
Clapp, undated
Shippen, Eugene R[odman] (1865-1959)
Grenville Norcross, 6 February 1924
Shirley, William (1694-1771)
Regarding Quebec expedition (includes transcript), 1746
Shorthouse, Joseph Henry (1834-1903)
28 December 1882
Shovell, Cloudesley (1650-1707)
William Wright, 7 July 1703
Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet (1810-1874)
Otis Norcross, 26 September 1867
Otis Norcross, 17 April 1869
Sibley, John Langdon (1804-0885)
Grenville Norcross, 29 July 1876
Sicard, Roch[-Ambroise Cucurron] (1742-1822)
Viscomte de Montmorency, 16 September 1816
Sickels, Daniel Edgar (1819-1914)
Samuel E. Sewall, 3 July 1844
Siegel, Franz (1824-1902)
21 January 1889
Sigourney, Lydia Howard Huntley (1791-1865)
Mrs. Billings, undated
Sigsbee, Charles Dwight (1845-1923)
Mr. Pray, 15 August 1897
Silliman, Benjamin (1779-1864)
Parker Cleaveland, 20 March 1826
Silsbee, Nathaniel (1773-1850)
John Moriarty, 14 December 1816
Simmns, William Gilmore (1808-1870)
Carey and Hart, 26 October 1847
Simon, Jules Francois (1814-1896)
28 July 1878
Simpson, Jeremiah (1842-1905)
United States House of Representatives pass for E. E. Wells, 14 August 1893
Sims, William Sowden (1858-1936)
Mr. Prince, 9 February 1929
Sismondi, Jean Charles Léonard de (1773-1842)
Truettel and Wurtz, 18 February 1841
Skinner, Otis (1858-1942)
24 April 1884
Mrs. Vieira, 21 March 1894
Sladen, Douglas [Brooke Wheelton] (1856-1947)
9 November 1888
Slafter, Edmund Farwell (1816-1906)
Grenville Norcross, 20 October 1904
Slaughter, James E[dwin] (1827-1901)
23 January 1880
Slemp, C[ampbell] Bascom (1870-1943)
Grenville Norcross, 11 October 1924
Slocum, Henry Warner (1827-1894)
Simon Cameron, 3 December 1861
Slidell, John (1793-1871)
Aaron Burr, 7 June 1824
Smalley, George Washington (1833-1916)
3 March 1867
Smith, Alfred Emanuel (1873-1944)
27 April 1931
Smith, Asa Dodge (1804-1877)
Mr. Healy, 15 February 1876
Smith, Charles C.
Grenville Norcross, 4 November 1902
Grenville Norcross, 29 April 1907
Smith, Clement L[awrence] (1844-1909)
Grenville Norcross, 6 April 1885
Smith, Edmund Kirby (1824-1893)
H. Victor Newcomb, 5 January 1867
Smith, Fitz-Henry, Jr. (1873-1955)
Grenville Norcross, 16 September 1936
Smith, Francis Hopkinson (1838-1915)
Gustave Koffe, 17 December 1907
Smith, George Williamson (1836-1925)
Leonard Cheney, undated
Smith, Gerritt (1797-1874)
Samuel E. Sewall, 22 December 1853
Samuel E. Sewall, 10 May 1854
Smith, Goldwin (1823-1910)
3 November 1878
Henry C. Brown, 3 January 1889
Smith, Hoke (1855-1931)
Arthur Hobart, 29 December 1894
Smith, Jerome V[an] C[rowninsfield] (1800-1879)
Lease to 4 Leverett Street, Boston, to the heirs of Stephen Badlam, 20 July 1854
Appointment of Paul Adams and John E. Davis as attorneys, 5 February 1864
Smith, Joseph (1790-1877)
Maurice Wakeman, 7 February 1867
Smith, Melancton, III (1810-1893)
United States Navy Appropriation "Contingent" form, 4 May 1861
Smith, P. B., Jr.
Robinson and Kendall, 6 March 1873
Smith, Robert (1757-1842)
4 July 1803
Smith, Robert Dickson
Otis Norcross, 9 November 1869
Smith, Samuel (1752-1839)
13 July 1797
Smith, Samuel Francis (1808-1895)
Thomas Cushing, undated
Smith, Seba (1792-1868)
Carey and Hart, 24 March 1842
Smith, Sydney (1771-1845)
Mr. Dudley, 13 July 1797
Mr. Hodgson, 2 March 1833
Georgiana Ellis, undated
Smith, William (1813-1893)
Edwin, 21 December 1871
Smoot, Reed (1862-1941)
Mr. Ronson, 2 January 1911
Smyth, Charles Piazzi (1819-1900)
25 August 1868
Smyth, Egbert Coffin (1829-1904)
20 April 1885
Somerset, Edward, 2nd Marquis of Worcester (1601-1667)
Engraved illustration, 28 January 1621
Somerset, Granville Charles Henry (1792-1848)
6 June 1820
Somerset, FitzRoy James Henry, 1st Baron Raglan (1788-1855)
Receipt from John Murray, 3 December 1809
Receipt from John Murray, 14 July 1843
Somerville, Mary (1780-1872)
Mr. Hope, 1 December 1871
Sonntag, William Louis (1822-1900)
11 August 1860
Sothern, Edward Askew (1826-1881)
Sothern, Edward Hugh (1859-1933)
Sothern, Julia Marlowe (1866-1950)
Mr. Valentine, 16 February 1923
Soult, Nicolas-Jean de Dieu, duke de Dalmatie (1769-1851)
Comt de Grundler, 13 September 1832
Southack, Cyprian (1662-1745)
Regarding debt of Alexander Douglas, boatswain, 17 August 1723
Southard, Samuel Lewis (1787-1842)
Captain A. Patridge, 21 April 1826
John Percival, 26 March 1830
Southey, Robert (1774-1843)
Includes engraved illustration, 27 October 1836
Southworth, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte (1819-1899)
4 June 1885
Sparks, Jared (1789-1866)
James T. Austin (includes transcript), 2 April 1834
Benjamin P. Poore (includes transcript), 27 February 1846
Mr. Alexander (includes transcript), 15 November 1848
George Grahame (includes transcript), 1 February 1849
Nathan Hale (includes transcript), 23 May 1849
George Lunt (includes transcript), 31 July 1851
Spaulding, Henry G.
Mr. Carret, 1 June 1917
Spencer, Charles, 3rd Earl of Sunderland (1674-1722)
Also includes Jeffrey Griffith, 18 January 1709
Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903)
Miss Lawrence, undated
Spencer, John Canfield (1788-1855)
Daniel Webster, 7 July 1842
Spinner, Francis Elias (1802-1890)
Grenville Norcross, 7 January 1871
Spofford, Ainsworth Rand (1825-1908)
Acknowledgement to E. B. Hagar from the Library of Congress, 31 December 1887
Spofford, Harriet Prescott (1835-1921)
Sprague, Charles (1791-1875)
Reverend Marshall Shedd, 5 May 1834
Grenville Norcross, 24 February 1871
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (1834-1892)
21 June 1881
Staël-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine de (nee Necker) (1766-1817)
30 November 1804
Stanberg, Henry (1803-1881)
Grenville Norcross, 9 December 1871
Stanhope, Charles, 3rd Earl Harrington (1753-1829)
Women's ticket to the House of Lords, 14 May 1806
Stanhope, James, 1st Earl Stanhope (1673-1721)
8 July 1715
Stanhope, Philip Henry, 5th Earl Stanhope (1805-1875)
Reverend J. Mayer, 29 March 1841
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn (1815-1881)
Augustus, 28 July 1880
Stanley, Dorothy (Tennant) (1855-1926)
Mrs. French, 21 March 1891
Stanley, Henry Morton (1841-1904)
26 November 1890
Stanton Edwin M[cMasters] (1814-1869)
Eben Faxon, 14 May 1860
Major General Schenk, 29 August 1866
Stanton, Henry Brewster (1805-1887)
26 July 1869
Stanwood, Edward (1841-1923)
Grenville Norcross, 20 May 1912
Grenville Norcross, 1 May 1914
Stedman, Edmund Clarence (1833-1908)
Includes business card, 4 January 1869
Stearns, George Luther (1809-1867)
F. B. Sanborn, 12 October 1863
Stedman, Edmund Clarence (1833-1908)
17 January 1902
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur (1879-1962)
Mr. Vaux, 1 March 1913
Stephen, Leslie (1852-1904)
Includes published photograph, 2 May 1871
Mrs. Moore, 15 February 1883
4 July 1888
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton (1812-1883)
25 November 1862
27 January 1871
Sternburg, [Hermann Speck von] (1852-1908)
David A. Munro, 16 April 1906
David A. Munro, 6 February 1908
Steuben, [General Friedrich Wilhelm von, Baron von Steuben] (1730-1794)
John Laurens, 15 July 1784
Promissory note to Robert Troup, 23 May 1792
Stevens, Alfred [Émile Léopold] (1823-1906)
10 August 1892
Stevens, Hazard (1842-1918)
George G. Crocker, 11 April 1891
Stevens, Isaac Ingalls (1818-1862)
Isaac Toucey, 12 July 1860
Reference for Captain William St. George Elliot, 14 May 1862
Stevens, John Calvin (1855-1940)
Grenville Norcross, 6 February 1932
Stevens, P.
Otis Norcross, 14 January 1867
Stevens, Thaddeus (1792-1868)
31 August 1866
Stevenson, Adlai Ewing (1900-1965)
The Century Company (includes transcript), 14 May 1926
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894)
McClure, [1890?]
Stevenson, Sarah (Coles) (1789-1848)
Dr. Thomas Sewall, 8 August 1837
Dr. Thomas Sewall, 23 July 1840
Stith, D[onald] C[hester] (1829-1920)
General Orders No. 14, Relative to Dividing the District of the Mississippi, 14 July 1862
Stockton, Francis Richard (1834-1902)
Editor of The Christmas Traveller, 15 October 1885
Stockton, Richard (1764-1828)
Mr. Wall, 8 March 1816
Stoddard, Charles Warren (1843-1909)
Frederick Holland Day, 31 August 1896
Stoddard, Richard Henry (1825-1903)
Editor of Graham's Magazine, 30 October 1854
Stoddert, Benjamin (1751-1813)
Thomas Stone, 24 February 1787
Stone, Lucy (1818-1893)
Percy A. Bridgham, 20 January 1889
Percy A. Bridgham, 6 July 1889
Stone, William Leete (1835-1908)
Theodore Dwight, 21 May 1868
J. T. Fields, 19 November 1872
Stoneman, George (1822-1894)
L. J. Cist, 1 April 1863
Storer, Bellamy (1847-1922)
James R. Carret, May 1916
Storer, Ebenezer II (1730-1807)
John Lowell, 31 October 1782
Storer, Malcolm (1862-1935)
Grenville Norcross, 4 June 1924
Grenville Norcross, 26 September 1925
Storey, Moorfield (1845-1929)
Grenville Norcross, 12 March 1898
Storrs, Richard Salter (1821-1900)
Mr. King, 20 July 1880
Story, Joseph (1779-1845)
John Lowell (includes explanatory note from Lowell), 20 November 1823
Samuel E. Sewall, 27 December 1827
Samuel E. Sewall, 27 December 1828
C. L. Henry, 3 March 1838
Peter Force, 16 December 1844
Story, Julian (1857-1919)
Story, William Wetmore (1819-1895)
Dwight, March 1846
Mr. Palmer, 17 February 1888
Bowditch, 1 April 1888
Stoughton, Edwin Wallace (1818-1882)
Edwin A. Stedwell, 12 June 1880
Stoughton, William (1631-1701)
Also includes John Fitch, John Walloy, Sarah Walloy, Nathaniel Byfields, 22 August 1694
President and Council of the Province of New Hampshire, 21 April 1697
Stowe, Calvin Ellis (1802-1886)
14 June 1858
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (1811-1896)
6 May 1881
Mr. Williams, 13 December 1872
Mr. Osgood, 24 April [no year]
Stratton, J.
24 June 1798
Stratton, Charles Sherwood (Tom Thumb) (1838-1883)
3 July 1860
Strauss, Johann (1825-1899)
Strickland, Agnes (1796-1874)
Stringer, T[h]om[as] (1886-?)
Laura Norcross Marrs (letter written in square-hand), February 1899
Stringham, Silas Horton (1797-1876)
Charles Cheney, 24 November 1865
Strong, Caleb (1745-1818)
James Madison, 17 October 1804
Strong, William (1808-1895)
Editor of The Independent, 23 December 1889
Stuart, Alex[ander] H[ugh] H[olmes] (1807-1891)
Jesse C. Green, 16 December 1886
Stuart, Charles (1753-1801)
Leave of absence for Captain Pierce Butler of the 12th Regiment of Light Dragoons, 24 November 1865
Stuart, John, 3rd Earl of Bute (1713-1792)
28 September 1782
Sturgis, John (1704-1759)
Account of Jonathan Bacon, Treasurer of Barnstable County, Massachusetts (includes transcript), 24 November 1865
Stuyvesant, Peter (Petrus) (1727-1805)
Samuel Jones, 30 January 1799
Suchet, Louis-Gabriel, Duke of Albufera (1770-1826)
Charles Cheney, 27 March 1801
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour (1842-1900)
Mrs. Stevens, 20 January 1877
Sullivan, [Thomas] Barry (1821-1891)
Sullivan, James (1744-1808)
21 November 1791
Mr. Dwight, 2 September 1806
Sully, Thomas (1783-1872)
10 August 1846
Sumner, Charles (1811-1874)
Benjamin Rand (includes transcript), 4 September 1838
George Perkins Marsh (includes transcript), 16 July 1847
James A. Briggs (includes transcript), 6 June 1851
Edwin P. Whipple (includes transcript), 5 October 1856
Benjamin Rand (includes transcript), 20 February 1859
John C. Hurd, 15 April 1861
Includes transcript, 12 April 1862
Joseph M. Wightman (includes transcript), 2 July 1862
21 June 1863
Nathaniel McKay (includes transcript), 10 May 1865
22 August 1865
Otis Norcross (includes transcript), 22 February 1867
Otis Norcross (includes transcript), 5 March 1867
Otis Norcross (includes transcript), 5 May 1867
14 July 1870
William Chandler (includes transcript), 15 January 1874
Sumner, Increase (1746-1799)
Also includes Lucy Bowman and Aaron Willard, 4 January 1792
Charles Cushing, 28 September 1794
Sumner, John Osborne (1863-1938)
Grenville Norcross, 4 April 1903
Grenville Norcross, 27 March 1910
Sumner, William Hyslop (1780-1861)
May 1854
Sumter, Tho[ma]s (1734-1832)
Deposit of bond (includes transcript), 17 August 1787
Swan, James (1754-1830)
6 October 1808
Swayne, Wager (1834-1902)
14 June 1882
Sweeny, Peter Barr (1825-1911)
Mrs. Vicks, 28 September 1869
Swift, Lindsay (1856-1921)
Grenville Norcross, 15 March 1909
Grenville Norcross, 3 June 1918
Grenville Norcross, 7 June 1918
Grenville Norcross, 27 April 1921
Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909)
Sylvester, A[lbert] J[ames} (1889-1989)
Reverend J. McIntosh Eckard, 8 October 1930
Sylvester, H. M.
George M. Currier, 30 July 1894
Taft, William Howard (1857-1930)
Max Rubin, 26 September 1921
Talbot, Thomas (1818-1895)
Otis Norcross, 17 May 1869
Otis Norcross, 1 May 1872
Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles-Maurice, 1st Prince of Benevento, Prince of Talleyrand (1754-1838)
31 July 1797
13 March 1799
Tallmadge, Benjamin (1754-1835)
Harmanus Bleeker, 7 September 1814
Taney, Roger Brooke (1777-1864)
Frederick A. Schley (includes printed material and transcript), 12 August 1834
Court summons, 24 May 1852
Tappan, Lewis (1788-1873)
Samuel E. Sewall, 18 October 1845
Samuel E. Sewall, 25 October 1845
Tarbell, Ida Minerva (1857-1944)
Mrs. Madden, 21 July 1915
Taylor, Bayard (1825-1878)
Powers, 4 May 1849
13 November 1871
Taylor, Charles Henry (1846-1921)
Grenville Norcross, 3 April 1935
Taylor, Nelson (1821-1894)
H. A. Smyth, 8 October 1866
Taylor, Tom (1817-1880)
Mr. Hill, 4 December 1879
Taylor, William Mackergo (1829-1895)
Plumer, 14 April 1874
Taylor, Zachary (1784-1850)
Thomas W. Ringgold, 15 September 1847
1 May 1848
Pardon for John Fisher, 9 February 1850
Taylor, Henry Moore (1880-1914)
Charles Roeser, 16 November 1882
Editor of The North American Review, 1 December 1898
Tempest, Marie (Mary Susan Etherington) (1864-1942)
Miss Townsend, 7 May 1892
Temple, Henry John, 3rd Viscount Palmerston (1784-1865)
Lord Stuart de Rothesay (includes transcript) 7 December 1830
Glenelg (includes transcript), 19 July 1835
Includes transcript, 13 June 1837
Tennant, [Emma Margaret] Margot (later Asquith, Countess of Oxford and Asquith) (1864-1945)
Mr. Colvin (includes typescript), 21 July 1886
Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron Tennyson (1809-1892)
Mr. Fields, 5 June 1867
Tennyson, Hallam, 2nd Baron Tennyson (1852-1928)
Mr. Fields, 16 January 1880
Terray, Joseph Marie (1715-1778)
15 May 1782
Terry, Alfred Howe (1827-1890)
Horatio Seymour, 27 March 1863
Terry, Ellen (1848-1928)
Miss Channing, 7 November 1884
Terry, Henry D[wight] (1812-1869)
A. S. Keene, 14 November 1863
Thackeray, Anne [Isabella], Lady Ritchie (1837-1919)
22 September 1877
Mrs. Alfred Hunt, July 1886
Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811-1863)
Charles Dickens, regarding Edmund Yates, 19 May 1858
James Watson, 29 December 1858
Thatcher, Henry Knox (1806-1880)
F. J. Merrick, 29 June 1864
Thaxter, Celia Laighton (1835-1894)
Mrs. Alexander, 5 July 1869
Mrs. Hastings, 17 September 1871
Thayer, James Bradley (1831-1902)
Otis Norcross, 7 February 1882
Thayer, William Roscoe (1859-1923)
Grenville Norcross, 8 November 1904
Grenville Norcross, 2 September 1905
Grenville Norcross, 11 July 1908
Grenville Norcross, 25 November 1912
Theirs, [Marie Joseph Louis] Adolphe (1797-1877)
8 February 1833
17 March 1861
Thomas, Benjamin Franklin (1813-1878)
Mr. Healey, 5 March 1877
Thomas, George Henry (1816-1870)
Deputy Surveyor, District of Arizona, 2 March 1870
Thomas, Isaiah (1749-1831)
16 November 1792
Estate bill for Ebenezer Larkin, 30 July 1814
Thomas, Lorenzo (1804-1875)
W. Fessenden, 27 September 1862
Thomas, Philip Francis (1810-1890)
Committee of City Property (Philadelphia), 18 June 1860
Thomas, R.
Editor of Journal, 15 November 1888
Thomas, Robert Bailey (1766-1846)
1 January 1844
Thomas, [Christian Friedrich] Theodore (1835-1905)
Mr. Eaton, 11 July 1901
Thompson, Benjamin, Count Rumford (1753-1814)
Cadell and Davies (includes transcript, photographic postcard of birthplace, and letter from L. Waldo Thompson to Grenville Norcross), 1 March 1802
Thompson, Charles P.
William P. Healy, 6 June 1878
Thompson, Denman (1833-1911)
Thompson, George Donisthorpe (1804-1878)
Includes transcript, 17 February 1851
Frank A. Killon, 17 February 1864
Thompson, Jacob (1810-1885)
Paulding, 21 October 1840
Thompson, Launt (1833-1894)
Huntington, 9 May 1876
Thompson, Smith (1768-1843)
13 May 1843
Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862)
Includes transcript, 20 June 1840
Thoreau, John (1787-1859)
George Stearns (includes transcript), 18 October 1833
Thorvaldsen, [Bertel] Albert (1770-1844)
24 August 1822
Thruston, Rogers Clark Ballard (1858-1946)
Grenville Norcross, 26 June 1930
Thurman, A[llen] G[ranberry] (1813-1895)
Bishop Bedell, 12 April 1880
Ticknor, Caroline (1866-1937)
Nellie Thompson, 17 April 1934
Ticknor, George (1791-1871)
Otis Norcross, 8 April 1867
Ticknor-Curtis, George (1812-1894)
12 August 1892
Tilden, Samuel Jones (1814-1886)
Smith, 17 September 1878
Tilton, Theodore (1835-1907)
Burrows, 14 February 1882
Tinkham, George Holden (1870-1956)
J. F. Munroe, 15 June 1929
Toler, John, 1st Earl of Norbury (1745-1831)
Burrows, 27 October 1823
Tompkins, Frank H[ector] (1847-1922)
Grenville Norcross, 13 May 1901
Grenville Norcross, undated
Tooke, John Horne (1736-1812)
Receipt, 17 March 1798
Toole, John Lawrence (1832-1906)
Mr. Buck, 2 November 1882
Toombs, Robert Augustus (1810-1885)
Pendleton, 21 June 1849
Thomas, 14 September 1853
Jenkins, 29 May 1874
Torrey, Bradford (1843-1912)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 5 April 1909
Torrey, H[enry} W[arren} (1814-1893)
23 February 1876
Joseph Healy, 8 December 1879
Otis Norcross, 11 October 1880
Grenville Norcross, 14 April 1886
Toucey, Isaac (1792-1869)
Tourgée, Albion Winegar (1838-1905)
Luther R. Marsh, 30 October 1883
Townsend, Edward Davis (1817-1893)
Postmaster, Philadelphia, 8 June 1863
Townshend, Charles (1725-1767)
Sir Jeffrey Amherst, undated
Tozzer, Alfred Marston (1877-1954)
Grenville Norcross, 1 March 1925
Tracey, Benjamin Franklin (1830-1915)
Ticket to the trial of Tilton vs. Beecher, Brooklyn, New York ca. 4 January-1 July 1875
Lewis J. Bird, 6 January 1893
Miss Myers, 29 December 1896
Train, George Francis (1829-1904)
November 1873
Tree, Ellen (later Kean) (1805-1880)
Theodore Sedgewick, 6 May 1838
Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm (1853-1917)
Mr. Hill, 12 December 1895
Tree, Lady [Helen] Maud [Holt] Beerbohm (1863-1937)
Trench, Richard Chenerix (1807-1886)
Lord Bishop of Winchester, 1 December 1853
Trenchard, John (1640-1695)
Also includes Henry Mildmay and Nicholas Love, 30 December 1651
Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, 2nd Baronet (1838-1928)
Edwin Arnold, 12 May 1882
Trézel, Camille Alphonse (1780-1860)
23 July 1847
Trollope, Anthony (1815-1882)
Fields, 4 January 1861
Trollope, Frances Eleanor (née Ternan) (1835-1914)
Trollope, T[homas] Adolphus (1810-1892)
Troubetzkoy, Amélie Rives (1863-1945)
Mr. Stoddard, 5 February 1898
Trowbridge, John (1843-1923)
W. V. Kellen, 22 February 1896
Trowbridge, John Townsend(1827-1916)
Mr. Johnson, 21 May 1908
Trumbull, Jonathan (1740-1809)
Richard Cookes, 9 June 1797
Elisha Colt, 14 September 1807
Tryon, William (1729-1788)
Evert Bancker, Jr.'s oath of allegiance to King George III, 24 January 1777
Tucker, John Randolph (1812-1883)
Lester W. Clark, 29 November 1893
Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley (1820-1890)
James Buchanan, 9 March 1857
Tucker, St. George (1752-1827)
Receipt from Dr. George Evans, 9 March 1786
Tucker, T[homas] T[udor] (1745-1828)
United States Treasury Draft No. 7775, 29 May 1824
Tuckerman, Henry Theodore (1813-1871)
9 June 1864
Tuckerman, Joseph (1 March 1811)
Joseph Story (includes transcript), 1 March 1811
Tudor, William (1779-1830)
Michael McClary regarding the Bunker Hill Monument Association, July 1823
Tupper, Martin Farquhar (1810-1889)
C. Lester, 26 April 1848
Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques (1727-1781)
25 October 1764
Turner, Frederick Jackson (1861-1932)
Grenville Norcross, 11 January 1911
Grenville Norcross, 6 May 1914
Turner, Ross Sterling (1847-1915)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 22 July 1899
24 December 1908
29 January 1914
21 March 1914
Tuttle, Julius H[erbert] (1857-1945)
Grenville Norcross, 14 May 1915
Grenville Norcross, 28 May 1915
Grenville Norcross, 4 May 1934
Tweed, William Magear ("Boss") (1823-1878)
Greene C. Bronson, April 1853
Twiggs, David Emanuel (1790-1862)
27 April 1837
Twiss, Horace (1787-1849)
Greene C. Bronson, 2 February 1825
Tyler, John (1790-1862)
Mr. Beeckman, 3 April 1849
Robert Tyler, 14 August 1860
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner (1853-1935)
Grenville Norcross, 13 September 1913
Grenville Norcross, 11 January 1915
Grenville Norcross, 26 January 1916
Grenville Norcross, 21 May 1917
Tyndall, John (1820-1893)
7 August 1855
Tyner, James Noble (1826-1904)
Colfax, 12 July 1866
Underwood, Virginia (1880-?)
Mr. Mitchell, 17 February 1931
Updike, Daniel Berkeley (1860-1941)
Grenville Norcross, 13 May 1932
Upshur, Abel Parker (1791-1844)
Grenville Norcross, 10 June 1820
R. Gilmor, 6 December 1841
Upton, Emory (1839-1881)
23 September 1874
Urso, Camilla (1842-1902)
18 November 1884
Usher, John Palmer (1816-1889)
24 June 1885
Vaillant, Jean-[Baptiste Philbert] (1790-1872)
15 December 1856
Van Buren, John (1810-1866)
Hoyt, 15 February 1839
Van Buren, Martin (1782-1862)
Benjamin W. Crowninshield; also includes Daniel D. Tompkins, John Taylor, A. Spencer, S. Young, Elisha Jenkins, Smith Thompson (includes transcript), 14 April 1815
Benjamin Butler (includes transcript), 25 July 1836
23 February 1841
Vance, Zebulon Baird (1830-1894)
Cousin Kate, 6 September 1854
Vane, Sir Henry (1613-1662)
Engraved illustration, undated
Van Rensselar, Stephen III (1726-1839)
H. G. Spafford (includes transcript), 23 March 1826
Van Wyck, Charles Henry (1824-1895)
8 April 1892
Vatimesnil, Antoine François Henri Lefebvre de (1789-1860)
10 March 1824
Vaughan, Cardinal Herbert (1832-1903)
15 January 1897
Vedder, Elihu (1836-1923)
Miss Myers, 1 January 1883
Includes sketch of woman's head, 1891
Verboeckhoven, Eugene J[oseph] (1799-1880)
16 May 1861
Julian Rosenblatt, 18 June 1878
Verdi, Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco (1813-1901)
4 August 1868
Vereshchagin, Vasily Vasilyevich (1842-1901)
5 December 1881
Vergennes, Charles Gravier (1717-1787)
23 May 1775
Vernet, Claude-Joseph (1714-1789)
7 August 1770
Vernet, [Emilie Jean-] Horace (1789-1863)
20 April 1855
Vertue, George (1684-1756)
Mr. Oldys, undated
Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1819-1901)
31 July 1837
17 May 1849
Petition for a betting house, 21 July 1885
Vidocq, Eugène François (1775-1857)
October 1833
Vilas, William Freeman (1840-1908)
Edward Foreman, 6 November 1890
Villard, Oswald Garrison (1872-1949)
James H. Carret, 2 January 1923
Villaret, [Louis-Thomas] (de Joyeuse) (1747-1812)
1 February 1808
Villele, Jean Baptiste (Joseph) [de] (1773-1854)
October 1823
Virchow, Rudolph (1821-1902)
26 April 1873
Vokes, Rosina (1854-1894)
5 February [no year]
Von Herdenberg, Karl August (1750-1822)
14 July 1800
Wade, Benjamin Franklin (1800-1898)
9 March 1856
Wadsworth, Benjamin (1670-1737)
List of marriages officiated between April 1705 and March 1706 (includes transcript), [1705/6]
Wadsworth, Reuben H[yde] (1788-1867)
G. C. Bronson, 30 June 1863
Wagner, [Wilhelm] Richard (1813-1888)
7 March 1853
Wainwright, Marie (1853-1923)
2 June [no year]
Waite, Morrison Remick (1816-1888)
R. F. Paine (includes transcript), 9 December 1863
10 September 1882
Waldegrave, James, 1st Earl (1684-1741)
4 February 1730
Waldron, Richard (1650-1730)
Minutes of Special Council, 1718
Walford, Lucy Bethia (Colquhoun) (1845-1915)
14 October 1888
Walker, Francis Amasa (1840-1897)
21 October 1890
Walker, James (1794-1874)
Fr. Gardner (includes transcript), 29 July 1853
Gift form for donation by Benjamin Peirce, 21 June 1854
Walker, John Grimes (1835-1907)
Percy A. Bridgham, 28 November 1889
Walker, Leroy Pope (1817-1884)
John Letcher, 7 August 1861
Walker, Robert John (1801-1869)
Nahum Capan, 14 September 1849
Wallace, Lewis (1827-1905)
Bartlett, 9 May 1885
Wallack, [John] Lester (1820-1888)
Theater contract for Charles Wyndham, 13 July 1869
Wallack, James William (1818-1873)
Dr. John Metcalf, 25 March 1873
Waller, Lewis (1860-1915)
1 November [no year]
Walley, Samuel H[urd] (1805-1877)
Otis Norcross, 20 January 1869
Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Oxford (1717-1797)
Thomas Astle (includes transcript), 6 April 1779
Includes transcript, engraved illustration, and biography, 23 February 1787
Walpole, Robert, 1st Earl of Oxford (1676-1745)
Order, repayment of loan on malt, 7 August 1716
Walsh, David I[gnatius] (1872-1947)
James M. Olmstead, 15 March 1924
James M. Olmstead, 24 January 1928
James M. Olmstead, 18 April 1930
James M. Olmstead, 25 July 1932
Walsingham, Sir Francis (1530-1590)
Walter, William (1737-1800)
28 October 1790
Wanamaker, John (1838-1922)
1 March 1895
Ward, Artemas, Jr. (1762-1847)
Certificate, 8 November 1831
Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1844-1911)
15 January 1873
10 April 1889
Laura Norcross Marrs, 9 August 1903
Ward, John Quincy Adams (1830-1910)
14 February 1896
Ward, J. W.
20 January 1808
Ward, Mary Augusta (Arnold) (1851-1920)
Will[iam] Thomas Arnold, 22 May 1893
Ward, Samuel (1814-1884)
Steadman, 25 November 1875
Warner, Charles Dudley (1829-1900)
Sarah H. Adams, undated
Grenville Norcross, 3 July 1872
Warren, Charles (1868-1954)
Delano Wight, 2 October 1935
Autographed copy of Contentment and Community Spirit: Address Delivered at the Tercentenary of the Town of Dedham, 20 September 1936
Warren, G[ouverneur] K[emble] (1830-1882)
12 September 1861
Warren, J[ohn] C[ollins] (1778-1856)
Dr. Channing, 27 January 1840
Warren, John Collins (1842-1927)
Grenville Norcross, 14 May 1907
Grenville Norcross, 12 September 1911
Grenville Norcross (includes newspaper clipping), 16 May 1918
Charles F. Read, 21 January 1924
Warren, Joseph (1741-1775)
Order of appointment to militia of Massachusetts Bay Colony; also includes Sam[uel] Freeman, 19 May 1775
Warren, Sir Peter (1703-1752)
Rendezvous locations, 30 August 1747
Warren, Samuel (1807-1877)
Warren, William (1812-1888)
Grenville Norcross, 27 November 1871
Warren, William Fairfield (1833-1929)
Mr. Clapp, 2 June 1888
Warren, Winslow (1838-1930)
Grenville Norcross, 19 May 1890
Grenville Norcross, 13 June 1924
Warwick, Sir Phillip (1609-1683)
Arthur Barkley, 10 July 1662
Washburn, Charles Grenfell (1857-1928)
Grenville Norcross, 20 December 1913
Washburn, Emory (1800-1877)
Thomas Gofford, 29 October 1858
Otis Norcross, 17 October 1867
Otis Norcross, 19 December 1867
W. W. Clapp, 2 February 1876
Mr. Healy, 7 December 1876
Otis Norcross, 27 September [no year]
Washburn, W[illiam] B[arrett] (1820-1887)
4 April 1873
Washburne, Elihu Benjamin (1816-1887)
Mr. Lincoln, 20 August 1863
Galliway, 18 November 1867
10 January 1880
Washington, Booker Taliaferro (1856-1915)
Grenville Norcross, 20 November 1897
Grenville Norcross, 1 October 1900
Grenville Norcross, 3 April 1902
Grenville Norcross, 4 September 1906
Washington, Bushrod (1762-1829)
Includes transcript, 1 February 1813
Washington, George (1732-1799)
Engraved illustration, 10 September 1757
10 July 1775
Includes transcript, 25 November 1779
Includes transcript, 30 July 1791
Waterston, R[obert] C[assie] (1812-1893)
Otis Norcross, 17 December 1866
Otis Norcross, 20 February 1867
Otis Norcross, 22 July 1880
Watson, John Crittenden (1842-1923)
Watson, William (1834-1915)
Mr. Gilder, [1896]
Grenville Norcross, 20 November 1907
Watterson, Henry (1840-1921)
Henry Smith, 13 February 1877
Watts, George Frederick (1820-1904)
Russell Scott, undated
Watts, T[homas] H[ill] (1819-1892)
H. Storm, 15 November 1873
Wayland, Frances (1796-1865)
George Otis, 2 September 1839
Webb, Alexander Stuart (1835-1911)
Norton, 19 March 1880
Webber, Samuel (1759-1810)
William Sullivan; refers to enclosure in folder 67, 6 December 1798
William Sullivan, includes enclosure referenced in the letter in folder 66, 6 December 1798
Webster, Daniel (1782-1852)
William Sullivan, 17 October 1814
Parker Cleaveland, 20 September 1842
Mr. Healy, 14 January 1844
Cashier's check from Merchant's Bank in the amount of $200.00, 21 October 1844
5 April 1849
26 September 1852
R. C. Winthrop (includes engraved illustration), undated
Webster, Fletcher (1813-1862)
John P. Healy, 6 November 1861
John P. Healy, 21 July 1862
Webster, Noah (1758-1843)
24 July 1837
Ebenezer Smith Thomas, 29 July 1840
Webster, Richard, 1st Viscount Alverstone (1842-1915)
1 March 1906
Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st Baron Loughborough, 1st Earl of Rosslyn (1733-1805)
21 September 1793
Weed, Thurlow (1797-1882)
Andrew Johnson, 26 June 1865
Weeks, John Wingate (1860-1926)
William V. Kellen, 11 December 1923
Walewski, Casimir
28 July 1838
Weir, John Ferguson (1841-1926)
5 April 1868
Welles, Gideon (1802-1878)
19 July 1862
Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-1852)
Mrs. Caton (includes transcript), 20 July 1818
Wells, David Ames (1828-1898)
Grenville Norcross, 18 February 1889
Wells, Carolyn (1862-1942)
Grenville Norcross, 24 November 1905
Wells, Kate Gannett (1838–1911)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 16 February 1902
Laura Norcross, 25 May [no year]
Wendell, Barrett (1855-1921)
Grenville Norcross, 17 May 1909
Grenville Norcross, 5 January 1913
Grenville Norcross, 3 June 1915
Wendell, Evert Jansen (1860-1917)
James R. Carrett, 17 July 1917
Wendell, O[liver] C[linton] (1845-1912)
W. W. Clapp, 21 August 1885
Wentworth, John (1737-1820)
Accounting, May 1773
Wesley, John (1703-1791)
William Strahan (includes engraved illustration), 26 January 1781
Westmacott, Richard (1799-1872)
10 June 1825
Weston, Richard, 1st Earl of Portland (1577-1634/1635)
24 February 1630/1
Includes engraved illustration, 1633
Weyman, Stanley John (1855-1928)
Dr. Macauley (includes transcript), 27 June [no year]
Wharton, Philip, Duke of Wharton (1698-1731)
Dr. Macauley (includes transcript), 7 March 1647/8
Wheaton, Henry (1785-1848)
Reynold, 24 April 1844
Wheeler, Alexander Strong (1820-1907)
Grenville Norcross, 12 October 1882
Grenville Norcross, 17 December 1902
Illustrated engraving, undated
Wheeler, Everett Pepperrell (1840-1925)
Wheeler, Joseph (1836-1906)
Joseph Gilder, 8 June 1902
Wheeler, William Almon (1819-1887)
13 January 1879
Wheelwright, John T[yler] (1856-1925)
Grenville Norcross, 2 February 1901
Whipple, Edwin Percy (1819-1886)
Anna Cora Mowatt, 28 May 1844
6 October 1855
Whipple, Henry Benjamin (1822-1901)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 1899
Whitbread, Samuel (1758-1815)
27 June 1802
3 December 1806
White, Andrew Dickson (1832-1918)
R. N. Johnson, 17 March 1890
Miss Farrell, 16 July 1892
White, Henry (1850-1927)
18 September 1886
White, John Williams (1849-1917)
Grenville Norcross, 8 December 1890
White, Richard Grant (1821-1885)
Mr. Lane, 16 March 1875
White, William O[rne] (1821-1911)
Otis Norcross, 13 July 1869
Whitelocke, Bulstrode (1605-1676)
Warrant, also includes Tho[ma]s Widdrington, 26 February 1655
Whitlock, Brand (1869-1934)
Governor Campbell, 25 November 1907
Whitman, Allan H[iram] (1878-1952)
Grenville Norcross, 20 June 1932
Whitman, Walt (1819-1891)
H. B. Sanborn, 14 November 1882
Whitney, Adeline Dutton Train (1824-1906)
19 February 1879
Whitney, Anne (1821-1915)
21 October 1885
Whitney, William Collins (1841-1904)
Phelps, 5 April 1878
Whitney, William Dwight (1827-1894)
James A. Harrison, 24 November 1877
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892)
Samuel E. Sewall, 8 August 1837
Samuel E. Sewall, [1870]
4 December 1880
Whymper, Charles (1853-1941)
Laura Norcross Marrs, 22 February 1910
Laura Norcross Marrs, 27 March 1923
Whymper, Edward (1840-1911)
Fred, 10 December 1874
Whymper, Frederick (1838-1901)
H. Edwards, 7 November 1870
Whyte, William Pinkney (1824-1908)
H. Howland, 2 September 1891
Whyte-Melville, George John (1821-1878)
19 December 1869
Wickersham, George Woodward (1858-1936)
Charles R. McClure, 26 June 1911
Grenville Norcross (misspelled as Mrs. Glenville Norcross), 18 December 1929
Wickliffe, Charles Anderson (1788-1869)
29 June 1840
Mr. Harmon, 8 July 1865
Wigfall, Louis Trezevant (1816-1874)
John (includes transcript), 3 December 1854
Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith (1836-1923)
Includes photographic postcards, 11 July 1920
Mrs. Sanborne, undated
Wight, Moses (1827–1895)
Grenville Norcross, 5 December 1871
Wightman, Joseph Milner (1812-1885)
Horace B. Sargent, 8 March 1858
W. W. Clapp, 19 November 1877
Wilburforce, William (1759-1855)
Samuel Jackson Pratt (includes transcript and engraved illustration), 5 December 1795
Wilbur, James B[enjamin] (1856-1929)
Mr. Kellen, 19 November 1928
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler (1850-1919)
Wilde, Oscar (1856-1900)
[4 April 1881]
Presenting compliments to Christina Rossetti, undated
Wilkes, Charles (1798-1877)
David Levy Yulee (includes transcript), 15 December 1848
Wilkie, Sir David (1785-1841)
James Russell, 29 December 1824
Wilkins, Mary E[leanor] (later Freeman) (1852-1930)
Miss Birch, 16 September 1885
Wilkins, William (1779-1865)
Mr. Randall, 15 November 1860
Wilkinson, James (1757-1825)
Captain Allen, 30 August 1812
Willard, Edward S[mith] (1853-1915)
22 August 1894
Willard, Emma (1787-1870)
Major General George H. Thomas, 9 June 1866
Willard, Joseph (1738-1804)
12 February 1773
Dr. John Warren, 27 August 1881
Willcock, John (1853-1931)
Includes obituary, 24 December 1915
Grenville Norcross, 5 January 1920
Grenville Norcross, 16 January 1923
Grenville Norcross (transcript copies), 11 June 1924
Grenville Norcross, 19 March 1926
Grenville Norcross (includes postcard), 17 December 1928
Grenville Norcross, 19 September 1930
William III (William Henry; William of Orange) (1650-1702)
Also includes Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, 8 February 1695
William IV (William Henry), King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and King of Hanover (1765-1837)
Lady Frances Anne Maude (née Agar), Viscountess Hawarden (also signed by Bernard Howard, 12th Duke of Norfolk), 2 August 1831
Williams, Alyn (1865-1941)
1 August 1897
Williams, George Fred (1852-1932)
Otis Norcross, 16 October 1882
Mr. Bridham, 21 January 1885
Williams, John Joseph (1822-1907)
Otis Norcross, 29 January 1880
7 May 1880
Willis, Nathaniel Parker (1806-1867)
Abraham Lincoln, 15 September 1861
28 October 1863
Wilmot, David (1814-1868)
Mercer, 1 December 1861
Wilson, Sir Daniel (1816-1892)
J. H. Blake, 8 June 1861
Wilson, Francis (1854-1935)
Mr. Cook, 5 December 1925
Wilson, Henry (1812-1875)
Stansbury (includes transcript), 8 May 1851
Edward Jarvis, 14 January 1858
Samuel E Sewell (transcript copy only), 10 December 1859
General Babcock (includes transcript), 14 May 1869
Wilson, James Grant (1832-1914)
14 February 1893
Includes photograph, 11 October 1865
Wilson, John (1785-1854)
21 January [1828?]
Wilson, William Lyne (1843-1900)
Carruth, 30 March 1892
Wilson, [Thomas] Woodrow (1856-1924)
Reverend Samuel A. Harlow, 6 December 1913
Winder, John Henry (1800-1865)
14 November 1863
Windom, William (1827-1891)
Colfax, 10 January 1877
Winkley, S[amuel] H[obart] (1819-1911)
Laura Norcross, 17 January 1874
Winlock, Joseph (1826-1875)
S. E. Hilgard, 21 November 1871
Winship, George Parker (1879-1952)
Grenville Norcross, 10 March 1905
Grenville Norcross, 12 May 1909
Winslow, E. D.
Grenville Norcross, 23 October 1873
Hapgood, 4 August 1875
Winslow, Isaac (ca. 1671-1738)
29 November 1736
Winsor, Justin (1831-1897)
Hart, 14 December 1891
Winter, William (1836-1917)
J. B. Noyes, 13 February 1855
Mary N. Myers, 21 January 1882
George May Elwood, 28 October 1897
Winthrop, Adam (1676-1743)
Also includes John Ballantine, 7 April 1730
Winthrop, Frederic (1906-1979)
Grenville Norcross, 29 May 1912
Grenville Norcross, 8 June 1930
Winthrop, John (1588-1649)
Concerning sales of beer and wine at common houses of entertainment (includes transcript), 28 March 1647
Winthrop, John Still (1720-1776)
9 July 1773
Winthrop, Robert Charles (1809-1894)
Receipt of A. W. Grant, 5 December 1835
S. J. Austin, 2 September 1836
Grenville Norcross, 15 February 1876
Grenville Norcross, 12 October 1877
Grenville Norcross, 17 September 1883
Grenville Norcross, 18 April 1885
Grenville Norcross, 12 April 1886
Grenville Norcross, undated
Winthrop, Theodore (1828-1861)
Wirt, William (1772-1834)
White, 1 January 1827
Wise, Henry Alexander (1806-1876)
Robert Lyler, 28 October 1856
30 November 1875
Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen (1802-1865)
J. Fitz Clarence, 16 August 1830
Wister, Owen (1860-1938)
J. Fitz Clarence, 8 April 1911
Wolcott, Oliver (1760-1833)
Nathaniel Appleton, 12 January 1797
United States Treasury receipt for William Tuck, 29 August 1800
Wolcott, Roger (1847-1900)
Otis Norcross III, 16 November 1896
Grenville Norcross, 15 January 1897
Grenville Norcross, 10 May 1897
Wolkins, George G[regerson] (1878-1951)
Grenville Norcross, 13 February 1921
Grenville Norcross, 9 January 1925
Wolseley, Garnet, 1st Viscount Wolseley (1833-1913)
12 May 1887
Wood, Charles, 1st Viscount Halifax (1800-1885)
29 October [1851]
Wood, Ellen Price (1814-1887)
B. Webster, 5 May 1863
Wood, Fernando (1812-1881)
License for H. Pinkerton's public cart, New York City, 3 November 1856
28 September 1861
Wood, G. W.
Andrew Jackson, 19 November 1834
Wood, Leonard (1860-1927)
Jack, 13 January 1899
Woodbury, John
Grenville Norcross, 18 December 1926
Woodbury, Levi (1789-1851)
22 June 1835
18 February 1842
Wooddy, Richard
Also includes Robert Homan, E. Fisher, Bendell, 20 November 1661
Woodford, Stewart Lyndon (1825-1913)
9 March 1900
Wool, John Ellis (1784-1869)
William Bayliss, 15 June 1834
Horatio Seymour, 15 March 1863
Woolson, Constance Fenimor
James Osgood, 22 October [1875?]
Worcester, Joseph Emerson (1784-1865)
Richard Fletcher, 9 January 1860
Richard Fletcher, 8 November 1862
Worden, John Lorimer (1818-1897)
16 November [no year]
Worth, William Jenkins (1794-1849)
17 July 1834
Wright, Elizur (1804-1885)
Samuel E. Sewall, 26 February 1836
Wright, Silas (1795-1847)
Edward P. De Marcellini, 21 June 1841
Wright, William Burnet (1838-1924)
Grenville Norcross, 6 April 1885
Wriothesley, Thomas, 4th Earl of Southampton (1607-1667)
4 January 1665
Wyman, Jeffries (1814-1874)
Mr. Brown, 10 December 1860
Wyndham, Charles, 2nd Earl of Egremont (1710-1763)
27 November 1762
Wyndham, Sir Charles (Charles Culverwell) (1837-1919)
Colonel Buell, 28 November 1882
Wyndham, George O['Brien], 3rd Earl of Egremont (1751-1837)
Viscount Melbourne, 1 February 1831
Yates, Edmund (1831-1894)
21 November 1872
15 November 1889
Yonge, Charlotte Mary (1823-1901)
26 July 1884
Yonge, Sir William, 4th Baronet of Escot House (1693-1755)
Also includes Charles Turner and George Baille, 30 June 1724
Yorke, Philip, 1st Earl of Hardwicke (1690-1764)
9 May 1721
14 April 1737
10 December 1753
29 September 1763
Young, Alexander (1800-1854)
Mr. Bridge, 23 January 1845
Young, Brigham (1801-1877)
6 October 1853
Young, Edward J.
Grenville Norcross, 2 February 1905
Zakrzewska, Marie Elizabeth (1829-1902)
Laura Norcross, 20 October 1896
Zerrahn, Carl (1826-1909)
Mr. Hagen, 26 February 1884
Mr. Hagen, 5 December 1891
Zola, Emile (1840-1902)
Duret (includes transcription), 29 December 1884
Zollicoffer, Felix Kirk (1812-1862)
James Buchanan, 15 February 1858
III. Group autographs, undated, 1757-1878
Arranged alphabetically.
This series contains signatures of groups.
Committee of Conference, 1878
Council, Massachusetts Bay, 1779
Massachusetts Council, 1757
Massachusetts Federal Senators and Representatives, 1841
Musicians (including Johann Strauss, Minna Peschka-Leutner, Hermine Küchenmeister-Rudersdorf, Arabella Goddard), undated
IV. Unidentified autographs, 1561-1932
Arranged chronologically.
This series contains unidentified autographs in chronological order.
14 September 1561
V. Oversize autographs, 1622-1914
Arranged alphabetically.
Adams, John (1735-1826)
Appointment of Samuel Robert Marshall to United States Surgeon, 13 January 1800
Adams, John Quincy (1767-1848)
Passage for brig Onslo, 11 April 1821
Adams, Samuel (1722-1803)
Appointment of Samuel Thompson of Woburn, Massachusetts, as justice in Middlesex County, 3 July 1795
Ainslee, George [Robert] (1776–1839)
5 May 1797
Ames, Oliver (1831-1895)
Appointment of David P. Kimball as director of the Fitchburg (Massachusetts) Railroad Company, 9 March 1887
Appointment of David P. Kimball to the board of trustees of Massachusetts General Hospital, 8 February 1888
Appointment of Peter Walsh to supervisor of Precinct 3, Ward 6, Boston, 20 November 1889
Andrew, John A[lbion] (1818-1867)
Appointment of Charles K. Dillaway to Suffolk County justice of the peace, 7 December 1861
Appointment of John Healy to Massachusetts justice of the peace, 16 December 1861
Appointment of William J. Bowditch to Middlesex and Norfolk Counties justice of the peace, 29 May 1862
An Act in Relation to State Charitable and Correctional Institutions, 30 September 1863
Certification of Ichabod Howland as recruitment agent, 22 November 1864
Appointment of Ichabod Howland to Suffolk County justice of the peace, 23 December 1864
Certification of James Homer as recruitment agent, 4 March 1865
Andros, Edmund (1637-1714)
12 September 1688
Anne, Queen of England (1665-1714)
Sidney Earl of Godolphin (includes transcript), 8 July 1710
Arthur, Chester A[lan] (1829-1886)
Appointment of Calvin B. Walker of Richmond, Indiana, to Deputy Commissioner of Pensions, 6 October 1881
Avarna, Carlo, Duke of Gualtieri (1757-1836)
23 March 1818
Bayard, Thomas F[rancis] (1828-1898)
Passport for Edwin Howland, 28 January 1886
Belcher, Jonathan (1681/2-1757)
1 December 1730
Appointment of Thomas Bowan to major of First Regiment, Bristol County, 25 April 1732
Bernard, Sir Francis, 1st Baronet (1712-1779)
5 November 1761
Bonaparte, Napoleon (1769-1821)
29 November 1804
Boutwell, George S[ewall] (1818-1905)
Appointment of Nathan Appleton to Suffolk County justice of the peace, 15 July 1851
Appointment of John D. Sweet to Suffolk County justice of the peace, 7 April 1852
Bowdoin, James II (1726-1790)
Provision of registers to vessels, particularly in regards to the Schooner Hannah, mastered by Richard Ober, 2 September 1785
Brackett, John Q[uincy] A[dams] (1842-1918)
Appointment of Arthur H. Frost to lieutenant-governor, 7 July 1888
Appointment of David P. Kimball to the board of trustees of Massachusetts General Hospital, 12 February 1890
Brooks, John (1752-1825)
Appointment of David G. W. Cobb as Bristol County justice of the peace, 13 February 1818
Brougham, Lord Henry [Peter], 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868)
Petition of Joseph Smith v. Benjamin Kent, 28 May 1832
Letter presented to Mrs. Ford (includes newspaper clipping and signed, engraved illustration), 12 October 1865
Brown, Mather (1761-1831)
Agreement between Brown and Nathaniel Noyes, 20 January 1802
Buchanan, James (1791-1868)
Appointment of Henry Owner of California as consul for Tahiti and Independent Society Islands, 20 July 1857
Buckingham, William A[lfred] (1804-1875)
Appointment of David P. Kimball as commissioner, 28 March 1860
Bullock, Alexander H[amilton] (1816-1882)
Appointment of Bradley M. Clark as Middlesex County justice of the peace, 13 February 1868
Summons to Otis Norcross to General Court, 20 November 1868
Burgoyne, John (1722-1792)
15 December 1788
Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715
12 October 1704
Burnet, W[illiam] (1687-1688-1729)
Includes transcript, 11 April 1729
Capell, Arthur, 1st Earl of Essex (1631-1683)
26 June 1679
Caner, Henry (1700-1793)
5 October 1764
Cecil, Sir Robert, Earl of Salisbury (1563-1612)
Engraved illustration, undated
Cincinnatus, New York $500 bond
No autograph, 1 September 1900
Claflin, William (1818-1905)
Appointment of Otis Norcross as Massachusetts justice of the peace, 19 January 1869
Clinton, Henry (1730-1795)
Appointment of Thomas Fraser as major to the South Carolina Royalists, 10 August 1780
Coote, Richard, 1st Earl Bellomont (The Lord Coote) (1636-1700/1)
4 October 1699
Cox, Jacob D[olson] (1828-1900)
Appointment of David P. Kimball as commissioner of deeds, 24 June 1867
Crane, W[inthrop] Murray (1853-1920)
Appointment of Grenville Norcross as Massachusetts justice of the peace, 9 May 1900
Appointment of Otis Norcross III as Massachusetts justice of the peace, 4 September 1901
Craven, William, Earl of Craven (1608-1697)
12 September 1682
Darby, Sam[ue]l (1760-1822)
Muster roll, 14th Massachusetts, 31 December 1780
Davis, John (1787-1854)
An Act to Establish County Commissioners appointing Caleb Butler, 31 March 1834
Douglas, William L[ewis] (1845-1924)
Appointment of Delano Wight as Massachusetts justice of the peace, 18 January 1905
Draper, Eben S[umner] (1858-1914)
Appointment of Richard H. MacDonald as a notary public, 2 March 1910
Dexter, Samuel (1761-1816)
Letter to Bezaleel Howard, 27 April 1784
Dummer, William (1677-1761)
2 September 1725
Egerton, Francis, 3rd Duke of Bridgewater (1736-1805)
21 December 1779
Eliot, George [Augustus], 1st Baron Heathfield (1717-1790)
Letter to Sir Porter, 8 March 1776
Eustis, W[illiam] (1753-1825)
Appointment of William Eaton as Worcester County justice of the peace, 17 February 1824
Everett, Edward (1794-1865)
Passport for Robert H. Eddy, 26 September 1838
Appointment of Benjamin Ricketson to branch pilot for Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Shoals, 14 December 1838
Foss, Eugene N[oble] (1858-1939)
Appointment of Delano Wight as Massachusetts justice of the peace, 17 January 1912
Appointment of Delano Wight as a notary public, 1 January 1913
Fourcroy, Antoine Francois (1755-1809)
Fox, Henry E[dward] (1755-1811)
Payroll for officers at the garrison at Gibraltar, 25 March 1806
Francis (Francois) I (1494-1547)
18 July 1525
Gaston, William (1820-1894)
Appointment of John P. Healy as Massachusetts justice of the peace, 30 November 1875
Gelston, David (1744-1828)
Certificate of ownership for Frederick A. Kleine's ship, Gilbert, mastered by Benjamin Aydelotte, 14 September 1807
George II, King of England (1683-1760)
Letter to Henry Fox, 10 July 1754
5 April 1750
George III, King of England (1738-1820)
15 May 1761
10 August 1764
28 October 1794
1 September 1805
1 January 1812
25 February 1813
Gill, Moses (1733-1800)
Appointment of Prentiss Mellon as justice of the peace for York County, 31 January 1800
Gravier, Charles, Comte de Vergennes (1719-1787)
29 November 1784
Great Britain Army, 102nd Regiment of Foot
Payroll, January-February 1813
Grenville, George (1712-1770)
12 October 1752
9 May 1764
Greenhalge, Frederic T[homas]
Appointment of David P. Kimball to board of trustees of Massachusetts General Hospital, 7 February 1895
Guild, Curtis, Jr. (1860-1915)
Appointment of Delano Wight as a notary public, 11 January 1906
Appointment of Grenville Norcross as Massachusetts justice of the peace, 1 May 1907
Henry, Patrick (1736-1799)
23 February 1786
Hancock, John (1737-1793)
Appointment of John Fisk to second ensign in the Regiment of Foot, 15 April 1776
Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804-1864)
Roster of Mariners shipped to Liverpool from Boston en route to Bombay, 17 April 1856
Herschell, Farrer, 1st Baron Herschell (1837-1899)
Patent for bottle stoppers for Benedict Zibach and Edward Samuel Friedeberg, 13 January 1881
Houston, Samuel (1793-1863)
Appointment of David P. Kimball as commissioner for the state of Texas, 29 January 1860
Howard, Charles, 1st Earl of Nottingham (1536-1624)
1 January 1608/9
Howard, Henry, Duke of Norfolk (1628-1684)
20 September 1682
Howard, Henry, 1st Earl of Northampton (1540-1614)
Engraved illustration, undated
Howard, Robert (1626-1698)
6 January 1659/60
Jackson, Andrew (1767-1845)
27 April 1832
Patent for Nathan Reed for railroad improvements, 31 March 1836
James I, King of England and Ireland (1566-1625)
3 December 1622
James II, King of England and Ireland (1633-1701)
16 May 1685
Jenkinson, Robert B[anks] (1770-1828)
Also signed by George III, 25 August 1809
Johnson, Andrew (1808-1875)
Appointment of John Lee Conte as commissioner for the Universal Exhibition in Paris, 12 March 1867
Jourdan, Jean Baptiste, Comte (1762-1863)
22 May 1801
Kauffman, Angelica (1741-1807)
Letter to Alderman Beydell, 8 November 1788
Kemble, Charles (1775-1854)
Contract with Matthew Simcock, 12 September 1822
Knox, Philander C[hase] (1853-1921)
Passport for Caroline F. Sanborn, 27 August 1911
Leopold I of Belgium (1790-1865)
Croix de Fer (Iron Cross) medal certificate, 25 September 1836
Lincoln, Levi, Jr. (1782-1868)
Appointment of Caleb Butler as commissioner of highways, 4 March 1826
Appointment of David G. W. Cobb as Bristol County justice of the peace, 25 January 1832
Appointment of Samuel Crocker as Bristol County justice of the peace, 26 January 1832
Long, John D[avis] (1838-1915)
Appointment of Otis Norcross as Massachusetts justice of the peace, 14 September 1880
Louis XIV, King of France (1638-1715)
9 April 1649
Louis XVI, King of France and Navarre (1754-1793)
24 January 1790
Lowe, Ralph P[hillips] (1805-1883)
Appointment of David P. Kimball as commissioner to state of Iowa, 5 June 1888
Lyman, Theodore II (1792-1849)
7 June 1834
27 June 1834
Madison, James (1751-1836)
Permission for brig Nabby to transport fish, flour, and tobacco to Cayenne, French Guiana, 24 February 1810
Permission for schooner Fish Hawk to transport beef, candles, fish, flour, hames, rice, and soap to Lisbon, Portugal, 26 July 1810
Nomination of James Percival as lieutenant in the United States Navy, 9 December 1814
Passage for schooner Mary Ann of Warren, 8 June 1815
Maskelyne, Nevil (1732-1811)
30 July 1765
Massachusetts Council
Account of the travel and attendance of the members of the Massachusetts Council, 27 August 1776
Appointment of Nathaniel Plumer as second lieutenant, 10 December 1776
Permission for the brig Friendship to transport grain and flour from to Baltimore, 7 August 1778
Merrill, Lot M[yrick] (1813-1883)
Appointment of David P. Kimball as commissioner for the state of Maine, 26 March 1860
Mifflin, Thomas (1744-1800)
Land deed, 29 March 1794
Molyneux, Caryll, 3rd Viscount Molyneux (1623/4-1700)
8 November 1677
Monck, George, 1st Duke of Albemarle (1608-1670)
Engraved illustration, undated
Monroe, James (1758-1831)
Appointment of Levi Prescott as private in Ninth Regiment of Infantry, 6 May 1812
Montgomery, James (1771-1854)
29 April 1839
Morton, Marcus (1784-1864)
"An Act to Establish Essex Bank," 16 June 1843
North, Frederick, 2nd Earl of Guilford (1732-1792)
17 July 1773
Osborne, Thomas (1632-1712)
Oxenden, George (1620-1669)
7 June 1729
Parker, Joel (1816-1888)
Appointment of David P. Kimball as commissioner for the state of New Jersey, 18 February 1864
Pelham, Henry (1694-1754)
21 May 1751
Phillips, Stephen C[larendon] (1801-1857)
Document regarding opposition to the annexation of Texas (no signature), 25 June 1845
Porter, David (1780-1843)
21 February 1806
Pownall, Thomas (1722-1805)
Appointment of Joseph Cottin as justice of the peace for Massachusetts Bay, 19 December 1759
Prior, Matthew (1664-1721)
Includes transcript and engraved illustrations, 20 April 1703
Randall, Alexander W[illiams] (1819-1872)
Appointment of David P. Kimball as commissioner for the state of Wisconsin, 1 March 1856
Robinson, George D[exter] (1834-1896)
Appointment of Grenville Norcross as Massachusetts justice of the peace, 19 May 1886
Russell, William E[ustis] (1857-1896)
Appointment of Grenville Norcross as Massachusetts justice of the peace, 11 May 1893
Sackville, Thomas, 1st Earl of Dorset (1536-1608)
Engraved illustration, 1607
Sheffield, John, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normandy (1648-1721)
2 June 1704/5
Seymour, Horatio (1810-1886)
Appointment of Edwin A. Alger of Lowell as commissioner for the state of New York, 7 April 1863
Shirley, William (1694-1771)
Appointment of Thomas Bowon as justice of the peace for Massachusetts Bay, 15 April 1748
Shute, Samuel (1662-1742)
Appointment of Samuel Smith to lieutenant of the Company of Foot in the town of Medfield, 2 September 1717
Somers, John, 1st Baron Somers (1651-1716)
27 August 1696
Spencer, John Charles, 3rd Earl of Spencer (1782-1845)
30 September 1806
Spencer, Robert, 2nd Earl of Sunderland (1641-1702)
Includes engraved illustration, 18 May 1688
Strong, Caleb (1745-1819)
Appointment of Joseph Williams as lieutenant in the militia of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 3 December 1814
Appointment of Samuel Crocker as Bristol County justice of the peace, 16 February 1816
Sullivan, James (1744-1808)
Appointment of Daniel Stockbridge of Hanover as justice of the peace for Plymouth County, 2 July 1808
Sumner, Increase (1746-1799)
Appointment of Samuel Hodges as lieutenant in the militia of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 19 March 1798
Talbot, Thomas (1818-1885)
Appointment of Grenville Norcross as Suffolk County justice of the peace, 4 June 1879
Tyler, John (1790-1862)
Appointment of John Percival as captain of the United States Navy, 9 September 1841
United States Army
Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry acknowledgement of clothing received, 1 February 1864
Wake, William (1657-1737)
October 1720
Walpole, Robert, 1st Earl of Oxford (1676-1745)
January 1727
Walpole, Robert, 2nd Earl of Oxford (1701-1751)
4 June 1749
Walsh, David I[gnatius] (1872-1947)
Appointment of Grenville Norcross as justice of the peace, 22 April 1914
Washburn, William B[arrett] (1820-1887)
Appointment of Otis Norcross as justice of the peace, 25 September 1873
Webster, Daniel (1782-1852)
Indenture between Henry Greenough and Daniel Webster, 1 October 1843
Passport for Andrew Thorndike, 14 August 1852
Wells, Charles (1786-1866)
Land deed, Thomas Fitzpatrick, 15 August 1833
Wentworth, John, 1st Baronet (1737-1820)
Muster roll, 10 August 1778
Wharton, Richard
William III, King of England (1650-1702)
28 February 1694
William IV, King of England (1765-1837)
1 August 1836
William I, Emperor of Germany (1797-1888)
18 October 1861
Wilmington, Thomas (1696-1746)
2 November 1738
Winthrop, Thomas L[indall] (1760-1841)
Deed of land in State Street from John M. Lane to Sarah Waldo, 3 September 1803
Wolcott, Roger (1847-1900)
Appointment of William Hart as Massachusetts justice of the peace, 30 March 1898
VI. Printed material, undated, 1868-1937
Arranged alphabetically.
Bunker Hill miscellany, 1930
Documents and ephemera, undated, 1868-1937
Merrymount Press, 1930, 1932
The Presidents from 1789-1908, 1908
Preferred Citation
Grenville H. Norcross autograph collection, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.